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Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package index
import (
var _ = log.Printf
var ErrNotFound = os.NewError("index: key not found")
type IndexStorage interface {
// Get gets the value for the given key. It returns ErrNotFound if the DB
// does not contain the key.
Get(key string) (string, os.Error)
Set(key, value string) os.Error
Delete(key string) os.Error
BeginBatch() BatchMutation
CommitBatch(b BatchMutation) os.Error
// Find returns an iterator positioned before the first key/value pair
// whose key is 'greater than or equal to' the given key. There may be no
// such pair, in which case the iterator will return false on Next.
// Any error encountered will be implicitly returned via the iterator. An
// error-iterator will yield no key/value pairs and closing that iterator
// will return that error.
Find(key string) Iterator
// Iterator iterates over an index Storage's key/value pairs in key order.
// An iterator must be closed after use, but it is not necessary to read an
// iterator until exhaustion.
// An iterator is not necessarily goroutine-safe, but it is safe to use
// multiple iterators concurrently, with each in a dedicated goroutine.
type Iterator interface {
// Next moves the iterator to the next key/value pair.
// It returns whether the iterator is exhausted.
Next() bool
// Key returns the key of the current key/value pair.
// Only valid after a call to Next returns true.
Key() string
// Value returns the value of the current key/value pair.
// Only valid after a call to Next returns true.
Value() string
// Close closes the iterator and returns any accumulated error. Exhausting
// all the key/value pairs in a table is not considered to be an error.
// It is valid to call Close multiple times. Other methods should not be
// called after the iterator has been closed.
Close() os.Error
type BatchMutation interface {
Set(key, value string)
Delete(key string)
type mutation struct {
key string
value string // used if !delete
delete bool // if to be deleted
type batch struct {
m []mutation
func (b *batch) Delete(key string) {
b.m = append(b.m, mutation{key: key, delete: true})
func (b *batch) Set(key, value string) {
b.m = append(b.m, mutation{key: key, value: value})
type Index struct {
s IndexStorage
KeyFetcher blobref.StreamingFetcher // for verifying claims
// Used for fetching blobs to find the complete sha1s of file & bytes
// schema blobs.
BlobSource blobserver.Storage
var _ blobserver.Storage = (*Index)(nil)
var _ search.Index = (*Index)(nil)
func New(s IndexStorage) *Index {
return &Index{
s: s,
SimpleBlobHubPartitionMap: &blobserver.SimpleBlobHubPartitionMap{},
type prefixIter struct {
prefix string
func (p *prefixIter) Next() bool {
v := p.Iterator.Next()
if v && !strings.HasPrefix(p.Key(), p.prefix) {
return false
return v
func (x *Index) queryPrefix(key *keyType, args ...interface{}) *prefixIter {
return x.queryPrefixString(key.Prefix(args...))
func (x *Index) queryPrefixString(prefix string) *prefixIter {
return &prefixIter{
prefix: prefix,
Iterator: x.s.Find(prefix),
func (x *Index) GetRecentPermanodes(dest chan *search.Result, owner *blobref.BlobRef, limit int) os.Error {
defer close(dest)
// TODO(bradfitz): this will need to be a context wrapper too, like storage
keyId, err := x.keyId(owner)
if err == ErrNotFound {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
sent := 0
var seenPermanode dupSkipper
it := x.queryPrefix(keyRecentPermanode, keyId)
defer it.Close()
for it.Next() {
permaStr := it.Value()
parts := strings.SplitN(it.Key(), "|", 4)
if len(parts) != 4 {
mTime := unreverseTimeString(parts[2])
mTimeNs := schema.NanosFromRFC3339(mTime)
mTimeSec := mTimeNs / 1e9
permaRef := blobref.Parse(permaStr)
if permaRef == nil {
if seenPermanode.Dup(permaStr) {
dest <- &search.Result{
BlobRef: permaRef,
Signer: owner, // TODO(bradfitz): kinda. usually. for now.
LastModTime: mTimeSec,
if sent == limit {
return nil
func (x *Index) SearchPermanodesWithAttr(dest chan<- *blobref.BlobRef, request *search.PermanodeByAttrRequest) os.Error {
log.Printf("index: TODO SearchPermanodesWithAttr")
return os.NewError("TODO: SearchPermanodesWithAttr")
func (x *Index) GetOwnerClaims(permaNode, owner *blobref.BlobRef) (cl search.ClaimList, err os.Error) {
keyId, err := x.keyId(owner)
if err == ErrNotFound {
err = nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prefix := pipes("claim", permaNode, keyId, "")
it := x.queryPrefixString(prefix)
defer it.Close()
for it.Next() {
keyPart := strings.Split(it.Key(), "|")
valPart := strings.Split(it.Value(), "|")
if len(keyPart) < 5 || len(valPart) < 3 {
claimRef := blobref.Parse(keyPart[4])
if claimRef == nil {
nanos := schema.NanosFromRFC3339(keyPart[3])
cl = append(cl, &search.Claim{
BlobRef: claimRef,
Signer: owner,
Permanode: permaNode,
Date: time.NanosecondsToUTC(nanos),
Type: urld(valPart[0]),
Attr: urld(valPart[1]),
Value: urld(valPart[2]),
func (x *Index) GetBlobMimeType(blob *blobref.BlobRef) (mime string, size int64, err os.Error) {
meta, err := x.s.Get("meta:" + blob.String())
if err == ErrNotFound {
err = os.ENOENT
if err != nil {
pos := strings.Index(meta, "|")
size, _ = strconv.Atoi64(meta[:pos])
mime = meta[pos+1:]
func (x *Index) ExistingFileSchemas(bytesRef *blobref.BlobRef) ([]*blobref.BlobRef, os.Error) {
log.Printf("index: TODO ExistingFileSchemas")
return nil, os.NewError("TODO: xxx")
func (x *Index) GetFileInfo(fileRef *blobref.BlobRef) (*search.FileInfo, os.Error) {
log.Printf("index: TODO GetFileInfo")
return nil, os.NewError("TODO: GetFileInfo")
// maps from blobref of openpgp ascii-armored public key => gpg keyid like "2931A67C26F5ABDA"
func (x *Index) keyId(signer *blobref.BlobRef) (string, os.Error) {
return x.s.Get("signerkeyid:" + signer.String())
func (x *Index) PermanodeOfSignerAttrValue(signer *blobref.BlobRef, attr, val string) (*blobref.BlobRef, os.Error) {
keyId, err := x.keyId(signer)
if err == ErrNotFound {
return nil, os.ENOENT
if err != nil {
return nil, err
it := x.queryPrefixString(pipes("signerattrvalue", keyId, urle(attr), urle(val), ""))
defer it.Close()
if it.Next() {
return blobref.Parse(it.Value()), nil
return nil, os.ENOENT
func (x *Index) PathsOfSignerTarget(signer, target *blobref.BlobRef) ([]*search.Path, os.Error) {
log.Printf("index: TODO PathsOfSignerTarget")
return nil, os.NewError("TODO: PathsOfSignerTarget")
func (x *Index) PathsLookup(signer, base *blobref.BlobRef, suffix string) ([]*search.Path, os.Error) {
log.Printf("index: TODO PathsLookup")
return nil, os.NewError("TODO: PathsLookup")
func (x *Index) PathLookup(signer, base *blobref.BlobRef, suffix string, at *time.Time) (*search.Path, os.Error) {
log.Printf("index: TODO PathLookup")
return nil, os.NewError("TODO: PathLookup")