#!/usr/bin/env python3 import contextlib import inspect import textwrap from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Type import mitmproxy.addons.next_layer # noqa from mitmproxy import hooks, log, addonmanager from mitmproxy.proxy import server_hooks, layer from mitmproxy.proxy.layers import http, modes, tcp, tls, websocket known = set() def category(name: str, desc: str, hooks: List[Type[hooks.Hook]]) -> None: all_params = [ list(inspect.signature(hook.__init__).parameters.values())[1:] for hook in hooks ] # slightly overengineered, but this was fun to write. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ imports = set() types = set() for params in all_params: for param in params: try: mod = inspect.getmodule(param.annotation).__name__ if mod == "typing": # this is ugly, but can be removed once we are on Python 3.9+ only imports.add(inspect.getmodule(param.annotation.__args__[0]).__name__) types.add(param.annotation._name) else: imports.add(mod) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f"Missing type annotation: {params}") imports.discard("builtins") if types: print(f"from typing import {', '.join(sorted(types))}") print("from mitmproxy import ctx") for imp in sorted(imports): print(f"import {imp}") print() print(f"class {name}Events:") print(f' """{desc}"""') first = True for hook, params in zip(hooks, all_params): if first: first = False else: print() if hook.name in known: raise RuntimeError(f"Already documented: {hook}") known.add(hook.name) doc = inspect.getdoc(hook) print(f" def {hook.name}({', '.join(str(p) for p in ['self'] + params)}):") print(textwrap.indent(f'"""\n{doc}\n"""', " ")) if params: print(f' ctx.log(f"{hook.name}: {" ".join("{" + p.name + "=}" for p in params)}")') else: print(f' ctx.log("{hook.name}")') print("") outfile = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "generated" / "events.py" with outfile.open("w") as f, contextlib.redirect_stdout(f): print("# This file is autogenerated, do not edit manually.") category( "Lifecycle", "", [ addonmanager.LoadHook, hooks.RunningHook, hooks.ConfigureHook, hooks.DoneHook, ] ) category( "Connection", "", [ server_hooks.ClientConnectedHook, server_hooks.ClientDisconnectedHook, server_hooks.ServerConnectHook, server_hooks.ServerConnectedHook, server_hooks.ServerDisconnectedHook, ] ) category( "HTTP", "", [ http.HttpRequestHeadersHook, http.HttpRequestHook, http.HttpResponseHeadersHook, http.HttpResponseHook, http.HttpErrorHook, http.HttpConnectHook, http.HttpConnectUpstreamHook, ] ) category( "TCP", "", [ tcp.TcpStartHook, tcp.TcpMessageHook, tcp.TcpEndHook, tcp.TcpErrorHook, ] ) category( "TLS", "", [ tls.TlsClienthelloHook, tls.TlsStartClientHook, tls.TlsStartServerHook, tls.TlsHandshakeHook, ] ) category( "WebSocket", "", [ websocket.WebsocketStartHook, websocket.WebsocketMessageHook, websocket.WebsocketEndHook, ] ) category( "SOCKSv5", "", [ modes.Socks5AuthHook, ] ) category( "AdvancedLifecycle", "", [ layer.NextLayerHook, hooks.UpdateHook, log.AddLogHook, ] ) not_documented = set(hooks.all_hooks.keys()) - known if not_documented: raise RuntimeError(f"Not documented: {not_documented}")