
183 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helper script for upgrading a profraw file to latest version."""
from collections import namedtuple
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
HeaderGeneric = namedtuple('HeaderGeneric', 'magic version')
HeaderVersion9 = namedtuple(
'BinaryIdsSize DataSize PaddingBytesBeforeCounters CountersSize \
PaddingBytesAfterCounters NumBitmapBytes PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes NamesSize CountersDelta BitmapDelta NamesDelta ValueKindLast'
PROFRAW_MAGIC = 0xff6c70726f667281
def relativize_address(data, offset, databegin, sect_prf_cnts, sect_prf_data):
"""Turns an absolute offset into a relative one."""
value = struct.unpack('Q', data[offset:offset + 8])[0]
if sect_prf_cnts <= value < sect_prf_data:
# If the value is an address in the right section, make it relative.
value = (value - databegin) & 0xffffffffffffffff
value = struct.pack('Q', value)
for i in range(8):
data[offset + i] = value[i]
# address was made relative
return True
# no changes done
return False
def upgrade(data, sect_prf_cnts, sect_prf_data):
"""Upgrades profraw data, knowing the sections addresses."""
generic_header = HeaderGeneric._make(struct.unpack('QQ', data[:16]))
if generic_header.magic != PROFRAW_MAGIC:
raise Exception('Bad magic.')
base_version = generic_header.version
if base_version >= 9:
# Nothing to do.
return data
if base_version < 5 or base_version == 6:
raise Exception('Unhandled version.')
if generic_header.version == 5:
generic_header = generic_header._replace(version=7)
# Upgrade from version 5 to 7 by adding binaryids field.
data = data[:8] + struct.pack('Q', generic_header.version) + struct.pack(
'Q', 0) + data[16:]
if generic_header.version == 7:
# cf https://reviews.llvm.org/D111123
generic_header = generic_header._replace(version=8)
data = data[:8] + struct.pack('Q', generic_header.version) + data[16:]
if generic_header.version == 8:
# see https://reviews.llvm.org/D138846
generic_header = generic_header._replace(version=9)
# Upgrade from version 8 to 9 by adding NumBitmapBytes, PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes and BitmapDelta fields.
data = data[:8] + struct.pack(
'Q', generic_header.version) + data[16:56] + struct.pack(
'QQ', 0, 0) + data[56:72] + struct.pack('Q', 0) + data[72:]
v9_header = HeaderVersion9._make(struct.unpack('QQQQQQQQQQQQ', data[16:112]))
if base_version <= 8 and v9_header.BinaryIdsSize % 8 != 0:
# Adds padding for binary ids.
# cf commit b9f547e8e51182d32f1912f97a3e53f4899ea6be
# cf https://reviews.llvm.org/D110365
padlen = 8 - (v9_header.BinaryIdsSize % 8)
v7_header = v9_header._replace(BinaryIdsSize=v9_header.BinaryIdsSize +
data = data[:16] + struct.pack('Q', v9_header.BinaryIdsSize) + data[24:]
data = data[:112 + v9_header.BinaryIdsSize] + bytes(
padlen) + data[112 + v9_header.BinaryIdsSize:]
if base_version <= 8:
offset = 112 + v9_header.BinaryIdsSize
for d in range(v9_header.DataSize):
# Add BitmapPtr and aligned u32(NumBitmapBytes)
data = data[:offset + 3 * 8] + struct.pack(
'Q', 0) + data[offset + 3 * 8:offset + 6 * 8] + struct.pack(
'Q', 0) + data[offset + 6 * 8:]
value = struct.unpack('Q',
data[offset + 2 * 8:offset + 3 * 8])[0] - 16 * d
data = data[:offset + 2 * 8] + struct.pack('Q',
value) + data[offset + 3 * 8:]
offset += 8 * 8
if base_version >= 8:
# Nothing more to do.
return data
# Last changes are relaed to bump from 7 to version 8 making CountersPtr relative.
dataref = sect_prf_data
# 80 is offset of CountersDelta.
if not relativize_address(data, 80, dataref, sect_prf_cnts, sect_prf_data):
return data
offset = 112 + v9_header.BinaryIdsSize
# This also works for C+Rust binaries compiled with
# clang-14/rust-nightly-clang-13.
for _ in range(v9_header.DataSize):
# 16 is the offset of CounterPtr in ProfrawData structure.
relativize_address(data, offset + 16, dataref, sect_prf_cnts, sect_prf_data)
# We need this because of CountersDelta -= sizeof(*SrcData);
# seen in __llvm_profile_merge_from_buffer.
dataref += 44 + 2 * (v9_header.ValueKindLast + 1)
if was8:
#profraw9 added RelativeBitmapPtr and NumBitmapBytes (8+4 rounded up to 16)
dataref -= 16
# This is the size of one ProfrawData structure.
offset += 44 + 2 * (v9_header.ValueKindLast + 1)
return data
def main():
"""Helper script for upgrading a profraw file to latest version."""
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <binary> options? <profraw>...\n' % sys.argv[0])
return 1
# First find llvm profile sections addresses in the elf, quick and dirty.
process = subprocess.Popen(['readelf', '-S', sys.argv[1]],
output, err = process.communicate()
if err:
print('readelf failed')
return 2
for line in iter(output.split(b'\n')):
if b'__llvm_prf_cnts' in line:
sect_prf_cnts = int(line.split()[3], 16)
elif b'__llvm_prf_data' in line:
sect_prf_data = int(line.split()[3], 16)
out_name = "default.profup"
in_place = False
start = 2
if sys.argv[2] == "-i":
in_place = True
start = start + 1
elif sys.argv[2] == "-o":
out_name = sys.argv[3]
start = 4
if len(sys.argv) < start:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <binary> options <profraw>...\n' % sys.argv[0])
return 1
for i in range(start, len(sys.argv)):
# Then open and read the input profraw file.
with open(sys.argv[i], 'rb') as input_file:
profraw_base = bytearray(input_file.read())
# Do the upgrade, returning a bytes object.
profraw_latest = upgrade(profraw_base, sect_prf_cnts, sect_prf_data)
# Write the output to the file given to the command line.
if in_place:
out_name = sys.argv[i]
with open(out_name, 'wb') as output_file:
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':