# This configuration drives both CI and local development. # I use this locally on Ubuntu 22.04, with the following additions # # sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa # sudo apt update # sudo apt install awscli lib{ldap2,sasl2,ssl}-dev python{2,2.7,3} python3.{6..13}{,-venv} python-is-python3 sshpass tox # Py A cntrllr A target coverage Django Jinja2 pip psutil pytest tox virtualenv # ==== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== # 2.4 2.3? <= 3.7.1 <= 1.3.7 <= 1.1 <= 2.1.3 <= 1.4 <= 1.8 # 2.5 <= 3.7.1 <= 1.4.22 <= 1.3.1 <= 2.1.3 <= 2.8.7 <= 1.6.1 <= 1.9.1 # 2.6 <= 2.6.20 <= 2.12 <= 4.5.4 <= 1.6.11 <= 2.10.3 <= 9.0.3 <= 5.9.0 <= 3.2.5 <= 2.9.1 <= 15.2.0 # 2.7 <= 2.11 <= 2.16 <= 5.5 <= 1.11.29 <= 2.11.3 <= 20 <= 4.6.11 <= 3.28 <= 20.15² # 3.5 <= 2.11 <= 2.15 <= 5.5 <= 2.2.28 <= 2.11.3 <= 20 <= 5.9.5 <= 6.1.0 <= 3.28 <= 20.15² # 3.6 <= 2.11 <= 2.16 <= 6.2 <= 3.2.20 <= 3.0.3 <= 21 <= 7.0.1 <= 3.28 <= 20.17² # 3.7 <= 2.12 <= 7.2.7 <= 3.2.20 <= 7.4.4 <= 4.8.0 # 3.8 <= 2.12 # 3.9 <= 2.15 # 3.10 # 3.11 # 3.12 >= 2.13¹ # # Notes # 1. Python 3.12 on a target requires Ansible >= 6 (ansible-core >= 2.13). # Python 3.12 removed support for find_module(), replaced by find_spec(). # In Ansible <= 4.x ansible.module_utils.six lacks find_spec(). # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/d6e28e68599e703c153914610152cf4492851eb3 # In Ansible <= 5.x ansible.utils.collection_loader._AnsibleCollectionFinder # lacks find_spec(). https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/76225 # # Python 3.12 + get_uri requires Ansible >= 8 (ansible-core >= 2.15). # Python 3.12 removed deprecated httplib.HTTPSConnection() arguments. # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/80751 # # 2. Higher virtualenv versions cannot run under this Python version. They can # still generate virtual environments for it. # Ansible Dependency # ================== ====================== # ansible <= 2.9 # ansible == 2.10.* ansible-base ~= 2.10.0 # ansible == 3.* ansible-base ~= 2.10.0 # ansible == 4.* ansible-core ~= 2.11.0 # ansible == 5.* ansible-core ~= 2.12.0 # ansible == 6.* ansible-core ~= 2.13.0 # ansible == 7.x ansible-core ~= 2.14.0 # ansible == 8.x ansible-core ~= 2.15.0 # ansible == 9.x ansible-core ~= 2.16.0 # ansible == 10.x ansible-core ~= 2.17.0 # See also # - https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/release_and_maintenance.html#ansible-core-support-matrix [tox] envlist = init, py{27,36}-mode_ansible-ansible{2.10,3,4}, py{311}-mode_ansible-ansible{2.10,3,4,5}, py{312}-mode_ansible-ansible{6,7,8,9,10}, py{27,36,312}-mode_mitogen-distro_centos{6,7,8}, py{27,36,312}-mode_mitogen-distro_debian{9,10,11}, py{27,36,312}-mode_mitogen-distro_ubuntu{1604,1804,2004}, report, [testenv] basepython = py26: python2.6 py27: python2.7 py35: python3.5 py36: python3.6 py37: python3.7 py38: python3.8 py39: python3.9 py310: python3.10 py311: python3.11 py312: python3.12 deps = -r{toxinidir}/tests/requirements.txt mode_ansible: -r{toxinidir}/tests/ansible/requirements.txt ansible2.10: ansible~=2.10.0 ansible3: ansible~=3.0 ansible4: ansible~=4.0 ansible5: ansible~=5.0 ansible6: ansible~=6.0 ansible7: ansible~=7.0 ansible8: ansible~=8.0 ansible9: ansible~=9.0 ansible10: ansible~=10.0 install_command = python -m pip --no-python-version-warning --disable-pip-version-check install {opts} {packages} commands_pre = mode_debops_common: {toxinidir}/.ci/debops_common_install.py commands = mode_ansible: {toxinidir}/.ci/ansible_tests.py mode_debops_common: {toxinidir}/.ci/debops_common_tests.py mode_localhost: {toxinidir}/.ci/localhost_ansible_tests.py mode_mitogen: {toxinidir}/.ci/mitogen_tests.py passenv = ANSIBLE_* HOME # Azure DevOps, TF_BUILD is set to 'True' when running in a build task # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/variables TF_BUILD setenv = # See also azure-pipelines.yml ANSIBLE_STRATEGY = mitogen_linear NOCOVERAGE_ERASE = 1 NOCOVERAGE_REPORT = 1 PIP_CONSTRAINT={toxinidir}/tests/constraints.txt # Only applicable to MODE=mitogen distro_centos5: DISTRO=centos5 distro_centos6: DISTRO=centos6 distro_centos7: DISTRO=centos7 distro_centos8: DISTRO=centos8 distro_debian9: DISTRO=debian9 distro_debian10: DISTRO=debian10 distro_debian11: DISTRO=debian11 distro_ubuntu1604: DISTRO=ubuntu1604 distro_ubuntu1804: DISTRO=ubuntu1804 distro_ubuntu2004: DISTRO=ubuntu2004 # Note the plural, only applicable to MODE=ansible # Ansible 6 - 8 (ansible-core 2.13 - 2.15) require Python 2.7 or >= 3.5 on targets ansible6: DISTROS=centos7 centos8 debian9 debian10 debian11 ubuntu1604 ubuntu1804 ubuntu2004 ansible7: DISTROS=centos7 centos8 debian9 debian10 debian11 ubuntu1604 ubuntu1804 ubuntu2004 ansible8: DISTROS=centos7 centos8 debian9 debian10 debian11 ubuntu1604 ubuntu1804 ubuntu2004 # Ansible 9 (ansible-core 2.16) requires Python 2.7 or >= 3.6 on targets ansible9: DISTROS=centos7 centos8 debian9 debian10 debian11 ubuntu1804 ubuntu2004 # Ansible 10 (ansible-core 2.17) requires Python >= 3.7 on targets ansible10: DISTROS=debian10-py3 debian11-py3 ubuntu2004-py3 distros_centos: DISTROS=centos6 centos7 centos8 distros_centos5: DISTROS=centos5 distros_centos6: DISTROS=centos6 distros_centos7: DISTROS=centos7 distros_centos8: DISTROS=centos8 distros_debian: DISTROS=debian9 debian10 debian11 distros_debian9: DISTROS=debian9 distros_debian10: DISTROS=debian10 distros_debian11: DISTROS=debian11 distros_ubuntu: DISTROS=ubuntu1604 ubuntu1804 ubuntu2004 distros_ubuntu1604: DISTROS=ubuntu1604 distros_ubuntu1804: DISTROS=ubuntu1804 distros_ubuntu2004: DISTROS=ubuntu2004 mode_ansible: MODE=ansible mode_ansible: ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS=resource_intensive mode_ansible: ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST=profile_tasks mode_ansible: ANSIBLE_CALLBACKS_ENABLED=profile_tasks mode_debops_common: MODE=debops_common mode_localhost: ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS=issue_776,resource_intensive mode_mitogen: MODE=mitogen strategy_linear: ANSIBLE_STRATEGY=linear allowlist_externals = # Added: Tox 3.18: Tox 4.0+ *_install.py *_tests.py aws docker docker-credential-secretservice echo gpg2 pass whitelist_externals = # Deprecated: Tox 3.18+; Removed: Tox 4.0 *_install.py *_tests.py aws docker docker-credential-secretservice echo gpg2 pass [testenv:init] basepython = python3 commands = coverage erase deps = coverage==4.5.4 [testenv:report] basepython = python3 commands = coverage html echo "coverage report is at file://{toxinidir}/htmlcov/index.html" deps = coverage==4.5.4 whitelist_externals = echo [testenv:docs] basepython = python3.8 changedir = docs commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html deps = -r docs/requirements.txt