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package client
import (
type UploadHandle struct {
BlobRef *blobref.BlobRef
Size int64
Contents io.Reader
type PutResult struct {
BlobRef *blobref.BlobRef
Size int64
Skipped bool // already present on blobserver
func encodeBase64(s string) string {
buf := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s)))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(buf, []byte(s))
return string(buf)
func jsonFromResponse(resp *http.Response) (map[string]interface{}, os.Error) {
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
log.Printf("Failed to JSON from response; status code is %d", resp.StatusCode)
io.Copy(os.Stderr, resp.Body)
return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("HTTP response code is %d; no JSON to parse.", resp.StatusCode))
// TODO: LimitReader here for paranoia
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
io.Copy(buf, resp.Body)
jmap := make(map[string]interface{})
if jerr := json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &jmap); jerr != nil {
return nil, jerr
return jmap, nil
func (c *Client) Upload(h *UploadHandle) (*PutResult, os.Error) {
error := func(msg string, e os.Error) (*PutResult, os.Error) {
err := os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Error uploading blob %s: %s; err=%s",
h.BlobRef, msg, e))
return nil, err
c.stats.UploadRequests.Bytes += h.Size
authHeader := "Basic " + encodeBase64("username:" + c.password)
blobRefString := h.BlobRef.String()
// Pre-upload. Check whether the blob already exists on the
// server and if not, the URL to upload it to.
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/camli/preupload", c.server)
requestBody := "camliversion=1&blob1="+blobRefString
req := http.NewPostRequest(
req.Header["Authorization"] = authHeader
req.ContentLength = int64(len(requestBody))
req.TransferEncoding = nil
resp, err := req.Send()
if err != nil {
return error("preupload http error", err)
pur, err := jsonFromResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return error("preupload json parse error", err)
uploadUrl, ok := pur["uploadUrl"].(string)
if uploadUrl == "" {
return error("preupload json validity error: no 'uploadUrl'", nil)
alreadyHave, ok := pur["alreadyHave"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return error("preupload json validity error: no 'alreadyHave'", nil)
pr := &PutResult{BlobRef: h.BlobRef, Size: h.Size}
for _, haveObj := range alreadyHave {
haveObj := haveObj.(map[string]interface{})
if haveObj["blobRef"].(string) == h.BlobRef.String() {
pr.Skipped = true
return pr, nil
boundary := "sdf8sd8f7s9df9s7df9sd7sdf9s879vs7d8v7sd8v7sd8v"
req = http.NewPostRequest(uploadUrl,
"multipart/form-data; boundary="+boundary,
"--%s\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n" +
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n",
h.BlobRef, h.BlobRef)),
req.Header["Authorization"] = authHeader
resp, err = req.Send()
if err != nil {
return error("upload http error", err)
// The only valid HTTP responses are 200 and 303.
if resp.StatusCode != 200 && resp.StatusCode != 303 {
return error(fmt.Sprintf("invalid http response %d in upload response", resp.StatusCode), nil)
if resp.StatusCode == 303 {
otherLocation, ok := resp.Header["Location"]
if !ok {
return error("303 without a Location", nil)
relUrl, err := http.ParseURL(otherLocation)
if err != nil {
return error("303 Location URL parse error", err)
baseUrl, _ := http.ParseURL(uploadUrl)
absUrl := baseUrl.Add(relUrl)
otherLocation = absUrl.String()
resp, _, err = http.Get(otherLocation)
if err != nil {
return error("error following 303 redirect after upload", err)
ures, err := jsonFromResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return error("json parse from upload error", err)
errorText, ok := ures["errorText"].(string)
if ok {
log.Printf("Blob server reports error: %s", errorText)
received, ok := ures["received"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return error("upload json validity error: no 'received'", nil)
for _, rit := range received {
it, ok := rit.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return error("upload json validity error: 'received' is malformed", nil)
if it["blobRef"] == blobRefString {
switch size := it["size"].(type) {
case nil:
return error("upload json validity error: 'received' is missing 'size'", nil)
case float64:
if int64(size) == h.Size {
// Success!
c.stats.Uploads.Bytes += h.Size
return pr, nil
} else {
return error(fmt.Sprintf("Server got blob, but reports wrong length (%v; expected %d)",
size, h.Size), nil)
return error("unsupported type of 'size' in received response", nil)
return nil, os.NewError("Server didn't receive blob.")