mirror of https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep.git
images: fix potential crash after decode failure
Change-Id: Ifcf2a09af5a50728bc0b7a9d2208c2580c7c4271
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ type Config struct {
Modified bool // true if Decode actually rotated or flipped the image.
func (c *Config) setBounds(im image.Image) {
if im != nil {
c.Width = im.Bounds().Dx()
c.Height = im.Bounds().Dy()
func rotate(im image.Image, angle int) image.Image {
var rotated *image.NRGBA
// trigonometric (i.e counter clock-wise)
@ -181,6 +188,7 @@ func imageDebug(msg string) {
// image was actually flipped or rotated.
// If opts is nil, the defaults are used.
func Decode(r io.Reader, opts *DecodeOpts) (image.Image, Config, error) {
var c Config
var buf bytes.Buffer
tr := io.TeeReader(io.LimitReader(r, 2<<20), &buf)
angle := 0
@ -190,24 +198,16 @@ func Decode(r io.Reader, opts *DecodeOpts) (image.Image, Config, error) {
if err != nil {
imageDebug("No valid EXIF; will not rotate or flip.")
im, format, err := image.Decode(io.MultiReader(&buf, r))
c := Config{
Width: im.Bounds().Dx(),
Height: im.Bounds().Dy(),
Format: format,
Modified: false,
c.Format = format
return im, c, err
tag, err := ex.Get(exif.Orientation)
if err != nil {
imageDebug("No \"Orientation\" tag in EXIF; will not rotate or flip.")
im, format, err := image.Decode(io.MultiReader(&buf, r))
c := Config{
Width: im.Bounds().Dx(),
Height: im.Bounds().Dy(),
Format: format,
Modified: false,
c.Format = format
return im, c, err
orient := tag.Val[1]
@ -237,32 +237,29 @@ func Decode(r io.Reader, opts *DecodeOpts) (image.Image, Config, error) {
var ok bool
angle, ok = opts.Rotate.(int)
if !ok {
return nil, Config{}, fmt.Errorf("Rotate should be an int, not a %T", opts.Rotate)
return nil, c, fmt.Errorf("Rotate should be an int, not a %T", opts.Rotate)
if opts.forcedFlip() {
var ok bool
flipMode, ok = opts.Flip.(FlipDirection)
if !ok {
return nil, Config{}, fmt.Errorf("Flip should be a FlipDirection, not a %T", opts.Flip)
return nil, c, fmt.Errorf("Flip should be a FlipDirection, not a %T", opts.Flip)
im, err := jpeg.Decode(io.MultiReader(&buf, r))
if err != nil {
return nil, Config{}, err
return nil, c, err
im = flip(rotate(im, angle), flipMode)
modified := true
if angle == 0 && flipMode == 0 {
modified = false
c := Config{
Width: im.Bounds().Dx(),
Height: im.Bounds().Dy(),
Format: "jpeg",
Modified: modified,
c.Format = "jpeg"
c.Modified = modified
return im, c, nil
Reference in New Issue