2011-05-23 04:22:21 +00:00
Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package replica
import (
var _ = log.Printf
const buffered = 8
type replicaStorage struct {
replicaPrefixes []string
replicas []blobserver.Storage
// Minimum number of writes that must succeed before
// acknowledging success to the client.
minWritesForSuccess int
func (sto *replicaStorage) GetBlobHub() blobserver.BlobHub {
return sto.SimpleBlobHubPartitionMap.GetBlobHub()
func newFromConfig(ld blobserver.Loader, config jsonconfig.Obj) (storage blobserver.Storage, err os.Error) {
sto := &replicaStorage{
SimpleBlobHubPartitionMap: &blobserver.SimpleBlobHubPartitionMap{},
sto.replicaPrefixes = config.RequiredList("backends")
nReplicas := len(sto.replicaPrefixes)
sto.minWritesForSuccess = config.OptionalInt("minWritesForSuccess", nReplicas)
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if nReplicas == 0 {
return nil, os.NewError("replica: need at least one replica")
if sto.minWritesForSuccess == 0 {
sto.minWritesForSuccess = nReplicas
sto.replicas = make([]blobserver.Storage, nReplicas)
for i, prefix := range sto.replicaPrefixes {
replicaSto, err := ld.GetStorage(prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sto.replicas[i] = replicaSto
return sto, nil
func (sto *replicaStorage) weightedRandomReplicas() []blobserver.Storage {
// TODO: implement something actually weighted or random.
return sto.replicas
func (sto *replicaStorage) FetchStreaming(b *blobref.BlobRef) (file io.ReadCloser, size int64, err os.Error) {
for _, replica := range sto.weightedRandomReplicas() {
file, size, err = replica.FetchStreaming(b)
if err == nil {
2011-09-29 02:37:28 +00:00
func (sto *replicaStorage) StatBlobs(dest chan<- blobref.SizedBlobRef, blobs []*blobref.BlobRef, waitSeconds int) os.Error {
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if waitSeconds > 0 {
// TODO: handle waitSeconds in-memory, waiting on the blobhub, not going
// to the replicas?
need := make(map[string]*blobref.BlobRef)
for _, br := range blobs {
need[br.String()] = br
ch := make(chan blobref.SizedBlobRef, buffered)
donechan := make(chan bool)
go func() {
for sb := range ch {
bstr := sb.BlobRef.String()
if _, needed := need[bstr]; needed {
dest <- sb
need[bstr] = nil, false
donechan <- true
errch := make(chan os.Error, buffered)
statReplica := func(s blobserver.Storage) {
2011-09-29 02:37:28 +00:00
errch <- s.StatBlobs(ch, blobs, waitSeconds)
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for _, replica := range sto.replicas {
go statReplica(replica)
var retErr os.Error
for _ = range sto.replicas {
if err := <-errch; err != nil {
retErr = err
// Safe to access need map now; as helper goroutine is
// done with it.
if len(need) == 0 {
return nil
return retErr
type sizedBlobAndError struct {
sb blobref.SizedBlobRef
err os.Error
// TODO-GO: s/xxgo/_/ once Go issue 1802 is fixd
func (sto *replicaStorage) ReceiveBlob(b *blobref.BlobRef, source io.Reader) (xxgo blobref.SizedBlobRef, err os.Error) {
nReplicas := len(sto.replicas)
rpipe, wpipe, writer := make([]*io.PipeReader, nReplicas), make([]*io.PipeWriter, nReplicas), make([]io.Writer, nReplicas)
for idx := range sto.replicas {
rpipe[idx], wpipe[idx] = io.Pipe()
writer[idx] = wpipe[idx]
// TODO: deal with slow/hung clients. this scheme of pipes +
// multiwriter (even with a bufio.Writer thrown in) isn't
// sufficient to guarantee forward progress. perhaps something
// like &MoveOrDieWriter{Writer: wpipe[idx], HeartbeatSec: 10}
upResult := make(chan sizedBlobAndError, nReplicas)
uploadToReplica := func(source io.Reader, s blobserver.Storage) {
sb, err := s.ReceiveBlob(b, source)
upResult <- sizedBlobAndError{sb, err}
for idx, replica := range sto.replicas {
go uploadToReplica(rpipe[idx], replica)
size, err := io.Copy(io.MultiWriter(writer...), source)
if err != nil {
for idx := range sto.replicas {
nSuccess := 0
for _ = range sto.replicas {
switch res := <-upResult; {
case res.err == nil && res.sb.Size == size:
if nSuccess == sto.minWritesForSuccess {
2011-05-23 04:23:23 +00:00
2011-05-23 04:22:21 +00:00
return res.sb, nil
case res.err == nil:
err = fmt.Errorf("replica: upload shard reported size %d, expected %d", res.sb.Size, size)
err = res.err
2011-09-29 02:37:28 +00:00
func (sto *replicaStorage) RemoveBlobs(blobs []*blobref.BlobRef) os.Error {
2011-05-23 04:22:21 +00:00
errch := make(chan os.Error, buffered)
removeFrom := func(s blobserver.Storage) {
2011-09-29 02:37:28 +00:00
errch <- s.RemoveBlobs(blobs)
2011-05-23 04:22:21 +00:00
for _, replica := range sto.replicas {
go removeFrom(replica)
var reterr os.Error
nSuccess := 0
for _ = range errch {
if err := <-errch; err != nil {
reterr = err
} else {
if nSuccess > 0 {
// TODO: decide on the return value. for now this is best
// effort and we return nil if any of the blobservers said
// success. maybe a bit weird, though.
return nil
return reterr
func (sto *replicaStorage) EnumerateBlobs(dest chan<- blobref.SizedBlobRef, after string, limit uint, waitSeconds int) os.Error {
// TODO: option to enumerate from one or from all merged. for
// now we'll just do all, even though it's kinda a waste. at
// least then we don't miss anything if a certain node is
// missing some blobs temporarily
return blobserver.MergedEnumerate(dest, sto.replicas, after, limit, waitSeconds)
func init() {
blobserver.RegisterStorageConstructor("replica", blobserver.StorageConstructor(newFromConfig))