""" A flexible module for cookie parsing and manipulation. We try to be as permissive as possible. Parsing accepts formats from RFC6265 an RFC2109. Serialization follows RFC6265 strictly. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2109 """ import re import odict def _read_until(s, start, term): """ Read until one of the characters in term is reached. """ if start == len(s): return "", start+1 for i in range(start, len(s)): if s[i] in term: return s[start:i], i return s[start:i+1], i+1 def _read_token(s, start): """ Read a token - the LHS of a token/value pair in a cookie. """ return _read_until(s, start, ";=") def _read_quoted_string(s, start): """ start: offset to the first quote of the string to be read A sort of loose super-set of the various quoted string specifications. RFC6265 disallows backslashes or double quotes within quoted strings. Prior RFCs use backslashes to escape. This leaves us free to apply backslash escaping by default and be compatible with everything. """ escaping = False ret = [] # Skip the first quote for i in range(start+1, len(s)): if escaping: ret.append(s[i]) escaping = False elif s[i] == '"': break elif s[i] == "\\": escaping = True pass else: ret.append(s[i]) return "".join(ret), i+1 def _read_value(s, start): """ Reads a value - the RHS of a token/value pair in a cookie. """ if s[start] == '"': return _read_quoted_string(s, start) else: return _read_until(s, start, ";,") def _read_pairs(s): """ Read pairs of lhs=rhs values. """ off = 0 vals = [] while 1: lhs, off = _read_token(s, off) rhs = None if off < len(s): if s[off] == "=": rhs, off = _read_value(s, off+1) vals.append([lhs.lstrip(), rhs]) off += 1 if not off < len(s): break return vals, off ESCAPE = re.compile(r"([\"\\])") SPECIAL = re.compile(r"^\w+$") def _format_pairs(lst): vals = [] for k, v in lst: if v is None: vals.append(k) else: match = SPECIAL.search(v) if match: v = ESCAPE.sub(r"\1", v) vals.append("%s=%s"%(k, v)) return "; ".join(vals) def parse_cookies(s): """ Parses a Cookie header value. Returns an ODict object. """ pairs, off = _read_pairs(s) return odict.ODict(pairs) def unparse_cookies(od): """ Formats a Cookie header value. """ vals = [] for i in od.lst: vals.append("%s=%s"%(i[0], i[1])) return "; ".join(vals) def parse_set_cookies(s): start = 0 def unparse_set_cookies(s): pass