#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path # Security: No third-party dependencies here! root = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent if __name__ == "__main__": ref = os.environ["GITHUB_REF"] branch: str | None = None tag: str | None = None if ref.startswith("refs/heads/"): branch = ref.replace("refs/heads/", "") elif ref.startswith("refs/tags/"): tag = ref.replace("refs/tags/", "") else: raise AssertionError # Upload binaries (be it release or snapshot) if tag: upload_dir = tag else: upload_dir = f"branches/{branch}" print(f"Uploading binaries to snapshots.mitmproxy.org/{upload_dir}...") subprocess.check_call( [ "aws", "s3", "sync", "--delete", "--acl", "public-read", "--exclude", "*.msix", root / "release/dist", f"s3://snapshots.mitmproxy.org/{upload_dir}", ] ) # Upload releases to PyPI if tag: print(f"Uploading wheel to PyPI...") (whl,) = root.glob("release/dist/mitmproxy-*-py3-none-any.whl") subprocess.check_call(["twine", "upload", whl]) # Upload docs def upload_docs(path: str, src: Path = root / "docs/public"): subprocess.check_call(["aws", "configure", "set", "preview.cloudfront", "true"]) subprocess.check_call( [ "aws", "s3", "sync", "--delete", "--acl", "public-read", src, f"s3://docs.mitmproxy.org{path}", ] ) subprocess.check_call( [ "aws", "cloudfront", "create-invalidation", "--distribution-id", "E1TH3USJHFQZ5Q", "--paths", f"{path}/*", ] ) if branch == "main": print(f"Uploading dev docs...") upload_docs("/dev") if tag: print(f"Uploading release docs...") upload_docs("/stable") upload_docs(f"/archive/v{tag.split('.')[0]}", src=root / "docs/archive")