mirror of https://github.com/perkeep/perkeep.git
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288 lines
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// GoMySQL - A MySQL client library for Go
// Copyright 2010-2011 Phil Bayfield. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mysql
import (
// bytes to int
func btoi(b []byte) int {
return int(btoui(b))
// int to bytes
func itob(n int) []byte {
return uitob(uint(n))
// bytes to uint
func btoui(b []byte) (n uint) {
for i := uint8(0); i < uint8(strconv.IntSize)/8; i++ {
n |= uint(b[i]) << (i * 8)
// uint to bytes
func uitob(n uint) (b []byte) {
b = make([]byte, strconv.IntSize/8)
for i := uint8(0); i < uint8(strconv.IntSize)/8; i++ {
b[i] = byte(n >> (i * 8))
// bytes to int16
func btoi16(b []byte) int16 {
return int16(btoui16(b))
// int16 to bytes
func i16tob(n int16) []byte {
return ui16tob(uint16(n))
// bytes to uint16
func btoui16(b []byte) (n uint16) {
n |= uint16(b[0])
n |= uint16(b[1]) << 8
// uint16 to bytes
func ui16tob(n uint16) (b []byte) {
b = make([]byte, 2)
b[0] = byte(n)
b[1] = byte(n >> 8)
// bytes to int24
func btoi24(b []byte) (n int32) {
u := btoui24(b)
if u&0x800000 != 0 {
u |= 0xff000000
n = int32(u)
// int24 to bytes
func i24tob(n int32) []byte {
return ui24tob(uint32(n))
// bytes to uint24
func btoui24(b []byte) (n uint32) {
for i := uint8(0); i < 3; i++ {
n |= uint32(b[i]) << (i * 8)
// uint24 to bytes
func ui24tob(n uint32) (b []byte) {
b = make([]byte, 3)
for i := uint8(0); i < 3; i++ {
b[i] = byte(n >> (i * 8))
// bytes to int32
func btoi32(b []byte) int32 {
return int32(btoui32(b))
// int32 to bytes
func i32tob(n int32) []byte {
return ui32tob(uint32(n))
// bytes to uint32
func btoui32(b []byte) (n uint32) {
for i := uint8(0); i < 4; i++ {
n |= uint32(b[i]) << (i * 8)
// uint32 to bytes
func ui32tob(n uint32) (b []byte) {
b = make([]byte, 4)
for i := uint8(0); i < 4; i++ {
b[i] = byte(n >> (i * 8))
// bytes to int64
func btoi64(b []byte) int64 {
return int64(btoui64(b))
// int64 to bytes
func i64tob(n int64) []byte {
return ui64tob(uint64(n))
// bytes to uint64
func btoui64(b []byte) (n uint64) {
for i := uint8(0); i < 8; i++ {
n |= uint64(b[i]) << (i * 8)
// uint64 to bytes
func ui64tob(n uint64) (b []byte) {
b = make([]byte, 8)
for i := uint8(0); i < 8; i++ {
b[i] = byte(n >> (i * 8))
// bytes to float32
func btof32(b []byte) float32 {
return math.Float32frombits(btoui32(b))
// float32 to bytes
func f32tob(f float32) []byte {
return ui32tob(math.Float32bits(f))
// bytes to float64
func btof64(b []byte) float64 {
return math.Float64frombits(btoui64(b))
// float64 to bytes
func f64tob(f float64) []byte {
return ui64tob(math.Float64bits(f))
// bytes to length
func btolcb(b []byte) (num uint64, n int, err os.Error) {
switch {
// 0-250 = value of first byte
case b[0] <= 250:
num = uint64(b[0])
n = 1
// 251 column value = NULL
case b[0] == 251:
num = 0
n = 1
// 252 following 2 = value of following 16-bit word
case b[0] == 252:
n = 3
// 253 following 3 = value of following 24-bit word
case b[0] == 253:
n = 4
// 254 following 8 = value of following 64-bit word
case b[0] == 254:
n = 9
// Check there are enough bytes
if len(b) < n {
err = os.EOF
// Get uint64
t := make([]byte, 8)
copy(t, b[1:n])
num = btoui64(t)
// length to bytes
func lcbtob(n uint64) (b []byte) {
switch {
// <= 250 = 1 byte
case n <= 250:
b = []byte{byte(n)}
// <= 0xffff = 252 + 2 bytes
case n <= 0xffff:
b = []byte{0xfc, byte(n), byte(n >> 8)}
// <= 0xffffff = 253 + 3 bytes
case n <= 0xffffff:
b = []byte{0xfd, byte(n), byte(n >> 8), byte(n >> 16)}
// Due to max packet size the 8 byte version is never actually used so is ommited
// any to uint64
func atoui64(i interface{}) (n uint64) {
switch t := i.(type) {
case int64:
n = uint64(t)
case uint64:
return t
case string:
// Convert to int64 first for signing bit
in, err := strconv.Atoi64(t)
if err != nil {
panic("Invalid string for integer conversion")
n = uint64(in)
panic("Not a numeric type")
// any to float64
func atof64(i interface{}) (f float64) {
switch t := i.(type) {
case float32:
f = float64(t)
case float64:
return t
case string:
var err os.Error
f, err = strconv.Atof64(t)
if err != nil {
panic("Invalid string for floating point conversion")
panic("Not a floating point type")
// any to string
func atos(i interface{}) (s string) {
switch t := i.(type) {
case int64:
s = strconv.Itoa64(t)
case uint64:
s = strconv.Uitoa64(t)
case float32:
s = strconv.Ftoa32(t, 'f', -1)
case float64:
s = strconv.Ftoa64(t, 'f', -1)
case []byte:
s = string(t)
case Date:
return t.String()
case Time:
return t.String()
case DateTime:
return t.String()
case string:
return t
panic("Not a string or compatible type")