#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 ''' Python External Execution Contexts. ''' import atexit import cPickle import cStringIO import commands import getpass import hmac import imp import inspect import os import select import sha import signal import socket import struct import sys import syslog import textwrap import threading import traceback import types import zlib # # Module-level data. # GET_MODULE = 0L CALL_FUNCTION = 1L DEBUG = True # # Exceptions. # class ContextError(Exception): 'Raised when a problem occurs with a context.' def __init__(self, fmt, *args): Exception.__init__(self, fmt % args) class ChannelError(ContextError): 'Raised when a channel dies or has been closed.' class StreamError(ContextError): 'Raised when a stream cannot be established.' class CorruptMessageError(StreamError): 'Raised when a corrupt message is received on a stream.' class TimeoutError(StreamError): 'Raised when a timeout occurs on a stream.' # # Helpers. # def Log(fmt, *args): if DEBUG: sys.stderr.write('%d (%d): %s\n' % (os.getpid(), os.getppid(), (fmt%args).replace('econtext.', ''))) def CreateChild(*args): ''' Create a child process whose stdin/stdout is connected to a socket. Args: *args: executable name and process arguments. Returns: pid, sock ''' sock1, sock2 = socket.socketpair() pid = os.fork() if not pid: for pair in ((0, sock1), (1, sock2)): os.dup2(sock2.fileno(), pair[0]) os.close(pair[1].fileno()) os.execvp(args[0], args) raise SystemExit return pid, sock1 class PartialFunction(object): ''' Partial function implementation. ''' def __init__(self, fn, *partial_args): self.fn = fn self.partial_args = partial_args def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.fn(*(self.partial_args+args), **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return 'PartialFunction(%r, *%r)' % (self.fn, self.partial_args) class Channel(object): def __init__(self, stream, handle): self._stream = stream self._handle = handle self._wake_event = threading.Event() self._queue_lock = threading.Lock() self._queue = [] self._stream.AddHandleCB(self._InternalReceive, handle) def _InternalReceive(self, killed, data): ''' Callback from the stream object; appends a tuple of (killed-or-closed, data) to the internal queue and wakes the internal event. Args: # Has the Stream object lost its connection? killed: bool data: ( # Has the remote Channel had Close() called? bool, # The object passed to the remote Send() object ) ''' Log('%r._InternalReceive(%r, %r)', self, killed, data) self._queue_lock.acquire() try: self._queue.append((killed or data[0], killed or data[1])) self._wake_event.set() finally: self._queue_lock.release() def Close(self): ''' Indicate this channel is closed to the remote side. ''' Log('%r.Close()', self) self._stream.Enqueue(handle, (True, None)) def Send(self, data): ''' Send the given object to the remote side. ''' Log('%r.Send(%r)', self, data) self._stream.Enqueue(handle, (False, data)) def Receive(self, timeout=None): ''' Receive the next object to arrive on this channel, or return if the optional timeout is reached. Args: timeout: float Returns: object ''' Log('%r.Receive(%r)', self, timeout) if not self._queue: self._wake_event.wait(timeout) if not self._wake_event.isSet(): return self._queue_lock.acquire() try: self._wake_event.clear() Log('%r.Receive() queue is %r', self, self._queue) closed, data = self._queue.pop(0) Log('%r.Receive() got closed=%r, data=%r', self, closed, data) if closed: raise ChannelError('Channel is closed.') return data finally: self._queue_lock.release() def __iter__(self): ''' Return an iterator that yields objects arriving on this channel, until the channel dies or is closed. ''' while True: try: yield self.Receive() except ChannelError: return def __repr__(self): return 'econtext.Channel(%r, %r)' % (self._stream, self._handle) class SlaveModuleImporter(object): ''' Import