third_party: cleanup imports.

I think these snuck in because not everyone has the client side git
hooks registered to check on misc/review.
Removed third_party/ (per
review feedback)

Change-Id: Ide09d152b28157a043009d7285f1afd4a60ac9de
This commit is contained in:
Bill Thiede 2014-09-08 10:30:24 -07:00
parent 3686417bac
commit 1fee0f1816
5 changed files with 5 additions and 653 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// Usage example:
// import ""
// import ""
// ...
// computeService, err := compute.New(oauthHttpClient)
package compute

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// Usage example:
// import ""
// import ""
// ...
// sqladminService, err := sqladmin.New(oauthHttpClient)
package sqladmin

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
// Usage example:
// import ""
// import ""
// ...
// storageService, err := storage.New(oauthHttpClient)
package storage

View File

@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
// +build latlong_gen
Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package latlong
import (
var (
flagGenerate = flag.Bool("generate", false, "Do generation")
flagWriteImage = flag.Bool("write_image", false, "Write out a debug image")
flagScale = flag.Float64("scale", 32, "Scaling factor. This many pixels wide & tall per degree (e.g. scale 1 is 360 x 180). Increasingly this code assumes a scale of 32, though.")
func saveToPNGFile(filePath string, m image.Image) {
log.Printf("Encoding image %s ...", filePath)
f, err := os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
b := bufio.NewWriter(f)
err = png.Encode(b, m)
if err != nil {
err = b.Flush()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Wrote %s OK.\n", filePath)
func cloneImage(i *image.RGBA) *image.RGBA {
i2 := new(image.RGBA)
*i2 = *i
i2.Pix = make([]uint8, len(i.Pix))
copy(i2.Pix, i.Pix)
return i2
func loadImage(filename string) *image.NRGBA {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
im, _, err := image.Decode(f)
if err != nil {
return im.(*image.NRGBA)
const alphaErased = 22 // magic alpha value to mean tile's been erased
// the returned zoneOfColor always has A == 256.
func worldImage(t *testing.T) (im *image.RGBA, zoneOfColor map[color.RGBA]string) {
scale := *flagScale
width := int(scale * 360)
height := int(scale * 180)
im = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
zoneOfColor = map[color.RGBA]string{}
tab := crc32.MakeTable(crc32.IEEE + 1)
drawPoly := func(col color.RGBA, xys {
painter := raster.NewRGBAPainter(im)
r := raster.NewRasterizer(width, height)
r.Start(raster.Point{X: raster.Fix32(xys[0]) << 8, Y: raster.Fix32(xys[1]) << 8})
for i := 2; i < len(xys); i += 2 {
r.Add1(raster.Point{X: raster.Fix32(xys[i]) << 8, Y: raster.Fix32(xys[i+1]) << 8})
r.Add1(raster.Point{X: raster.Fix32(xys[0]) << 8, Y: raster.Fix32(xys[1]) << 8})
sr, err := shp.Open("world/tz_world.shp")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error opening world/tz_world.shp: %v; unzip it from", err)
defer sr.Close()
for sr.Next() {
i, s := sr.Shape()
p, ok := s.(*shp.Polygon)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unknown shape %T", p)
zoneName := sr.ReadAttribute(i, 0)
if zoneName == "uninhabited" {
if _, err := time.LoadLocation(zoneName); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to load: %v (%v)", zoneName, err)
hash := crc32.Checksum([]byte(zoneName), tab)
