/* * Odyssey. * * Scalable PostgreSQL connection pooler. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static inline void od_system_server(void *arg) { od_system_server_t *server = arg; od_instance_t *instance = server->global->instance; od_router_t *router = server->global->router; for (;;) { /* accepted client io is not attached to epoll context yet */ machine_io_t *client_io; int rc; rc = machine_accept(server->io, &client_io, server->config->backlog, 0, UINT32_MAX); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "accept failed: %s", machine_error(server->io)); int errno_ = machine_errno(); if (errno_ == EADDRINUSE) break; continue; } /* set network options */ machine_set_nodelay(client_io, instance->config.nodelay); if (instance->config.keepalive > 0) machine_set_keepalive(client_io, 1, instance->config.keepalive); machine_io_t *notify_io; notify_io = machine_io_create(); if (notify_io == NULL) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "failed to allocate client io notify object"); machine_close(client_io); machine_io_free(client_io); continue; } rc = machine_eventfd(notify_io); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "failed to get eventfd for client: %s", machine_error(client_io)); machine_close(notify_io); machine_close(client_io); machine_io_free(client_io); continue; } /* allocate new client */ od_client_t *client = od_client_allocate(); if (client == NULL) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "failed to allocate client object"); machine_close(client_io); machine_io_free(client_io); continue; } od_id_generate(&client->id, "c"); rc = od_io_prepare(&client->io, client_io, instance->config.readahead); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "failed to allocate client io object"); machine_close(client_io); machine_io_free(client_io); od_client_free(client); continue; } client->rule = NULL; client->config_listen = server->config; client->tls = server->tls; client->time_accept = 0; client->notify_io = notify_io; if (instance->config.log_session) client->time_accept = machine_time_us(); /* create new client event and pass it to worker pool */ machine_msg_t *msg; msg = machine_msg_create(sizeof(od_client_t*)); machine_msg_set_type(msg, OD_MSG_CLIENT_NEW); memcpy(machine_msg_data(msg), &client, sizeof(od_client_t*)); od_worker_pool_t *worker_pool = server->global->worker_pool; od_atomic_u32_inc(&router->clients_routing); od_worker_pool_feed(worker_pool, msg); while (od_atomic_u32_of(&router->clients_routing) >= (uint32_t) instance->config.client_max_routing) { machine_sleep(1); } } } static inline int od_system_server_start(od_system_t *system, od_config_listen_t *config, struct addrinfo *addr) { od_instance_t *instance = system->global->instance; od_system_server_t *server; server = malloc(sizeof(od_system_server_t)); if (server == NULL) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to allocate system server object"); return -1; } server->config = config; server->addr = addr; server->io = NULL; server->tls = NULL; server->global = system->global; /* create server tls */ if (server->config->tls_mode != OD_CONFIG_TLS_DISABLE) { server->tls = od_tls_frontend(server->config); if (server->tls == NULL) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "failed to create tls handler"); free(server); return -1; } } /* create server io */ server->io = machine_io_create(); if (server->io == NULL) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "failed to create system io"); if (server->tls) machine_tls_free(server->tls); free(server); return -1; } char addr_name[PATH_MAX]; int addr_name_len; struct sockaddr_un saddr_un; struct sockaddr *saddr; if (server->addr) { /* resolve listen address and port */ od_getaddrname(server->addr, addr_name, sizeof(addr_name), 1, 1); addr_name_len = strlen(addr_name); saddr = server->addr->ai_addr; } else { /* set unix socket path */ memset(&saddr_un, 0, sizeof(saddr_un)); saddr_un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; saddr = (struct sockaddr*)&saddr_un; addr_name_len = od_snprintf(addr_name, sizeof(addr_name), "%s/.s.PGSQL.%d", instance->config.unix_socket_dir, config->port); strncpy(saddr_un.sun_path, addr_name, addr_name_len); } /* bind */ int rc; rc = machine_bind(server->io, saddr); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "bind to '%s' failed: %s", addr_name, machine_error(server->io)); if (server->tls) machine_tls_free(server->tls); machine_close(server->io); machine_io_free(server->io); free(server); return -1; } /* chmod */ if (server->addr == NULL) { long mode; mode = strtol(instance->config.unix_socket_mode, NULL, 8); if ((errno == ERANGE && (mode == LONG_MAX || mode == LONG_MIN))) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "incorrect unix_socket_mode"); } else { rc = chmod(saddr_un.sun_path, mode); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "chmod(%s, %d) failed", saddr_un.sun_path, instance->config.unix_socket_mode); } } } od_log(&instance->logger, "server", NULL, NULL, "listening on %s", addr_name); int64_t coroutine_id; coroutine_id = machine_coroutine_create(od_system_server, server); if (coroutine_id == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to start server coroutine"); if (server->tls) machine_tls_free(server->tls); machine_close(server->io); machine_io_free(server->io); free(server); return -1; } return 0; } static inline int od_system_listen(od_system_t *system) { od_instance_t *instance = system->global->instance; int binded = 0; od_list_t *i; od_list_foreach(&instance->config.listen, i) { od_config_listen_t *listen; listen = od_container_of(i, od_config_listen_t, link); /* unix socket */ int rc; if (listen->host == NULL) { rc = od_system_server_start(system, listen, NULL); if (rc == 0) binded++; continue; } /* listen '*' */ struct addrinfo *hints_ptr = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; char *host = listen->host; if (strcmp(listen->host, "*") == 0) { hints_ptr = &hints; host = NULL; } /* resolve listen address and port */ char port[16]; od_snprintf(port, sizeof(port), "%d", listen->port); struct addrinfo *ai = NULL; rc = machine_getaddrinfo(host, port, hints_ptr, &ai, UINT32_MAX); if (rc != 0) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to resolve %s:%d", listen->host, listen->port); continue; } /* listen resolved addresses */ if (host) { rc = od_system_server_start(system, listen, ai); if (rc == 0) binded++; continue; } while (ai) { rc = od_system_server_start(system, listen, ai); if (rc == 0) binded++; ai = ai->ai_next; } } return binded; } static inline void od_system_cleanup(od_system_t *system) { od_instance_t *instance = system->global->instance; od_list_t *i; od_list_foreach(&instance->config.listen, i) { od_config_listen_t *listen; listen = od_container_of(i, od_config_listen_t, link); if (listen->host) continue; /* remove unix socket files */ char path[PATH_MAX]; od_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/.s.PGSQL.%d", instance->config.unix_socket_dir, listen->port); unlink(path); } } static inline void od_system_config_reload(od_system_t *system) { od_instance_t *instance = system->global->instance; od_router_t *router = system->global->router; od_log(&instance->logger, "config", NULL, NULL, "importing changes from '%s'", instance->config_file); od_error_t error; od_error_init(&error); od_config_t config; od_config_init(&config); od_rules_t rules; od_rules_init(&rules); int rc; rc = od_config_reader_import(&config, &rules, &error, instance->config_file); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "config", NULL, NULL, "%s", error.error); od_config_free(&config); od_rules_free(&rules); return; } rc = od_config_validate(&config, &instance->logger); if (rc == -1) { od_config_free(&config); od_rules_free(&rules); return; } rc = od_rules_validate(&rules, &config, &instance->logger); od_config_reload(&instance->config, &config); od_config_free(&config); if (rc == -1) { od_rules_free(&rules); return; } if (instance->config.log_config) od_rules_print(&rules, &instance->logger); /* Merge configuration changes. * * Add new routes or obsolete previous ones which are updated or not * present in new config file. * * Force obsolete clients to disconnect. */ int updates; updates = od_router_reconfigure(router, &rules); /* free unused rules */ od_rules_free(&rules); od_log(&instance->logger, "rules", NULL, NULL, "%d routes created/deleted and scheduled for removal", updates); } static inline void od_system_signal_handler(void *arg) { od_system_t *system = arg; od_instance_t *instance = system->global->instance; sigset_t mask; sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP); int rc; rc = machine_signal_init(&mask); if (rc == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to init signal handler"); return; } for (;;) { rc = machine_signal_wait(UINT32_MAX); if (rc == -1) break; switch (rc) { case SIGTERM: od_log(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "SIGTERM received, shutting down"); od_system_cleanup(system); exit(0); break; case SIGINT: od_log(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "SIGINT received, shutting down"); od_system_cleanup(system); exit(0); break; case SIGHUP: od_log(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "SIGHUP received"); od_system_config_reload(system); break; } } } static inline void od_system(void *arg) { od_system_t *system = arg; od_instance_t *instance = system->global->instance; /* start cron coroutine */ od_cron_t *cron = system->global->cron; int rc; rc = od_cron_start(cron, system->global); if (rc == -1) return; /* start worker threads */ od_worker_pool_t *worker_pool = system->global->worker_pool; rc = od_worker_pool_start(worker_pool, system->global, instance->config.workers); if (rc == -1) return; /* start signal handler coroutine */ int64_t coroutine_id; coroutine_id = machine_coroutine_create(od_system_signal_handler, system); if (coroutine_id == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to start signal handler"); return; } /* start listen servers */ rc = od_system_listen(system); if (rc == 0) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to bind any listen address"); exit(1); } } void od_system_init(od_system_t *system) { system->machine = -1; system->global = NULL; } int od_system_start(od_system_t *system, od_global_t *global) { system->global = global; od_instance_t *instance = global->instance; system->machine = machine_create("system", od_system, system); if (system->machine == -1) { od_error(&instance->logger, "system", NULL, NULL, "failed to create system thread"); return -1; } return 0; }