diff --git a/server/go/camlistored/sync.go b/server/go/camlistored/sync.go
index 032113c6d..5ae58b373 100644
--- a/server/go/camlistored/sync.go
+++ b/server/go/camlistored/sync.go
@@ -18,27 +18,44 @@ package main
import (
+ "html"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ "camli/blobref"
+const queueSyncInterval = seconds(5)
+const maxErrors = 20
var _ = log.Printf
type SyncHandler struct {
- fromName, toName string
- from, fromq, to blobserver.Storage
+ fromName, fromqName, toName string
+ from, fromq, to blobserver.Storage
+ lk sync.Mutex
+ lastStatus string
+ recentErrors []timestampedError
+type timestampedError struct {
+ t *time.Time
+ err os.Error
func createSyncHandler(fromName, toName string, from, to blobserver.Storage) (*SyncHandler, os.Error) {
h := &SyncHandler{
- from: from,
- to: to,
- fromName: fromName,
- toName: toName,
+ from: from,
+ to: to,
+ fromName: fromName,
+ toName: toName,
+ lastStatus: "not started",
qc, ok := from.(blobserver.QueueCreator)
@@ -47,17 +64,145 @@ func createSyncHandler(fromName, toName string, from, to blobserver.Storage) (*S
"Prefix %s (type %T) does not support being efficient replication source (queueing)",
fromName, from)
- queueName := strings.Replace(strings.Trim(toName, "/"), "/", "-", -1)
+ h.fromqName = strings.Replace(strings.Trim(toName, "/"), "/", "-", -1)
var err os.Error
- h.fromq, err = qc.CreateQueue(queueName)
+ h.fromq, err = qc.CreateQueue(h.fromqName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Prefix %s (type %T) failed to create queue %q: %v",
- fromName, from, queueName, err)
+ fromName, from, h.fromqName, err)
+ go h.syncQueueLoop()
return h, nil
func (sh *SyncHandler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
- fmt.Fprintf(rw, "sync handler, from %s to %s", sh.fromName, sh.toName)
+ fmt.Fprintf(rw, "sync handler, from %s to %s
status: %s", sh.fromName, sh.toName,
+ html.EscapeString(sh.status()))
+ sh.lk.Lock()
+ defer sh.lk.Unlock()
+ if len(sh.recentErrors) > 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(rw, "
Recent Errors:
+ for _, te := range sh.recentErrors {
+ fmt.Fprintf(rw, "- %s: %s
+ te.t.Format(time.RFC3339),
+ html.EscapeString(te.err.String()))
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(rw, "
+ }
+func (sh *SyncHandler) setStatus(s string, args ...interface{}) {
+ s = time.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339) + ": " + fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)
+ sh.lk.Lock()
+ defer sh.lk.Unlock()
+ sh.lastStatus = s
+func (sh *SyncHandler) status() string {
+ sh.lk.Lock()
+ defer sh.lk.Unlock()
+ return sh.lastStatus
+func (sh *SyncHandler) addErrorToLog(err os.Error) {
+ log.Printf(err.String())
+ sh.lk.Lock()
+ defer sh.lk.Unlock()
+ sh.recentErrors = append(sh.recentErrors, timestampedError{time.UTC(), err})
+ if len(sh.recentErrors) > maxErrors {
+ // Kinda lame, but whatever. Only for errors, rare.
+ copy(sh.recentErrors[:maxErrors], sh.recentErrors[1:maxErrors+1])
+ sh.recentErrors = sh.recentErrors[:maxErrors]
+ }
+func (sh *SyncHandler) syncQueueLoop() {
+ every(queueSyncInterval, func() {
+ sh.setStatus("Long-polling enumerate on queue %q, waiting for new blobs.", sh.fromqName)
+ ch := make(chan blobref.SizedBlobRef)
+ errch := make(chan os.Error, 1)
+ go func() {
+ log.Printf("pre-enumerate, for %d seconds", int(queueSyncInterval.Seconds()))
+ errch <- sh.fromq.EnumerateBlobs(ch, "", 100, int(queueSyncInterval.Seconds()))
+ log.Printf("post-enumerate")
+ }()
+ for sb := range ch {
+ log.Printf("sync in queue %q: got blob: %s", sh.fromqName, sb)
+ // TODO: have a pool of copiers, not just a
+ // single thread here. Mostly simple, but
+ // having a good status will make it more
+ // complicated.
+ error := func(s string, args ...interface{}) {
+ // TODO: increment error stats
+ pargs := []interface{}{sh.fromqName, sb.BlobRef}
+ pargs = append(pargs, args...)
+ sh.addErrorToLog(fmt.Errorf("replication error for queue %q, blob %s: "+s, pargs...))
+ }
+ sh.setStatus("Syncing blob %s (size %d)", sb.BlobRef, sb.Size)
+ blobReader, fromSize, err := sh.from.FetchStreaming(sb.BlobRef)
+ if err != nil {
+ error("source fetch: %v", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if fromSize != sb.Size {
+ error("source fetch size mismatch: get=%d, enumerate=%d", fromSize, sb.Size)
+ continue
+ }
+ newsb, err := sh.to.ReceiveBlob(sb.BlobRef, blobReader)
+ if err != nil {
+ error("dest write: %v", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if newsb.Size != sb.Size {
+ error("write size mismatch: source_read=%d but dest_write=%d", sb.Size, newsb.Size)
+ continue
+ }
+ err = sh.fromq.Remove([]*blobref.BlobRef{sb.BlobRef})
+ if err != nil {
+ error("source queue delete: %v", err)
+ }
+ error("replicated %s size %d", sb.BlobRef, sb.Size)
+ }
+ if err := <-errch; err != nil {
+ sh.addErrorToLog(fmt.Errorf("replication error for queue %q, enumerate from source: %v", err))
+ return
+ }
+ sh.setStatus("Sleeping briefly before next long poll.")
+ })
+// TODO: move this elsewhere (timeutil?)
+func every(interval nanoer, f func()) {
+ nsInterval := int64(interval.Nanos())
+ for {
+ t1 := time.Nanoseconds()
+ f()
+ if sleep := (t1 + nsInterval) - time.Nanoseconds(); sleep > 0 {
+ time.Sleep(sleep)
+ }
+ }
+// TODO: move this time stuff elsewhere
+type seconds int64
+type nanos int64
+func (s seconds) Nanos() nanos {
+ return nanos(int64(s) * 1e9)
+func (s seconds) Seconds() seconds {
+ return s
+type nanoer interface {
+ Nanos() nanos