col := color.RGBA{uint8(hash >> 24), uint8(hash >> 16), uint8(hash >> 8), 255}
if name, ok := zoneOfColor[col]; ok {
if name != zoneName {
log.Fatalf("Color %+v dup: %s and %s", col, name, zoneName)
} else {
zoneOfColor[col] = zoneName
var xys []int
for _, pt := range p.Points {
xys = append(xys, int((pt.X+180)*scale), int((90-pt.Y)*scale))
drawPoly(col, xys...)
// adjust point from scale 32 to whatever the user is using.
ap := func(x int) int { return x * int(scale) / 32 }
// Fix some rendering glitches:
// {186 205 234 255} = Europe/Rome
drawPoly(color.RGBA{186, 205, 234, 255},
ap(6156), ap(1468),
ap(6293), ap(1596),
ap(6293), ap(1598),
ap(6156), ap(1540))
// {136 136 180 255} = America/Boise
drawPoly(color.RGBA{136, 136, 180, 255},
ap(2145), ap(1468),
ap(2189), ap(1468),
ap(2189), ap(1536),
ap(2145), ap(1536))
// {120 247 14 255} = America/Denver
drawPoly(color.RGBA{120, 247, 14, 255},
ap(2167), ap(1536),
ap(2171), ap(1536),
ap(2217), ap(1714),
ap(2204), ap(1724),
ap(2160), ap(1537))
// A setIndexTracker that tells each index which item number it is, and can
// retrieve that item's index later as well.
type setIndexTracker struct {
s map[interface{}]uint16
l []interface{}
func (s *setIndexTracker) Lookup(v interface{}) (idx uint16, ok bool) {
idx, ok = s.s[v]
func (s *setIndexTracker) Add(v interface{}) (idx uint16, isNew bool) {
if idx, ok := s.s[v]; ok {
return idx, false
if len(s.s) > 0xffff {
panic("too many items in set")
idx = uint16(len(s.s))
if s.s == nil {
s.s = make(map[interface{}]uint16)
s.s[v] = idx
s.l = append(s.l, v)
return idx, true
func init() {
testAllPixels = testAllPixels_gen
func testAllPixels_gen(t *testing.T) {
if degPixels == -1 {
t.Skip("data not generated yet")
im, zoneOfColor := worldImage(t)
w := im.Bounds().Max.X
h := im.Bounds().Max.Y
total, fail := 0, 0
for y := 0; y < h; y++ {
for x := 0; x < w; x++ {
pix := im.Pix[im.PixOffset(x, y):]
if pix[3] == 0 {
c := color.RGBA{
R: pix[0],
G: pix[1],
B: pix[2],
A: 255,
want := zoneOfColor[c]
if got := lookupPixel(x, y); got != want {
if fail <= 10 {
t.Errorf("pixel(%d, %d) = %q; want %q", x, y, got, want)
t.Logf("%d pixels tested; %d failures", total, fail)
func TestGenerate(t *testing.T) {
if !*flagGenerate {
t.Skip("skipping generationg without --generate flag")
im, zoneOfColor := worldImage(t)
// The auto-generated source file (z_gen_tables.go)
var gen bytes.Buffer
gen.WriteString("// Auto-generated file. See README or Makefile.\n\npackage latlong\n\n")
gen.WriteString("func init() {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&gen, "degPixels = %d\n", int(*flagScale))
// Source code for just the zoneLookers variables.
var zoneLookers zoneLookerWriter
// Maps from a unique key (either a string or colorTile) to
// its index.
var zoneIndex setIndexTracker
zoneIndexOfColor := func(c color.RGBA) uint16 {
if (c == color.RGBA{}) {
return oceanIndex
idx, ok := zoneIndex.Lookup(zoneOfColor[c])
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("failed to find zone index for color %+v", c)
return idx
// Add the static timezones (~408 of them). If a tile (which
// can range from 8 to 256 pixels square) doesn't resolve to
// one of these, it'll resolve to an image tile that then
// resolves to one of these.
var zones []string
for _, zone := range zoneOfColor {
zones = append(zones, zone)
for i, zone := range zones {
idx, _ := zoneIndex.Add(zone)
if idx != uint16(i) {
zoneLookers.Add("S" + zone)
log.Printf("Num zones = %d", len(zones))
