--- layout: default title: Fuzzer environment parent: Further reading nav_order: 2 permalink: /further-reading/fuzzer-environment/ --- # Fuzzer environment on ClusterFuzz Your fuzz targets will be run on a [Google Compute Engine](https://cloud.google.com/compute/) VM (Linux) with some [security restrictions](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/master/infra/base-images/base-runner/run_minijail). - TOC {:toc} --- ## Runtime Dependencies You should not make any assumptions on the availability of dependent packages in the execution environment. Packages that are installed via [Dockerfile]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/#dockerfile) or built as part of [build.sh]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/#buildsh) are not available on the bot runtime environment (where the fuzz targets run). If you need these dependencies in the runtime environment, you can either - Install the packages via Dockerfile ([example](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/2d5e2ef84f281e6ab789055aa735606d3122fda9/projects/tor/Dockerfile#L19)) and then link statically against them ([example](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/2d5e2ef84f281e6ab789055aa735606d3122fda9/projects/tor/build.sh#L40)) - Or build the dependencies statically in [build.sh]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/#buildsh) ([example](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/64f8b6593da141b97c98c7bc6f07df92c42ee010/projects/ffmpeg/build.sh#L26)). All build artifacts needed during fuzz target execution should be inside the `$OUT` directory. Only those artifacts are archived and used on the bots. Everything else is ignored (e.g. artifacts in `$WORK`, `$SRC`, etc) and hence is not available in the execution environment. We strongly recommend static linking because it just works. However dynamic linking can work if shared objects are included in the `$OUT` directory and are loaded relative to `'$ORIGIN'`, the path of the binary (see the discussion of `'$ORIGIN'` [here](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/ld.so.8.html)). A fuzzer can be instructed to load libraries relative to `'$ORIGIN'` during compilation (i.e. `-Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/lib'` ) or afterwards using `chrpath -r '$ORIGIN/lib' $OUT/$fuzzerName` ([example](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/09aa9ac556f97bd4e31928747eca0c8fed42509f/projects/php/build.sh#L40)). Note that `'$ORIGIN'` should be surronded by single quotes because it is not an environment variable like `$OUT` that can be retrieved during execution of `build.sh`. Its value is retrieved during execution of the binary. You can verify that you did this correctly using `ldd ` and the `check_build` command in `infra/helper.py`. You should ensure that the fuzz target works correctly by using `run_fuzzer` command (see instructions [here]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/#testing-locally)). This command uses a clean base-runner docker container and not the base-builder docker container created during build-time. ## argv[0] You must not modify `argv[0]`. It is required for certain things to work correctly. ## Current working directory You should not make any assumptions about the current working directory of your fuzz target. If you need to load data files, please use `argv[0]` to get the directory where your fuzz target executable is located. ## File system Everything except `/tmp` is read-only, including the directory that your fuzz target executable lives in. `/dev` is also unavailable. ## Hardware Your project should not be compiled with `-march=native` or `-mtune=native` flags, as the build infrastructure and fuzzing machines may have different CPUs as well as other hardware differences. You may however use `-mtune=generic`.