language: python sudo: false python: - "2.7" - pypy matrix: include: - python: 2.7 env: OPENSSL=1.0.2 addons: apt: sources: # Debian sid currently holds OpenSSL 1.0.2 # change this with future releases! - debian-sid packages: - libssl-dev - python: pypy env: OPENSSL=1.0.2 addons: apt: sources: # Debian sid currently holds OpenSSL 1.0.2 # change this with future releases! - debian-sid packages: - libssl-dev install: - "pip install --src . -r requirements.txt" before_script: - "openssl version -a" script: - "nosetests --with-cov --cov-report term-missing" - "./" after_success: - coveralls notifications: irc: channels: - "" on_success: change on_failure: always slack: rooms: - mitmproxy:YaDGC9Gt9TEM7o8zkC2OLNsu on_success: :change on_failure: always # exclude cryptography from cache # it depends on libssl-dev version # which needs to be compiled specifically to each version before_cache: - pip uninstall -y cryptography - rm -rf /home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cryptography/ - rm -rf /home/travis/virtualenv/pypy-2.5.0/site-packages/cryptography/ - rm /home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/packages/urllib3/contrib/ - rm /home/travis/virtualenv/pypy-2.5.0/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/packages/urllib3/contrib/ cache: directories: - /home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages - /home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/bin - /home/travis/virtualenv/pypy-2.5.0/site-packages - /home/travis/virtualenv/pypy-2.5.0/bin