Picasa Importer =============== This is a working Perkeep importer for Picasa. So far it can import all photos but not their metadata. To use: 1) Retrieve an api credential from a project of you from https://console.developers.google.com/ Select/create a project, then under APIs & auth / Credentials, create a new web application client id. 2a) Start the devcam server with picasakey flag: $ devcam server -verbose -picasakey='Client ID:Client secret' 2b) Place the Client ID and the Client secret in your (low-level) server-config.json: "/importer-picasa/": { "handler": "importer-picasa", "handlerArgs": { "apiKey": "Client ID:Client secret" } }, and start your camlistore server. 3) Navigate to http:///importer-picasa/start and authorize the app to manage your Photos. 4) Watch import progress on the command line (start devcam with -verbose flag). TODO ---- * The used OAuth2 scope is for managing (read & modify) photos, but this needs only read rights. Is a stricter scope available? * The album's author name is not used yet, and the album's short name is needed. * Picasa Web dumps a lot of metadata on us. Which would be usable? See https://perkeep.org/issue/391