""" This module implements functionality required by master processes, such as starting new contexts via SSH. Its size is also restricted, since it must be sent to any context that will be used to establish additional child contexts. """ import commands import getpass import inspect import logging import os import pkgutil import re import socket import sys import textwrap import types import zlib if not hasattr(pkgutil, 'find_loader'): # find_loader() was new in >=2.5, but the modern pkgutil.py syntax has # been kept intentionally 2.3 compatible so we can reuse it. from econtext.compat import pkgutil import econtext.core LOG = logging.getLogger('econtext') IOLOG = logging.getLogger('econtext.io') RLOG = logging.getLogger('econtext.ctx') DOCSTRING_RE = re.compile(r'""".+?"""', re.M | re.S) COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]*#[^\n]*$', re.M) IOLOG_RE = re.compile(r'^[ ]*IOLOG.debug\(.+?\)$', re.M) def minimize_source(source): """Remove comments and docstrings from Python `source`, preserving line numbers and syntax of empty blocks.""" subber = lambda match: '""' + ('\n' * match.group(0).count('\n')) source = DOCSTRING_RE.sub(subber, source) source = COMMENT_RE.sub('', source) return source.replace(' ', '\t') def get_child_modules(path, fullname): """Return the canonical names of all submodules of a package `module`.""" it = pkgutil.iter_modules([os.path.dirname(path)]) return ['%s.%s' % (fullname, name) for _, name, _ in it] def create_child(*args): """Create a child process whose stdin/stdout is connected to a socket, returning `(pid, socket_obj)`.""" parentfp, childfp = socket.socketpair() pid = os.fork() if not pid: os.dup2(childfp.fileno(), 0) os.dup2(childfp.fileno(), 1) childfp.close() parentfp.close() os.execvp(args[0], args) raise SystemExit childfp.close() LOG.debug('create_child() child %d fd %d, parent %d, args %r', pid, parentfp.fileno(), os.getpid(), args) return pid, parentfp class Listener(econtext.core.BasicStream): def __init__(self, broker, address=None, backlog=30): self._broker = broker self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.bind(address or ('', 0)) self._sock.listen(backlog) econtext.core.set_cloexec(self._sock.fileno()) self._listen_addr = self._sock.getsockname() self.receive_side = econtext.core.Side(self, self._sock.fileno()) broker.update_stream(self) def on_receive(self, broker): sock, addr = self._sock.accept() context = Context(self._broker, name=addr) stream = econtext.core.Stream(context) stream.accept(sock.fileno(), sock.fileno()) class LogForwarder(object): def __init__(self, context): self._context = context self._context.add_handle_cb(self.forward_log, handle=econtext.core.FORWARD_LOG) name = '%s.%s' % (RLOG.name, self._context.name) self._log = logging.getLogger(name) def forward_log(self, data): if data == econtext.core._DEAD: return name, level, s = data self._log.log(level, '%s: %s', name, s) class ModuleResponder(object): def __init__(self, context): self._context = context self._context.add_handle_cb(self.get_module, handle=econtext.core.GET_MODULE) def __repr__(self): return 'ModuleResponder(%r)' % (self._context,) def get_module(self, data): if data == econtext.core._DEAD: return reply_to, fullname = data LOG.debug('%r.get_module(%r, %r)', self, reply_to, fullname) try: loader = pkgutil.find_loader(fullname) LOG.debug('pkgutil.find_loader(%r) -> %r', fullname, loader) if loader is None: raise ImportError('pkgutil provides no loader for %r' % (fullname,)) path = loader.get_filename(fullname) LOG.debug('%r.get_filename(%r) -> %r', loader, fullname, path) # Handle __main__ specially. if path is None and fullname in sys.modules: path = sys.modules[fullname].__file__.rstrip('co') source = inspect.getsource(sys.modules[fullname]) is_pkg = hasattr(sys.modules[fullname], '__path__') else: source = loader.get_source(fullname) is_pkg = loader.is_package(fullname) if is_pkg: pkg_present = get_child_modules(path, fullname) LOG.debug('get_child_modules(%r, %r) -> %r', path, fullname, pkg_present) else: pkg_present = None compressed = zlib.compress(minimize_source(source)) reply = (pkg_present, path, compressed) self._context.enqueue(reply_to, reply) except Exception: LOG.debug('While importing %r', fullname, exc_info=True) self._context.enqueue(reply_to, None) class LocalStream(econtext.core.Stream): """ Base for streams capable of starting new slaves. """ #: The path to the remote Python interpreter. python_path = 'python' def __init__(self, context): super(LocalStream, self).