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# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Logic to create Fuzz Introspector overview page."""
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
TABLE_HEAD = """<table id="mainTable">
<th title="Fuzzer key. Usually fuzzer executable file">
Project Report
<th title="Number of fuzz targets for the project.">
Fuzz target count
<th title="Percentage of code statially reachable from the fuzzers.">
Code statically reached
<th title="Percentage of code currently covered at runtime.">
Code covered at runtime
TABLE_END = """</tbody>
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<div class="top-navbar">
<div class="top-navbar-title-wrapper">
<div class="top-navbar-title" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size:25px">
Fuzzer introspection of OSS-Fuzz projects
<div style="margin:0; font-size: 10px">
For issues and ideas:
<a href="https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues" style="color:#FFFFFF;">
<div class="main-div">
<b>Fuzz Introspector documentation:</b><a href="https://fuzz-introspector.readthedocs.io/en/latest/">https://fuzz-introspector.readthedocs.io/en/latest/</a>
<b>Fuzz Introspector repository:</b><a href="https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector">https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector</a>
<div class="table-wrapper">"""
$(document).ready( function () {
// Get number of rows in this table
var rowCount = $('#mainTable tr').length;
var sortByColumn = $('#mainTable').data('sort-by-column');
var sortOrder = $('#mainTable').data('sort-order');
var bPaginate;
var bLengthChange;
var bInfo;
var bFilter;
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bFilter = false;
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bFilter = true;
bFilter = true;
bPaginate = true;
bLengthChange = true;
bInfo = true;
var tableConfig = {'bPaginate': bPaginate,
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'pageLength': 1000,
'autoWidth': false,
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extend: 'colvis',
text: "Columns"
extend: "pageLength",
text: "Rows"
fixedColumns: {
left: 2
var language = {"lengthMenu": "_MENU_ per page",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search table",
"search": "_INPUT_"}
tableConfig.language = language;
} );
def refine_percentage_string(percentage_string):
"""Shortens a srting to 4 characters and prepends zeros if necessary.
We need to prepend the zero to make sorting in the final table accurrate.
percentage_string = percentage_string.replace("%", "")
if len(percentage_string.split(".")[0]) == 1:
percentage_string = "0" + percentage_string
if len(percentage_string) > 5:
percentage_string = percentage_string[:5]
# Check if the percentage is withing range of [0.0 : 100.0]
# Some old reports from 2022 have deprecated data, which we do not want to
# display.
float_val = float(percentage_string)
if float_val < 0.0 or float_val > 100.0:
# Raise exception to make the code display '-' elements.
raise Exception('Out of range numbers')
return percentage_string + "%"
def fetch_fuzz_introspector_summary(report_url):
"""Given a URL to an introspector report, returns a dictionary with data
from the report. This includes, fuzzer count, reachability and code
# Extract json summary file.
summary_url = report_url.replace('fuzz_report.html', 'summary.json')
response = urlopen(summary_url)
json_data = json.loads(response.read())
# 1) Extract fuzzer count. This corresponds to all but two elements at the
# top level of the dictionary.
fuzzer_count = len(json_data) - 2
# 2) Extract reachability count.
reached_stats = "0.0%"
if 'MergedProjectProfile' in json_data:
if 'stats' in json_data['MergedProjectProfile']:
merged_profile = json_data['MergedProjectProfile']
reached_stats = merged_profile['stats']['reached-complexity-percentage']
reached_stats = refine_percentage_string(str(reached_stats))
# Extract code coverage stats.
# Momentarily, we will get this from the HTML page because it's not yet
# in the summary.json. This will change in the near future, but in the
# spirit of time we keep it like this for now.
fuzz_report_html = urlopen(report_url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(fuzz_report_html, 'html.parser')
target_divs = soup.findAll('text', {'class': 'percentage'})
# The code coverage is the third instance of this text class.
raw_code_coverage = target_divs[2].string.strip()
code_coverage = refine_percentage_string(raw_code_coverage)
return {
'fuzzer_count': fuzzer_count,
'project_complexity_reached': reached_stats,
'code_coverage': code_coverage
def get_fuzzer_introspector_project_summary(report_url):
"""Return dictionary containing summary of fuzz introspector project."""
results_dict = fetch_fuzz_introspector_summary(report_url)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
results_dict = {
'fuzzer_count': '-',
'project_complexity_reached': '-',
'code_coverage': '-'
return results_dict
def get_fuzz_introspector_row(project, report_url):
"""Creates a single row in the Fuzz Introspector HTML table."""
project_summary = get_fuzzer_introspector_project_summary(report_url)
return ("<tr>"
f"<td><a href='{report_url}'>{project}</a></td>"
def create_introspector_overview_table(fuzz_introspector_index):
"""Creates a HTML table with Fuzz Introspector summary for each project."""
all_rows = ""
for project_name in fuzz_introspector_index:
report_url = fuzz_introspector_index[project_name]
all_rows += get_fuzz_introspector_row(project_name, report_url)
return TABLE_HEAD + all_rows + TABLE_END
def get_fuzz_introspector_html_page(fuzz_introspector_index):
"""Creates a HTML page as a string displaying Fuzz Introspector overview."""
html_table = create_introspector_overview_table(fuzz_introspector_index)
return (FUZZ_INTROSPECTOR_HTML_TOP + html_table +