from mitmproxy import contentviews from mitmproxy.test import tflow from mitmproxy.test import tutils from mitmproxy.test import taddons from mitmproxy.http import Headers class TestScripts: def test_add_header(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: a = tctx.script(tdata.path("../examples/addons/")) f = tflow.tflow() a.request(f) assert f.request.headers["myheader"] == "value" def test_custom_contentviews(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: tctx.script(tdata.path("../examples/addons/")) swapcase = contentviews.get("swapcase") _, fmt = swapcase(b"Test!") assert any(b"tEST!" in val[0][1] for val in fmt) def test_custom_grpc_contentview(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: tctx.script(tdata.path("../examples/addons/")) v = contentviews.get("customized gRPC/protobuf") p = tdata.path("mitmproxy/contentviews/test_grpc_data/msg1.bin") with open(p, "rb") as f: raw = sim_msg_req = tutils.treq( port=443, host="", path="/ReverseGeocode" ) sim_msg_resp = tutils.tresp() sim_flow = tflow.tflow(req=sim_msg_req, resp=sim_msg_resp) view_text, output = v( raw, flow=sim_flow, http_message=sim_flow.request ) # simulate request message assert view_text == "Protobuf (flattened) (addon with custom rules)" output = list(output) # assure list conversion if generator assert output == [ [ ("text", "[message] "), ("text", "position "), ("text", "1 "), ("text", " "), ], [ ("text", "[double] "), ("text", "latitude "), ("text", "1.1 "), ("text", "38.89816675798073 "), ], [ ("text", "[double] "), ("text", "longitude "), ("text", "1.2 "), ("text", "-77.03829828366696 "), ], [ ("text", "[string] "), ("text", "country "), ("text", "3 "), ("text", "de_DE "), ], [ ("text", "[uint32] "), ("text", " "), ("text", "6 "), ("text", "1 "), ], [ ("text", "[string] "), ("text", "app "), ("text", "7 "), ("text", " "), ], ] def test_modify_form(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: sc = tctx.script(tdata.path("../examples/addons/")) form_header = Headers(content_type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded") f = tflow.tflow(req=tutils.treq(headers=form_header)) sc.request(f) assert f.request.urlencoded_form["mitmproxy"] == "rocks" f.request.headers["content-type"] = "" sc.request(f) assert list(f.request.urlencoded_form.items()) == [("foo", "bar")] def test_modify_querystring(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: sc = tctx.script( tdata.path("../examples/addons/") ) f = tflow.tflow(req=tutils.treq(path="/search?q=term")) sc.request(f) assert f.request.query["mitmproxy"] == "rocks" f.request.path = "/" sc.request(f) assert f.request.query["mitmproxy"] == "rocks" def test_redirect_requests(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: sc = tctx.script(tdata.path("../examples/addons/")) f = tflow.tflow(req=tutils.treq(host="")) sc.request(f) assert == "" def test_send_reply_from_proxy(self, tdata): with taddons.context() as tctx: sc = tctx.script(tdata.path("../examples/addons/")) f = tflow.tflow(req=tutils.treq(host="", port=80)) sc.request(f) assert f.response.content == b"Hello World"