#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import hashlib import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import tarfile import urllib.request import zipfile from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import Literal import click import cryptography.fernet here = Path(__file__).absolute().parent TEMP_DIR = here / "build" DIST_DIR = here / "dist" @click.group(chain=True) @click.option("--dirty", is_flag=True) def cli(dirty): if dirty: print("Keeping temporary files.") else: print("Cleaning up temporary files...") if TEMP_DIR.exists(): shutil.rmtree(TEMP_DIR) if DIST_DIR.exists(): shutil.rmtree(DIST_DIR) TEMP_DIR.mkdir() DIST_DIR.mkdir() @cli.command() def wheel(): """Build the wheel for PyPI.""" print("Building wheel...") subprocess.check_call( [ "python", "setup.py", "-q", "bdist_wheel", "--dist-dir", DIST_DIR, ] ) if os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF", "").startswith("refs/tags/"): ver = version() # assert for tags that the version matches the tag. else: ver = "*" (whl,) = DIST_DIR.glob(f"mitmproxy-{ver}-py3-none-any.whl") print(f"Found wheel package: {whl}") subprocess.check_call(["tox", "-e", "wheeltest", "--", whl]) class ZipFile2(zipfile.ZipFile): # ZipFile and tarfile have slightly different APIs. Let's fix that. def add(self, name: str, arcname: str) -> None: return self.write(name, arcname) def __enter__(self) -> ZipFile2: return self @property def name(self) -> str: assert self.filename return self.filename def archive(path: Path) -> tarfile.TarFile | ZipFile2: if platform.system() == "Windows": return ZipFile2(path.with_name(f"{path.name}.zip"), "w") else: return tarfile.open(path.with_name(f"{path.name}.tar.gz"), "w:gz") def version() -> str: return os.environ.get("GITHUB_REF_NAME", "").replace("/", "-") or os.environ.get( "BUILD_VERSION", "dev" ) def operating_system() -> Literal["windows", "linux", "macos", "unknown"]: pf = platform.system() if pf == "Windows": return "windows" elif pf == "Linux": return "linux" elif pf == "Darwin": return "macos" else: return "unknown" def _pyinstaller(specfile: str) -> None: print(f"Invoking PyInstaller with {specfile}...") subprocess.check_call( [ "pyinstaller", "--clean", "--workpath", TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/temp", "--distpath", TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/dist", specfile, ], cwd=here / "specs", ) @cli.command() def standalone_binaries(): """All platforms: Build the standalone binaries generated with PyInstaller""" with archive(DIST_DIR / f"mitmproxy-{version()}-{operating_system()}") as f: _pyinstaller("standalone.spec") _test_binaries(TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/dist") for tool in ["mitmproxy", "mitmdump", "mitmweb"]: executable = TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/dist" / tool if platform.system() == "Windows": executable = executable.with_suffix(".exe") f.add(str(executable), str(executable.name)) print(f"Packed {f.name!r}.") def _ensure_pyinstaller_onedir(): if not (TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/dist/onedir").exists(): _pyinstaller("windows-dir.spec") _test_binaries(TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/dist/onedir") def _test_binaries(binary_directory: Path) -> None: for tool in ["mitmproxy", "mitmdump", "mitmweb"]: executable = binary_directory / tool if platform.system() == "Windows": executable = executable.with_suffix(".exe") print(f"> {tool} --version") subprocess.check_call([executable, "--version"]) if tool == "mitmproxy": continue # requires a TTY, which we don't have here. print(f"> {tool} -s selftest.py") subprocess.check_call([executable, "-s", here / "selftest.py"]) @cli.command() def msix_installer(): """Windows: Build the MSIX installer for the Windows Store.""" _ensure_pyinstaller_onedir() shutil.copytree( TEMP_DIR / "pyinstaller/dist/onedir", TEMP_DIR / "msix", dirs_exist_ok=True, ) shutil.copytree(here / "windows-installer", TEMP_DIR / "msix", dirs_exist_ok=True) manifest = TEMP_DIR / "msix/AppxManifest.xml" app_version = version() if not re.match(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+", app_version): app_version = ( datetime.now() .strftime("%y%m.%d.%H%M") .replace(".0", ".") .replace(".0", ".") .replace(".0", ".") ) manifest.write_text(manifest.read_text().replace("1.2.3", app_version)) makeappx_exe = ( Path(os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"]) / "Windows Kits/10/App Certification Kit/makeappx.exe" ) subprocess.check_call( [ makeappx_exe, "pack", "/d", TEMP_DIR / "msix", "/p", DIST_DIR / f"mitmproxy-{version()}-installer.msix", ], ) assert (DIST_DIR / f"mitmproxy-{version()}-installer.msix").exists() @cli.command() def installbuilder_installer(): """Windows: Build the InstallBuilder installer.""" _ensure_pyinstaller_onedir() IB_VERSION = "22.10.0" IB_SETUP_SHA256 = "49cbfc3ee8de02426abc0c1b92839934bdb0bf0ea12d88388dde9e4102fc429f" IB_DIR = here / "installbuilder" IB_SETUP = IB_DIR / "setup" / f"{IB_VERSION}-installer.exe" IB_CLI = Path( rf"C:\Program Files\VMware InstallBuilder Enterprise {IB_VERSION}\bin\builder-cli.exe" ) IB_LICENSE = IB_DIR / "license.xml" if not IB_LICENSE.exists(): print("Decrypt InstallBuilder license...") f = cryptography.fernet.Fernet(os.environ["CI_BUILD_KEY"].encode()) with open(IB_LICENSE.with_suffix(".xml.enc"), "rb") as infile, open( IB_LICENSE, "wb" ) as outfile: outfile.write(f.decrypt(infile.read())) if not IB_CLI.exists(): if not IB_SETUP.exists(): print("Downloading InstallBuilder...") def report(block, blocksize, total): done = block * blocksize if round(100 * done / total) != round(100 * (done - blocksize) / total): print(f"Downloading... {round(100 * done / total)}%") tmp = IB_SETUP.with_suffix(".tmp") urllib.request.urlretrieve( f"https://clients.bitrock.com/installbuilder/installbuilder-enterprise-{IB_VERSION}-windows-x64-installer.exe", tmp, reporthook=report, ) tmp.rename(IB_SETUP) ib_setup_hash = hashlib.sha256() with IB_SETUP.open("rb") as fp: while True: data = fp.read(65_536) if not data: break ib_setup_hash.update(data) if ib_setup_hash.hexdigest() != IB_SETUP_SHA256: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( f"InstallBuilder hashes don't match: {ib_setup_hash.hexdigest()}" ) print("Install InstallBuilder...") subprocess.run( [IB_SETUP, "--mode", "unattended", "--unattendedmodeui", "none"], check=True ) assert IB_CLI.is_file() print("Run InstallBuilder...") subprocess.check_call( [ IB_CLI, "build", str(IB_DIR / "mitmproxy.xml"), "windows-x64", "--license", str(IB_LICENSE), "--setvars", f"project.version={version()}", "--verbose", ], cwd=IB_DIR, ) installer = DIST_DIR / f"mitmproxy-{version()}-windows-x64-installer.exe" assert installer.exists() print("Run installer...") subprocess.run( [installer, "--mode", "unattended", "--unattendedmodeui", "none"], check=True ) _test_binaries(Path(r"C:\Program Files\mitmproxy\bin")) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()