var imo *image.RGBA
if *flagWriteImage {
imo = cloneImage(im)
dupColorTiles := 0
gen.WriteString("zoomLevels = [6]*zoomLevel{\n")
for _, sizeShift := range []uint8{5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0} {
fmt.Fprintf(&gen, "\t%d: &zoomLevel{\n", sizeShift)
var keyIdxBuf bytes.Buffer // repeated binary [tilekey][uint16_idx]
pass := newSizePass(im, imo, sizeShift)
skipSquares := 0
sizeCount := map[int]int{} // num colors -> count
pass.foreachTile(func(tile *tileMeta) {
if tile.skipped {
nColor := len(tile.colors)
if nColor < 2 {
if nColor == 1 {
zoneName := zoneOfColor[tile.color()]
if idx, isNew := zoneIndex.Add(zoneName); isNew {
panic("zone should've been registered: " + zoneName)
} else {
binary.Write(&keyIdxBuf, binary.BigEndian, tile.key())
binary.Write(&keyIdxBuf, binary.BigEndian, idx)
if nColor == 0 {
if sizeShift == 0 && nColor >= 2 {
ct := tile.colorTile()
idx, isNew := zoneIndex.Add(ct)
if isNew {
if nColor == 2 {
zoneLookers.Add(fmt.Sprintf("2%s", pass.bitmapPixmapBytes(ct, zoneIndexOfColor)))
} else {
zoneLookers.Add(fmt.Sprintf("P%s", pass.pixmapIndexBytes(ct, zoneIndexOfColor)))
} else {
binary.Write(&keyIdxBuf, binary.BigEndian, tile.key())
binary.Write(&keyIdxBuf, binary.BigEndian, idx)
log.Printf("For size %d, skipped %d, dist: %+v", pass.size, skipSquares, sizeCount)
var zbuf bytes.Buffer
zw := gzip.NewWriter(&zbuf)
log.Printf("size %d is %d entries: %d bytes (%d bytes compressed)", pass.size, keyIdxBuf.Len()/6, keyIdxBuf.Len(), zbuf.Len())
fmt.Fprintf(&gen, "\t\tgzipData: %q,\n", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(zbuf.Bytes()))
log.Printf("Duplicate 8x8 pixmaps: %d", dupColorTiles)
if imo != nil {
saveToPNGFile("regions.png", imo)
gen.WriteString("}\n") // close init
fmt, err := format.Source(gen.Bytes())
if err != nil {
ioutil.WriteFile("z_gen_tables.go", gen.Bytes(), 0644)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile("z_gen_tables.go", fmt, 0644); err != nil {
type sizePass struct {
width, height int
size int // of tile. 8 << sizeShift
sizeShift uint8
xtiles, ytiles int
im *image.RGBA
imo *image.RGBA // or nil if not generating an output image
buf [128]byte // for pixmap 8x8 uint16 indexes
func newSizePass(im, imo *image.RGBA, sizeShift uint8) *sizePass {
p := &sizePass{
width: im.Bounds().Max.X,
height: im.Bounds().Max.Y,
im: im,
imo: imo,
sizeShift: sizeShift,
size: int(8 << sizeShift),
p.xtiles = p.width / p.size
p.ytiles = p.height / p.size
return p
func (p *sizePass) foreachTile(fn func(*tileMeta)) {
tm := new(tileMeta)
im :=
colors := map[color.RGBA]bool{}
// clearColors wipes colors, so we can re-use it.
clearColors := func() {
for k := range colors {
delete(colors, k)
for yt := 0; yt < p.ytiles; yt++ {
for xt := 0; xt < p.xtiles; xt++ {
*tm = tileMeta{p: p, xt: xt, yt: yt, colors: colors}
sawOcean := false
x1, y1 := tm.x1, tm.y1
for y := tm.y0; y < y1; y++ {
for x := tm.x0; x < x1; x++ {
off := im.PixOffset(x, y)
alpha := im.Pix[off+3]
switch alpha {
case 0:
sawOcean = true
case alphaErased:
if x != tm.x0 || y != tm.y0 {
tm.skipped = true
break Pixels
case 255:
// expected
panic("Unexpected alpha value")
nc := color.RGBA{R: im.Pix[off], G: im.Pix[off+1], B: im.Pix[off+2], A: alpha}
colors[nc] = true
if len(colors) > 1 && sawOcean {
// note the ocean, since this can't be solid anyway
colors[color.RGBA{}] = true
func (p *sizePass) pixmapIndexBytes(ct colorTile, fn func(color.RGBA) uint16) []byte {
