#!/usr/bin/python2 """Starts project build on Google Cloud Builder. Usage: build.py """ import base64 import collections import datetime import os import re import subprocess import sys import time import urllib import yaml from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials from googleapiclient.discovery import build CONFIGURATIONS = { 'sanitizer-address' : [ 'SANITIZER=address' ], 'sanitizer-memory' : [ 'SANITIZER=memory' ], 'sanitizer-undefined' : [ 'SANITIZER=undefined' ], 'sanitizer-coverage' : [ 'SANITIZER=coverage' ], 'sanitizer-profile' : [ 'SANITIZER=profile' ], 'engine-libfuzzer' : [ 'FUZZING_ENGINE=libfuzzer' ], 'engine-afl' : [ 'FUZZING_ENGINE=afl' ], 'engine-honggfuzz' : [ 'FUZZING_ENGINE=honggfuzz' ], } EngineInfo = collections.namedtuple( 'EngineInfo', ['upload_bucket', 'supported_sanitizers']) ENGINE_INFO = { 'libfuzzer': EngineInfo( upload_bucket='clusterfuzz-builds', supported_sanitizers=['address', 'memory', 'undefined', 'coverage', 'profile']), 'afl': EngineInfo( upload_bucket='clusterfuzz-builds-afl', supported_sanitizers=['address']), 'honggfuzz': EngineInfo( upload_bucket='clusterfuzz-builds-honggfuzz', supported_sanitizers=['address', 'memory', 'undefined']), } DEFAULT_ENGINES = ['libfuzzer', 'afl', 'honggfuzz'] DEFAULT_SANITIZERS = ['address', 'undefined'] def usage(): sys.stderr.write( "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " \n") exit(1) def load_project_yaml(project_dir): project_name = os.path.basename(project_dir) project_yaml_path = os.path.join(project_dir, 'project.yaml') with open(project_yaml_path) as f: project_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) project_yaml.setdefault('name', project_name) project_yaml.setdefault('image', 'gcr.io/oss-fuzz/' + project_name) project_yaml.setdefault('sanitizers', DEFAULT_SANITIZERS) project_yaml.setdefault('fuzzing_engines', DEFAULT_ENGINES) return project_yaml def get_signed_url(path): timestamp = int(time.time() + 60 * 60 * 5) blob = 'PUT\n\n\n{0}\n{1}'.format( timestamp, path) creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS']) client_id = creds.service_account_email signature = base64.b64encode(creds.sign_blob(blob)[1]) values = { 'GoogleAccessId': client_id, 'Expires': timestamp, 'Signature': signature, } return ('https://storage.googleapis.com{0}?'.format(path) + urllib.urlencode(values)) def is_supported_configuration(fuzzing_engine, sanitizer): return sanitizer in ENGINE_INFO[fuzzing_engine].supported_sanitizers def get_sanitizers(project_yaml): sanitizers = project_yaml['sanitizers'] assert isinstance(sanitizers, list) processed_sanitizers = [] for sanitizer in sanitizers: if isinstance(sanitizer, basestring): processed_sanitizers.append(sanitizer) elif isinstance(sanitizer, dict): for key in sanitizer.iterkeys(): processed_sanitizers.append(key) # Always make a coverage build. if 'coverage' not in processed_sanitizers: processed_sanitizers.append('coverage') if 'profile' not in processed_sanitizers: processed_sanitizers.append('profile') return processed_sanitizers def workdir_from_dockerfile(dockerfile): """Parse WORKDIR from the Dockerfile.""" WORKDIR_REGEX = re.compile(r'\s*WORKDIR\s*([^\s]+)') with open(dockerfile) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: match = re.match(WORKDIR_REGEX, line) if match: # We need to escape '$' since they're used for subsitutions in Container # Builer builds. return match.group(1).replace('$', '$$') return None def get_build_steps(project_yaml, dockerfile_path): name = project_yaml['name'] image = project_yaml['image'] ts = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') build_steps = [ { 'args': [ 'clone', 'https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz.git', ], 'name': 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/git', }, { 'name': 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker', 'args': [ 'build', '-t', image, '.', ], 'dir': 'oss-fuzz/projects/' + name, }, { 'name': image, 'args': [ 'bash', '-c', 'srcmap > /workspace/srcmap.json && cat /workspace/srcmap.json' ], 'env': [ 'OSSFUZZ_REVISION=$REVISION_ID' ], }, ] for fuzzing_engine in project_yaml['fuzzing_engines']: for sanitizer in get_sanitizers(project_yaml): if not is_supported_configuration(fuzzing_engine, sanitizer): continue env = CONFIGURATIONS['engine-' + fuzzing_engine][:] env.extend(CONFIGURATIONS['sanitizer-' + sanitizer]) out = '/workspace/out/' + sanitizer stamped_name = name + '-' + sanitizer + '-' + ts zip_file = stamped_name + '.zip' stamped_srcmap_file = stamped_name + '.srcmap.json' bucket = ENGINE_INFO[fuzzing_engine].upload_bucket upload_url = get_signed_url('/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format( bucket, name, zip_file)) srcmap_url = get_signed_url('/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format( bucket, name, stamped_srcmap_file)) env.append('OUT=' + out) workdir = workdir_from_dockerfile(dockerfile_path) if not workdir: workdir = '/src' build_steps.extend([ # compile {'name': image, 'env': env, 'args': [ 'bash', '-c', # Remove /out to break loudly when a build script incorrectly uses # /out instead of $OUT. # `cd /src && cd {workdir}` (where {workdir} is parsed from the # Dockerfile). Container Builder overrides our workdir so we need to add # this step to set it back. # We also remove /work and /src to save disk space after a step. # Container Builder doesn't pass --rm to docker run yet. 'rm -r /out && cd /src && cd {1} && mkdir -p {0} && compile && rm -rf /work && rm -rf /src'.format(out, workdir), ], }, # zip binaries {'name': image, 'args': [ 'bash', '-c', 'cd {0} && zip -r {1} *'.format(out, zip_file) ], }, # upload srcmap {'name': 'gcr.io/oss-fuzz-base/uploader', 'args': [ '/workspace/srcmap.json', srcmap_url, ], }, # upload binaries {'name': 'gcr.io/oss-fuzz-base/uploader', 'args': [ os.path.join(out, zip_file), upload_url, ], }, # cleanup {'name': image, 'args': [ 'bash', '-c', 'rm -r ' + out, ], }, ]) return build_steps def get_logs_url(build_id): URL_FORMAT = ('https://console.developers.google.com/logs/viewer?' 'resource=build%2Fbuild_id%2F{0}&project=oss-fuzz') return URL_FORMAT.format(build_id) def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() project_dir = sys.argv[1] project_yaml = load_project_yaml(project_dir) dockerfile_path = os.path.join(project_dir, 'Dockerfile') options = {} if "GCB_OPTIONS" in os.environ: options = yaml.safe_load(os.environ["GCB_OPTIONS"]) build_body = { 'steps': get_build_steps(project_yaml, dockerfile_path), 'timeout': str(6 * 3600) + 's', 'options': options, 'logsBucket': 'oss-fuzz-gcb-logs', 'images': [ project_yaml['image'] ], } credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default() cloudbuild = build('cloudbuild', 'v1', credentials=credentials) build_info = cloudbuild.projects().builds().create( projectId='oss-fuzz', body=build_body).execute() build_id = build_info['metadata']['build']['id'] print >>sys.stderr, 'Logs:', get_logs_url(build_id) print build_id if __name__ == "__main__": main()