protocol implementation that fetches modules from the parent process. ''' def __init__(self, context): ''' Initialise a new instance. Args: context: Context instance this importer will communicate via. ''' self._context = context def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): if not imp.find_module(fullname): return self def load_module(self, fullname): kind, data = self._context.EnqueueAwaitReply(GET_MODULE, fullname) def GetModule(cls, killed, fullname): Log('%r.GetModule(%r, %r)', cls, killed, fullname) if killed: return if fullname in sys.modules: pass GetModule = classmethod(GetModule) # # Stream implementations. # class Stream(object): def __init__(self, context): ''' Initialize a new Stream instance. Args: context: econtext.Context ''' self._context = context self._input_buf = self._output_buf = '' self._input_buf_lock = threading.Lock() self._output_buf_lock = threading.Lock() self._rhmac = hmac.new(context.key, digestmod=sha.new) self._whmac = self._rhmac.copy() self._last_handle = 0 self._handle_map = {} self._handle_lock = threading.Lock() self._func_refs = {} self._func_ref_lock = threading.Lock() self._pickler_file = cStringIO.StringIO() self._pickler = cPickle.Pickler(self._pickler_file) self._pickler.persistent_id = self._CheckFunctionPerID self._unpickler_file = cStringIO.StringIO() self._unpickler = cPickle.Unpickler(self._unpickler_file) self._unpickler.persistent_load = self._LoadFunctionFromPerID def Pickle(self, obj): ''' Serialize the given object using the pickler. Args: obj: object Returns: str ''' self._pickler.dump(obj) data = self._pickler_file.getvalue() self._pickler_file.seek(0) self._pickler_file.truncate(0) return data def Unpickle(self, data): ''' Unserialize the given string using the unpickler. Args: data: str Returns: object ''' Log('%r.Unpickle(%r)', self, data) self._unpickler_file.write(data) self._unpickler_file.seek(0) data = self._unpickler.load() self._unpickler_file.seek(0) self._unpickler_file.truncate(0) return data def _CheckFunctionPerID(self, obj): ''' Return None or a persistent ID for an object. Please see the cPickle documentation. Args: obj: object Returns: str ''' if isinstance(obj, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): pid = 'FUNC:' + repr(obj) self._func_refs[per_id] = obj return pid def _LoadFunctionFromPerID(self, pid): ''' Load an object from a persistent ID. Please see the cPickle documentation. Args: pid: str Returns: object ''' if not pid.startswith('FUNC:'): raise CorruptMessageError('unrecognized persistent ID received: %r', pid) return PartialFunction(self._CallPersistentWhatsit, pid) def AllocHandle(self): ''' Allocate a unique handle for this stream. Returns: long ''' self._handle_lock.acquire() try: self._last_handle += 1L finally: self._handle_lock.release() return self._last_handle def AddHandleCB(self, fn, handle, persist=True): ''' Invoke a function for all messages with the given handle. Args: fn: callable handle: long persist: False to only receive a single message. ''' Log('%r.AddHandleCB(%r, %r, persist=%r)', self, fn, handle, persist) self._handle_lock.acquire() try: self._handle_map[handle] = persist, fn finally: self._handle_lock.release() def Receive(self): ''' Handle the next complete message on the stream. Raise CorruptMessageError or IOError on failure. ''' Log('%r.Receive()', self) self._input_buf += os.read(self._rfd, 4096) if len(self._input_buf) < 24: return msg_mac = self._input_buf[:20] msg_len = struct.unpack('>L', self._input_buf[20:24])[0] if len(self._input_buf) < msg_len-24: return self._rhmac.update(self._input_buf[20:msg_len+24]) expected_mac = self._rhmac.digest() if msg_mac != expected_mac: raise CorruptMessageError('%r got invalid MAC: expected %r, got %r', self, msg_mac.encode('hex'), expected_mac.encode('hex')) try: handle, data = self.Unpickle(self._input_buf[24:msg_len+24]) self._input_buf = self._input_buf[msg_len+4:] handle = long(handle) Log('%r.Receive(): decoded handle=%r; data=%r', self, handle, data) persist, fn = self._handle_map[handle] if not persist: del self._handle_map[handle] except KeyError, ex: raise CorruptMessageError('%r got invalid handle: %r', self, handle) except (TypeError, ValueError), ex: raise CorruptMessageError('%r got invalid message: %s', self, ex) fn(False, data) def Transmit(self): ''' Transmit buffered messages. Returns: bool: more data left in bufer? Raises: IOError ''' Log('%r.Transmit()', self) written = os.write(self._fd, self._output_buf[:4096]) self._output_buf = self._output_buf[written:] return bool(self._output_buf) def Enqueue(self, handle, obj): ''' Serialize an object, send it to the given handle, and tell our context's broker we have output. Args: handle: long obj: object ''' Log('%r.Enqueue(%r, %r)', self, handle, obj) self._output_buf_lock.acquire() try: encoded = self.Pickle((handle, obj)) msg = struct.pack('>L', len(encoded)) + encoded self._whmac.update(msg) self._output_buf += self._whmac.digest() + msg finally: self._output_buf_lock.release() self._context.broker.Register(self._context) def Disconnect(self): ''' Close our associated file descriptor and tell any registered callbacks that the connection has been destroyed. ''' Log('%r.Disconnect()', self) try: os.close(self._fd) except OSError, e: Log('%r.Disconnect(): did not close fd %s: %s', self, self._fd, e) for handle, (persist, fn) in self._handle_map.iteritems(): Log('%r.Disconnect(): killing stale callback handle=%r; fn=%r', self, handle, fn) fn(True, None) @classmethod def Accept(cls, context, sock): ''' ''' stream = cls(context) context.SetStream() broker.Register(context) def Connect(self): ''' Connect to a Broker at the address specified in our associated Context. ''' Log('%r.Connect()', self) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._fd = sock.fileno() sock.connect(self._context.parent_addr) self.Enqueue(0, self._context.name) def fileno(self): return self._fd def __repr__(self): return 'econtext.%s()' %\ (self.__class__.__name__, self._context) class LocalStream(Stream): ''' Base for streams capable of starting new slaves. ''' python_path = property( lambda self: getattr(self, '_python_path', sys.executable), lambda self, path: setattr(self, '_python_path', path), doc='The path to the remote Python interpreter.') def __init__(self, context): super(LocalStream, self).__init__(context) self._permitted_modules = {} self._unpickler.find_global = self._FindGlobal self.AddHandleCB(SlaveModuleImporter.GetModule, handle=GET_MODULE) def _FindGlobal(self, module_name, class_name): ''' See the cPickle documentation: given a module and class name, determine whether class referred to is safe for unpickling. Args: module_name: str class_name: str Returns: classobj or type ''' if module_name not in self._permitted_modules: raise StreamError('context %r attempted to unpickle %r in module %r', self._context, class_name, module_name) return getattr(sys.modules[module_name], class_name) def AllowModule(self, module_name): ''' Add the given module to the list of permitted modules. Args: module_name: str ''' self._permitted_modules.add(module_name) # Hexed and passed to 'python -c'. It forks, dups 0->100, creates a pipe, # then execs a new interpreter with a custom argv. CONTEXT_NAME is replaced # with the context name. Optimized for source size. def _FirstStage(): import os,sys,zlib R,W=os.pipe() if os.fork(): os.dup2(0,100) os.dup2(R,0) os.close(R) os.close(W) os.execv(sys.executable,(CONTEXT_NAME,)) else: os.fdopen(W,'wb',0).write(zlib.decompress(sys.stdin.read(input()))) print 'OK' sys.exit(0) def GetBootCommand(self): source = inspect.getsource(self._FirstStage) source = textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(source.strip().split('\n')[1:])) source = source.replace(' ', '\t') source = source.replace('CONTEXT_NAME', repr(self._context.name)) return [ self.python_path, '-c', 'exec "%s".decode("hex")' % (source.encode('hex'),) ] def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._context) def Connect(self): Log('%r.Connect()', self) pid, sock = CreateChild(*self.GetBootCommand()) self._fd = sock.fileno() Log('%r.Connect(): child process stdin/stdout=%r', self, self._fd) source = inspect.getsource(sys.modules[__name__]) source += '\nExternalContextMain(%r, %r, %r)\n' %\ (self._context.name, self._context.broker._listen_addr, self._context.key) compressed = zlib.compress(source) preamble = str(len(compressed)) + '\n' + compressed sock.sendall(preamble) assert os.read(self._fd, 3) == 'OK\n' class SSHStream(LocalStream): ssh_path = property( lambda self: getattr(self, '_ssh_path', 'ssh'), lambda self, path: setattr(self, '_ssh_path', path), doc='The path to the SSH binary.') def GetBootCommand(self): bits = [self.ssh_path] if self._context.username: bits += ['-l', self._context.username] bits.append(self._context.hostname) return bits + map(commands.mkarg, super(SSHStream, self).GetBootCommand()) class Context(object): ''' Represents a remote context regardless of connection method. ''' def __init__(self, broker, name=None, hostname=None, username=None, key=None, parent_addr=None): self.broker = broker self.name = name self.hostname = hostname self.username = username self.parent_addr = parent_addr if key: self.key = key else: self.key = file('/dev/urandom', 'rb').read(16).encode('hex') def GetStream(self): return self._stream def SetStream(self, stream): self._stream = stream return stream def EnqueueAwaitReply(self, handle, deadline, data): ''' Send a message to the given handle and wait for a response with an optional timeout. The message contains (reply_handle, data), where reply_handle is the handle on which this function expects its reply. ''' Log('%r.EnqueueAwaitReply(%r, %r, %r)', self, handle, deadline, data) reply_handle = self._stream.AllocHandle() reply_event = threading.Event() container = [] def _Receive(killed, data): Log('%r._Receive(%r, %r)', self, killed, data) container.extend([killed, data]) reply_event.set() self._stream.AddHandleCB(_Receive, reply_handle, persist=False) self._stream.Enqueue(CALL_FUNCTION, (False, (reply_handle,) + data)) reply_event.wait(deadline) if not reply_event.isSet(): self.Disconnect() raise TimeoutError('deadline exceeded.') killed, data = container if killed: raise StreamError('lost connection during call.') Log('%r._EnqueueAwaitReply(): got reply: %r', self, data) return data def CallWithDeadline(self, fn, deadline, *args, **kwargs): Log('%r.CallWithDeadline(%r, %r, *%r, **%r)', self, fn, deadline, args, kwargs) use_channel = bool(kwargs.pop('use_channel', False)) if isinstance(fn, types.MethodType) and \ isinstance(fn.im_self, (type, types.ClassType)): fn_class = fn.im_self.__name__ else: fn_class = None call = (use_channel, fn.__module__, fn_class, fn.__name__, args, kwargs) success, result = self.EnqueueAwaitReply(CALL_FUNCTION, deadline, call) if success: return result else: exc_obj, traceback = result exc_obj.real_traceback = traceback raise exc_obj def Call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): return self.CallWithDeadline(fn, None, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): bits = map(repr, filter(None, [self.name, self.hostname, self.username])) return 'Context(%s)' % ', '.join(bits) class Broker(object): ''' Context broker: this is responsible for keeping track of contexts, any stream that is associated with them, and for I/O multiplexing. ''' def __init__(self): self._dead = False self._poller = select.poll() self._poller_fd_map = {} self._poller_lock = threading.Lock() self._contexts = {} self._wake_rfd, self._wake_wfd = os.pipe() self._listen_sock = None