Tests now pass on Go and App Engine.

This commit is contained in:
Brad Fitzpatrick 2010-12-16 18:55:47 -08:00
parent b4654b132f
commit fb05cf950a
1 changed files with 29 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -70,12 +70,24 @@ sub post {
sub upload_request {
my ($self, $upload_url, $blobref_to_blob_map) = @_;
my @content;
my $n = 0;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$blobref_to_blob_map) {
# TODO: the App Engine client refused to work unless the Content-Type
# is set. This should be clarified in the docs (MUST?) and update the
# test suite and Go server accordingly (to fail if not present).
push @content, $key => [
undef, "filename$n",
"Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream",
Content => $blobref_to_blob_map->{$key},
return POST($upload_url,
"Content_Type" => 'form-data',
"Authorization" => "Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0", # test:test
Content => [
Content => \@content);
sub get {
@ -173,7 +185,7 @@ sub test_preupload_and_upload {
"blob1" => $blobref,
my $jres = $self->get_json($req, "valid preupload");
print STDERR "preupload response: ", Dumper($jres);
diag("preupload response: " . Dumper($jres));
ok($jres, "valid preupload JSON response");
for my $f (qw(alreadyHave maxUploadSize uploadUrl uploadUrlExpirationSeconds)) {
ok(defined($jres->{$f}), "required field '$f' present");
@ -185,12 +197,15 @@ sub test_preupload_and_upload {
like($jres->{uploadUrlExpirationSeconds}, qr/^\d+$/, "uploadUrlExpirationSeconds is numeric");
my $upload_url = URI::URL->new($jres->{uploadUrl});
ok($upload_url, "valid uploadUrl");
# TODO: are relative URLs allowed in uploadUrl?
# TODO: test & clarify in spec: are relative URLs allowed in uploadUrl?
# App Engine seems to do it already, and makes it easier, so probably
# best to clarify that they're relative.
# Do the actual upload
my $upreq = $self->upload_request($upload_url, {
$blobref => $blob,
diag("upload request: " . $upreq->as_string);
my $upres = $self->get_upload_json($upreq);
ok($upres, "Upload was success");
print STDERR "# upload response: ", Dumper($upres);
@ -286,6 +301,7 @@ sub DESTROY {
package Impl::AppEngine;
use base 'Impl';
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Time::HiRes ();
sub start {
my $self = shift;
@ -301,7 +317,7 @@ sub start {
$self->{_tempdir_blobstore_obj} = File::Temp->newdir();
$self->{_tempdir_datastore_obj} = File::Temp->newdir();
my $datapath = $self->{_tempdir_blobstore_obj}->dirname . "/needs-to-be-a-file";
my $datapath = $self->{_tempdir_blobstore_obj}->dirname . "/datastore-file";
my $blobdir = $self->{_tempdir_datastore_obj}->dirname;
my $port;
@ -337,14 +353,19 @@ sub start {
$self->{pid} = $pid;
my $last_print = 0;
for (1..15) {
print STDERR "# Waiting for appengine app to start...\n";
my $now = time();
if ($now != $last_print) {
print STDERR "# Waiting for appengine app to start...\n";
$last_print = $now;
my $res = $self->ua->request($self->get("/"));
if ($res && $res->is_success) {
print STDERR "# Up.";
return 1;