import os from .. import utils, platform from netlib import http_auth, certutils from .primitives import ConstUpstreamServerResolver, TransparentUpstreamServerResolver TRANSPARENT_SSL_PORTS = [443, 8443] CONF_BASENAME = "mitmproxy" CONF_DIR = "~/.mitmproxy" class ProxyConfig: def __init__(self, confdir=CONF_DIR, clientcerts=None, no_upstream_cert=False, body_size_limit=None, get_upstream_server=None, http_form_in="absolute", http_form_out="relative", authenticator=None, ciphers=None, certs=None ): self.ciphers = ciphers self.clientcerts = clientcerts self.no_upstream_cert = no_upstream_cert self.body_size_limit = body_size_limit self.get_upstream_server = get_upstream_server self.http_form_in = http_form_in self.http_form_out = http_form_out self.authenticator = authenticator self.confdir = os.path.expanduser(confdir) self.certstore = certutils.CertStore.from_store(self.confdir, CONF_BASENAME) def process_proxy_options(parser, options): body_size_limit = utils.parse_size(options.body_size_limit) c = 0 http_form_in, http_form_out = "absolute", "relative" get_upstream_server = None if options.transparent_proxy: c += 1 if not platform.resolver: return parser.error("Transparent mode not supported on this platform.") get_upstream_server = TransparentUpstreamServerResolver(platform.resolver(), TRANSPARENT_SSL_PORTS) http_form_in, http_form_out = "relative", "relative" if options.reverse_proxy: c += 1 get_upstream_server = ConstUpstreamServerResolver(options.reverse_proxy) http_form_in, http_form_out = "relative", "relative" if options.forward_proxy: c += 1 get_upstream_server = ConstUpstreamServerResolver(options.forward_proxy) http_form_in, http_form_out = "absolute", "absolute" if options.manual_upstream_server: c += 1 get_upstream_server = ConstUpstreamServerResolver(options.manual_upstream_server) if c > 1: return parser.error("Transparent mode, reverse mode, forward mode and " "specification of an upstream server are mutually exclusive.") if options.http_form_in: http_form_in = options.http_form_in if options.http_form_out: http_form_out = options.http_form_out if options.clientcerts: options.clientcerts = os.path.expanduser(options.clientcerts) if not os.path.exists(options.clientcerts) or not os.path.isdir(options.clientcerts): return parser.error( "Client certificate directory does not exist or is not a directory: %s" % options.clientcerts ) if (options.auth_nonanonymous or options.auth_singleuser or options.auth_htpasswd): if options.auth_singleuser: if len(options.auth_singleuser.split(':')) != 2: return parser.error("Invalid single-user specification. Please use the format username:password") username, password = options.auth_singleuser.split(':') password_manager = http_auth.PassManSingleUser(username, password) elif options.auth_nonanonymous: password_manager = http_auth.PassManNonAnon() elif options.auth_htpasswd: try: password_manager = http_auth.PassManHtpasswd(options.auth_htpasswd) except ValueError, v: return parser.error(v.message) authenticator = http_auth.BasicProxyAuth(password_manager, "mitmproxy") else: authenticator = http_auth.NullProxyAuth(None) certs = [] for i in options.certs: parts = i.split("=", 1) if len(parts) == 1: parts = ["*", parts[0]] parts[1] = os.path.expanduser(parts[1]) if not os.path.exists(parts[1]): parser.error("Certificate file does not exist: %s"%parts[1]) certs.append(parts) return ProxyConfig( clientcerts=options.clientcerts, body_size_limit=body_size_limit, no_upstream_cert=options.no_upstream_cert, get_upstream_server=get_upstream_server, http_form_in=http_form_in, http_form_out=http_form_out, authenticator=authenticator, ciphers=options.ciphers, certs = certs, ) def ssl_option_group(parser): group = parser.add_argument_group("SSL") group.add_argument( "--cert", dest='certs', default=[], type=str, metavar = "SPEC", action="append", help='Add an SSL certificate. SPEC is of the form "[domain=]path". '\ 'The domain may include a wildcard, and is equal to "*" if not specified. '\ 'The file at path is a certificate in PEM format. If a private key is included in the PEM, '\ 'it is used, else the default key in the conf dir is used. Can be passed multiple times.' ) group.add_argument( "--client-certs", action="store", type=str, dest="clientcerts", default=None, help="Client certificate directory." ) group.add_argument( "--ciphers", action="store", type=str, dest="ciphers", default=None, help="SSL cipher specification." )