self._poller.register(self._wake_rfd) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self.Loop, name='Broker') self._thread.setDaemon(True) self._thread.start() def CreateListener(self, address=None, backlog=30): ''' Create a socket to accept connections from newly spawned contexts. Args: address: The IPv4 address tuple to listen on. backlog: Number of connections to accept while broker thread is busy. ''' self._listen_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._listen_sock.bind(address or ('', 0)) self._listen_sock.listen(backlog) self._listen_addr = self._listen_sock.getsockname() self._poller.register(self._listen_sock) def Register(self, context): ''' Put a context under control of this broker. ''' Log('%r.Register(%r) -> fd=%r', self, context, context.GetStream().fileno()) self._poller_lock.acquire() os.write(self._wake_wfd, ' ') try: self._contexts[context.name] = context self._poller.register(context.GetStream()) self._poller_fd_map[context.GetStream().fileno()] = context.GetStream() finally: self._poller_lock.release() return context def GetLocal(self, name): ''' Return the named local context, or create it if it doesn't exist. Args: name: 'my-local-context' Returns: econtext.Context ''' context = Context(self, name) context.SetStream(LocalStream(context)).Connect() return self.Register(context) def GetRemote(self, hostname, username, name=None): ''' Return the named remote context, or create it if it doesn't exist. ''' if name is None: name = 'econtext[%s@%s:%d]' %\ (username, os.getenv('HOSTNAME'), os.getpid()) context = Context(self, name, hostname, username) context.SetStream(SSHStream(context)).Connect() return self.Register(context) def Loop(self): ''' Handle stream events until Finalize() is called. ''' while not self._dead: Log('%r.Loop()', self) self._poller_lock.acquire() self._poller_lock.release() for fd, event in self._poller.poll(): if fd == self._wake_rfd: Log('%r: got event on wake_rfd=%d.', self, self._wake_rfd) os.read(self._wake_rfd, 1) continue elif self._listen_sock and fd == self._listen_sock.fileno(): context = Context(broker) Stream.Accept(context, self._listen_sock.accept()) continue obj = self._poller_fd_map[fd] if event & select.POLLHUP: Log('%r: POLLHUP for %d, %r', self, fd, obj) obj.Disconnect() elif event & select.POLLIN: Log('%r: POLLIN for %d, %r', self, fd, obj) obj.Receive() elif event & select.POLLOUT: Log('%r: POLLOUT for %d, %r', self, fd, obj) if not obj.Transmit(): # If no output buffered, unset POLLOUT. self._poller.unregister(obj) self._poller.register(obj, select.POLLIN) elif event & select.POLLNVAL: Log('%r: POLLNVAL for %d, %r', self, fd, obj) obj.Disconnect() self._poller.unregister(obj) def Finalize(self): ''' Tell all active streams to disconnect. ''' self._dead = True self._poller_lock.acquire() try: for name, context in self._contexts.iteritems(): context.GetStream().Disconnect() finally: self._poller_lock.release() def __repr__(self): return 'econtext.Broker()' % (self._contexts.keys(),) def ExternalContextMain(context_name, parent_addr, key): syslog.openlog('%s:%s' % (getpass.getuser(), context_name), syslog.LOG_PID) syslog.syslog('initializing (parent=%s)' % (os.getenv('SSH_CLIENT'),)) Log('ExternalContextMain(%r, %r, %r)', context_name, parent_addr, key) os.wait() # Reap the first stage. os.dup2(100, 0) os.close(100) broker = Broker() context = Context(broker, 'parent', parent_addr=parent_addr, key=key) stream = context.SetStream(Stream(context)) stream.Connect() broker.Register(context) for call_info in Channel(stream, CALL_FUNCTION): Log('ExternalContextMain(): CALL_FUNCTION %r', call_info) reply_handle, mod_name, func_name, args, kwargs = call_info fn = getattr(__import__(mod_name), func_name) try: stream.Enqueue(reply_handle, (True, fn(*args, **kwargs))) except Exception, e: stream.Enqueue(reply_handle, (False, (e, traceback.extract_stack())))