import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.api.FuzzedDataProvider; import com.code_intelligence.jazzer.api.FuzzerSecurityIssueHigh; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; public class ShellFuzzer extends TestServer { ShellFuzzer(boolean verbose) throws SQLException { super("myH2DBPassword", verbose); } public String getTestName() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } static void testOneInput(String fuzzyString, boolean verbose) { SqlStatementFuzzer server; try { server = new SqlStatementFuzzer(verbose); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } try { Shell shell = new Shell(); shell.setErr(new PrintStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream())); shell.setOut(new PrintStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream())); shell.runTool(new String[]{"-url", server.getConnectionURL(), "-password", server.getDatabasePassword(), "-sql", fuzzyString}); } catch (SQLException ex) { /* ignore */ } catch (Exception ex) { server.diagnostic("unexpected exception on the client side..."); } if ( ! server.isRunning() ) { throw new FuzzerSecurityIssueHigh("Shell caused server crash"); } try { server.stop(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new FuzzerSecurityIssueHigh("Why can't we shutdown the server?"); } } public static void fuzzerTestOneInput(FuzzedDataProvider fuzzedDataProvider) { testOneInput(fuzzedDataProvider.consumeRemainingAsAsciiString(), false); } }