buf := p.buf[:]
for _, row := range ct {
for _, c := range row {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf, fn(c))
buf = buf[2:]
return p.buf[:128]
// For two-color tiles.
func (p *sizePass) bitmapPixmapBytes(ct colorTile, fn func(color.RGBA) uint16) []byte {
var c1, c2 color.RGBA
var bits uint64
var n uint8
for _, row := range ct {
for _, c := range row {
if n == 0 {
c1 = c
} else {
if c != c1 {
c2 = c
bits |= (1 << n)
if c1 == c2 {
panic("didn't see two colors")
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(p.buf[0:2], fn(c1))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(p.buf[2:4], fn(c2))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(p.buf[4:12], bits)
return p.buf[:12]
type tileMeta struct {
p *sizePass
xt, yt int
x0, x1, y0, y1 int
// skipped reports whether the tile was skipped due to seeing
// erasure from previous level.
skipped bool
// colors will only contain a zero color if the tile size is smallest
// (8x8) and there's an ocean (zero color) and two others. If there's
// an ocean and only 1 other color, only one color will be returned.
colors map[color.RGBA]bool
func (t *tileMeta) setBounds() {
size := t.p.size
t.y0 = * size
t.y1 = ( + 1) * size
t.x0 = t.xt * size
t.x1 = (t.xt + 1) * size
func (t *tileMeta) color() color.RGBA {
if len(t.colors) != 1 {
panic("color called with colors != 1")
var c color.RGBA
for c = range t.colors {
// get first (and only) key
if (c == color.RGBA{}) {
panic("no color found for tile")
return c
func (t *tileMeta) key() tileKey {
return newTileKey(t.p.sizeShift, uint16(t.xt), uint16(
func (t *tileMeta) paintOcean() {
p := t.p
imo := p.imo
if imo == nil {
blue := [4]uint8{0, 0, 128, 255}
size := p.size
for y := t.y0; y < t.y1; y++ {
off := imo.PixOffset(t.x0, y)
for x := 0; x < size; x++ {
copy(imo.Pix[off:], blue[:])
off += 4
func (t *tileMeta) drawBorder() {
p := t.p
imo := p.imo
if imo == nil {
yellow := uint8(255 - (128 - byte(p.size)))
color := [4]uint8{yellow, yellow, 0, 255}
for y := t.y0; y < t.y1; y++ {
off := imo.PixOffset(t.x0, y)
for x := t.x0; x < t.x1; x++ {
// Border:
if y == t.y0 || y == t.y1-1 || x == t.x0 || x == t.x1-1 {
copy(imo.Pix[off:], color[:])
off += 4
func (t *tileMeta) erase() {
im :=
for y := t.y0; y < t.y1; y += 8 {
for x := t.x0; x < t.x1; x += 8 {
off := im.PixOffset(x, y)
im.Pix[off+3] = alphaErased
func (t *tileMeta) colorTile() (ct colorTile) {
im :=
for y := range ct {
row := &ct[y]
pix := im.Pix[im.PixOffset(t.x0, t.y0+y):]
for x := range row {
row[x] = color.RGBA{pix[0], pix[1], pix[2], pix[3]}
pix = pix[4:]
type colorTile [8][8]color.RGBA
type zoneLookerWriter struct {
unbuf bytes.Buffer
n int
func (w *zoneLookerWriter) Add(s string) {
if w.n > 0xffff {
panic("too many unique leaves")
switch s[0] {
case 'S':
case '2':
if len(s) != 12+1 {
panic("unexpected length")
case 'P':
if len(s) != 128+1 {
panic("unexpected length")
panic("unexpected type")
func (w *zoneLookerWriter) Source() []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
zw := gzip.NewWriter(&buf)
bstr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes())
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "leaf = make([]zoneLooker, %d)\n", w.n)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "uniqueLeavesPacked = %q\n", bstr)
log.Printf("zone lookers packed line = %d bytes", buf.Len())
return buf.Bytes()

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import (
func main() {