__init__(context) self._permitted_classes = set([ ('econtext.core', 'CallError'), ('econtext.core', 'Dead'), ]) def on_shutdown(self, broker): """Request the slave gracefully shut itself down.""" LOG.debug('%r closing CALL_FUNCTION channel', self) self.enqueue(econtext.core.CALL_FUNCTION, econtext.core._DEAD) def _find_global(self, module_name, class_name): """Return the class implementing `module_name.class_name` or raise `StreamError` if the module is not whitelisted.""" if (module_name, class_name) not in self._permitted_classes: raise econtext.core.StreamError( '%r attempted to unpickle %r in module %r', self._context, class_name, module_name) return getattr(sys.modules[module_name], class_name) def allow_class(self, module_name, class_name): """Add `module_name` to the list of permitted modules.""" self._permitted_modules.add((module_name, class_name)) # base64'd and passed to 'python -c'. It forks, dups 0->100, creates a # pipe, then execs a new interpreter with a custom argv. CONTEXT_NAME is # replaced with the context name. Optimized for size. def _first_stage(): import os,sys,zlib R,W=os.pipe() if os.fork(): os.dup2(0,100) os.dup2(R,0) os.close(R) os.close(W) os.execv(sys.executable,('econtext:'+CONTEXT_NAME,)) else: os.fdopen(W,'wb',0).write(zlib.decompress(sys.stdin.read(input()))) print 'OK' sys.exit(0) def get_boot_command(self): name = self._context.remote_name if name is None: name = '%s@%s:%d' name %= (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname(), os.getpid()) source = inspect.getsource(self._first_stage) source = textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(source.strip().split('\n')[1:])) source = source.replace(' ', '\t') source = source.replace('CONTEXT_NAME', repr(name)) encoded = source.encode('base64').replace('\n', '') return [self.python_path, '-c', 'exec "%s".decode("base64")' % (encoded,)] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._context) def get_preamble(self): source = inspect.getsource(econtext.core) source += '\nExternalContext().main%r\n' % (( self._context.key, LOG.level or logging.getLogger().level or logging.INFO, ),) compressed = zlib.compress(minimize_source(source)) return str(len(compressed)) + '\n' + compressed def connect(self): LOG.debug('%r.connect()', self) pid, sock = create_child(*self.get_boot_command()) self.receive_side = econtext.core.Side(self, os.dup(sock.fileno())) self.transmit_side = econtext.core.Side(self, os.dup(sock.fileno())) sock.close() LOG.debug('%r.connect(): child process stdin/stdout=%r', self, self.receive_side.fd) econtext.core.write_all(self.transmit_side.fd, self.get_preamble()) s = os.read(self.receive_side.fd, 4096) if s != 'OK\n': raise econtext.core.StreamError('Bootstrap failed; stdout: %r', s) class SshStream(LocalStream): #: The path to the SSH binary. ssh_path = 'ssh' def get_boot_command(self): bits = [self.ssh_path] if self._context.username: bits += ['-l', self._context.username] bits.append(self._context.hostname) base = super(SshStream, self).get_boot_command() return bits + map(commands.mkarg, base) class Broker(econtext.core.Broker): shutdown_timeout = 5.0 def create_listener(self, address=None, backlog=30): """Listen on `address` for connections from newly spawned contexts.""" self._listener = Listener(self, address, backlog) def get_local(self, name='default', python_path=None): """Get the named context running on the local machine, creating it if it does not exist.""" context = Context(self, name) context.stream = LocalStream(context) if python_path: context.stream.python_path = python_path context.stream.connect() return self.register(context) def get_remote(self, hostname, username=None, name=None, python_path=None): """Get the named remote context, creating it if it does not exist.""" if name is None: name = hostname context = Context(self, name, hostname, username) context.stream = SshStream(context) if python_path: context.stream.python_path = python_path context.stream.connect() return self.register(context) class Context(econtext.core.Context): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Context, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.responder = ModuleResponder(self) self.log_forwarder = LogForwarder(self) def on_disconnect(self, broker): self.stream = None def call_with_deadline(self, deadline, with_context, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Invoke `fn([context,] *args, **kwargs)` in the external context. If `with_context` is True, pass its :py:class:`econtext.core.ExternalContext` instance as first parameter. If `deadline` is not ``None``, expire the call after `deadline` seconds. If `deadline` is ``None``, the invocation may block indefinitely.""" LOG.debug('%r.call_with_deadline(%r, %r, %r, *%r, **%r)', self, deadline, with_context, fn, args, kwargs) if isinstance(fn, types.MethodType) and \ isinstance(fn.im_self, (type, types.ClassType)): klass = fn.im_self.__name__ else: klass = None call = (with_context, fn.__module__, klass, fn.__name__, args, kwargs) result = self.enqueue_await_reply(econtext.core.CALL_FUNCTION, deadline, call) if isinstance(result, econtext.core.CallError): raise result return result def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Invoke `fn(*args, **kwargs)` in the external context.""" return self.call_with_deadline(None, False, fn, *args, **kwargs)