mirror of https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep.git
serverconfig: idle synchandler when no localdisk as primary storage
Because no localdisk means either s3 or google is the primary, and none of them support efficient replication. 1) Added a dummy synchandler constructor for when config has "idle" 2) Set "idle" for synchandler config when no localdisk 3) fixed corresponding tests Also: - added error (and test) when no localdisk and both s3 and google in config - added s3 + mysql test http://camlistore.org/issue/201 Change-Id: I861fdca0c203bc0181ab6d548adab501ed98d2f0
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ type SyncHandler struct {
fromName, fromqName, toName string
from, fromq, to blobserver.Storage
idle bool // if true, the handler does nothing other than providing the discovery.
copierPoolSize int
lk sync.Mutex // protects following
@ -62,9 +64,17 @@ func newSyncFromConfig(ld blobserver.Loader, conf jsonconfig.Obj) (h http.Handle
to := conf.RequiredString("to")
fullSync := conf.OptionalBool("fullSyncOnStart", false)
blockFullSync := conf.OptionalBool("blockingFullSyncOnStart", false)
idle := conf.OptionalBool("idle", false)
if err = conf.Validate(); err != nil {
if idle {
synch, err := createIdleSyncHandler(from, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return synch, nil
fromBs, err := ld.GetStorage(from)
if err != nil {
@ -142,6 +152,16 @@ func createSyncHandler(fromName, toName string, from blobserver.StorageQueueCrea
return h, nil
func createIdleSyncHandler(fromName, toName string) (*SyncHandler, error) {
h := &SyncHandler{
fromName: fromName,
toName: toName,
idle: true,
status: "disabled",
return h, nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) discoveryMap() map[string]interface{} {
// TODO(mpl): more status info
return map[string]interface{}{
@ -156,6 +176,9 @@ func (sh *SyncHandler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h1>%s to %s Sync Status</h1><p><b>Current status: </b>%s</p>",
sh.fromName, sh.toName, html.EscapeString(sh.status))
if sh.idle {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h2>Stats:</h2><ul>")
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<li>Blobs copied: %d</li>", sh.totalCopies)
@ -424,12 +424,25 @@ func genLowLevelPrefixes(params *configPrefixesParams, ownerName string) (m json
if haveIndex {
syncArgs := map[string]interface{}{
"from": "/bs/",
"to": params.indexerPath,
// TODO(mpl): Brad says the cond should be dest == /index-*.
// But what about when dest is index-mem and we have a local disk;
// don't we want to have an active synchandler to do the fullSyncOnStart?
// Anyway, that condition works for now.
if params.blobPath == "" {
// When our primary blob store is remote (s3 or google cloud),
// i.e not an efficient replication source, we do not want the
// synchandler to mirror to the indexer. But we still want a
// synchandler to provide the discovery for e.g tools like
// camtool sync. See http://camlistore.org/issue/201
syncArgs["idle"] = true
m["/sync/"] = map[string]interface{}{
"handler": "sync",
"handlerArgs": map[string]interface{}{
"from": "/bs/",
"to": params.indexerPath,
"handler": "sync",
"handlerArgs": syncArgs,
m["/bs-and-index/"] = map[string]interface{}{
@ -579,8 +592,13 @@ func genLowLevelConfig(conf *Config) (lowLevelConf *Config, err error) {
nolocaldisk := blobPath == ""
if nolocaldisk && s3 == "" && googlecloudstorage == "" {
return nil, errors.New("You need at least one of blobPath (for localdisk) or s3 or googlecloudstorage configured for a blobserver.")
if nolocaldisk {
if s3 == "" && googlecloudstorage == "" {
return nil, errors.New("You need at least one of blobPath (for localdisk) or s3 or googlecloudstorage configured for a blobserver.")
if s3 != "" && googlecloudstorage != "" {
return nil, errors.New("Using S3 as a primary storage and Google Cloud Storage as a mirror is not supported for now.")
if shareHandler && shareHandlerPath == "" {
@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
"handler": "sync",
"handlerArgs": {
"from": "/bs/",
"to": "/index-mem/"
"to": "/index-mem/",
"idle": true
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Using S3 as a primary storage and Google Cloud Storage as a mirror is not supported for now.
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"listen": "localhost:3179",
"https": false,
"auth": "userpass:camlistore:pass3179",
"identity": "26F5ABDA",
"identitySecretRing": "/path/to/secring",
"memIndex": true,
"s3": "key:secret:bucket",
"googlecloudstorage": "clientId:clientSecret:refreshToken:bucketName",
"replicateTo": [],
"publish": {},
"shareHandlerPath": "/share/"
@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
"handler": "sync",
"handlerArgs": {
"from": "/bs/",
"to": "/index-mem/"
"to": "/index-mem/",
"idle": true
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
"listen": "localhost:3179",
"auth": "userpass:camlistore:pass3179",
"https": false,
"prefixes": {
"/": {
"handler": "root",
"handlerArgs": {
"blobRoot": "/bs-and-maybe-also-index/",
"searchRoot": "/my-search/",
"statusRoot": "/status/",
"stealth": false
"/ui/": {
"handler": "ui",
"handlerArgs": {
"jsonSignRoot": "/sighelper/",
"cache": "/cache/",
"scaledImage": "lrucache"
"/setup/": {
"handler": "setup"
"/status/": {
"handler": "status"
"/share/": {
"handler": "share",
"handlerArgs": {
"blobRoot": "/bs/"
"/sync/": {
"handler": "sync",
"handlerArgs": {
"from": "/bs/",
"to": "/index-mysql/",
"idle": true
"/sighelper/": {
"handler": "jsonsign",
"handlerArgs": {
"secretRing": "/path/to/secring",
"keyId": "26F5ABDA",
"publicKeyDest": "/bs-and-index/"
"/bs-and-index/": {
"handler": "storage-replica",
"handlerArgs": {
"backends": ["/bs/", "/index-mysql/"]
"/bs-and-maybe-also-index/": {
"handler": "storage-cond",
"handlerArgs": {
"write": {
"if": "isSchema",
"then": "/bs-and-index/",
"else": "/bs/"
"read": "/bs/"
"/bs/": {
"handler": "storage-s3",
"handlerArgs": {
"aws_access_key": "key",
"aws_secret_access_key": "secret",
"bucket": "bucket"
"/cache/": {
"handler": "storage-filesystem",
"handlerArgs": {
"path": "/tmp/camli-cache"
"/index-mysql/": {
"enabled": true,
"handler": "storage-mysqlindexer",
"handlerArgs": {
"blobSource": "/bs/",
"database": "camlitest",
"host": "localhost",
"password": "password",
"user": "user"
"/my-search/": {
"handler": "search",
"handlerArgs": {
"index": "/index-mysql/",
"owner": "sha1-f2b0b7da718b97ce8c31591d8ed4645c777f3ef4"
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"listen": "localhost:3179",
"https": false,
"auth": "userpass:camlistore:pass3179",
"identity": "26F5ABDA",
"identitySecretRing": "/path/to/secring",
"dbname": "camlitest",
"mysql": "user@localhost:password",
"s3": "key:secret:bucket",
"replicateTo": [],
"publish": {},
"shareHandlerPath": "/share/"
Reference in New Issue