from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import re import six from netlib import multidict from netlib import strutils # See also: if six.PY2: # pragma: no cover def _native(x): return x def _always_bytes(x): return x else: # While headers _should_ be ASCII, it's not uncommon for certain headers to be utf-8 encoded. def _native(x): return x.decode("utf-8", "surrogateescape") def _always_bytes(x): return strutils.always_bytes(x, "utf-8", "surrogateescape") class Headers(multidict.MultiDict): """ Header class which allows both convenient access to individual headers as well as direct access to the underlying raw data. Provides a full dictionary interface. Example: .. code-block:: python # Create headers with keyword arguments >>> h = Headers(host="", content_type="application/xml") # Headers mostly behave like a normal dict. >>> h["Host"] "" # HTTP Headers are case insensitive >>> h["host"] "" # Headers can also be created from a list of raw (header_name, header_value) byte tuples >>> h = Headers([ (b"Host",b""), (b"Accept",b"text/html"), (b"accept",b"application/xml") ]) # Multiple headers are folded into a single header as per RFC7230 >>> h["Accept"] "text/html, application/xml" # Setting a header removes all existing headers with the same name. >>> h["Accept"] = "application/text" >>> h["Accept"] "application/text" # bytes(h) returns a HTTP1 header block. >>> print(bytes(h)) Host: Accept: application/text # For full control, the raw header fields can be accessed >>> h.fields Caveats: For use with the "Set-Cookie" header, see :py:meth:`get_all`. """ def __init__(self, fields=(), **headers): """ Args: fields: (optional) list of ``(name, value)`` header byte tuples, e.g. ``[(b"Host", b"")]``. All names and values must be bytes. **headers: Additional headers to set. Will overwrite existing values from `fields`. For convenience, underscores in header names will be transformed to dashes - this behaviour does not extend to other methods. If ``**headers`` contains multiple keys that have equal ``.lower()`` s, the behavior is undefined. """ super(Headers, self).__init__(fields) for key, value in self.fields: if not isinstance(key, bytes) or not isinstance(value, bytes): raise TypeError("Header fields must be bytes.") # content_type -> content-type headers = { _always_bytes(name).replace(b"_", b"-"): _always_bytes(value) for name, value in six.iteritems(headers) } self.update(headers) @staticmethod def _reduce_values(values): # Headers can be folded return ", ".join(values) @staticmethod def _kconv(key): # Headers are case-insensitive return key.lower() def __bytes__(self): if self.fields: return b"\r\n".join(b": ".join(field) for field in self.fields) + b"\r\n" else: return b"" if six.PY2: # pragma: no cover __str__ = __bytes__ def __delitem__(self, key): key = _always_bytes(key) super(Headers, self).__delitem__(key) def __iter__(self): for x in super(Headers, self).__iter__(): yield _native(x) def get_all(self, name): """ Like :py:meth:`get`, but does not fold multiple headers into a single one. This is useful for Set-Cookie headers, which do not support folding. See also: """ name = _always_bytes(name) return [ _native(x) for x in super(Headers, self).get_all(name) ] def set_all(self, name, values): """ Explicitly set multiple headers for the given key. See: :py:meth:`get_all` """ name = _always_bytes(name) values = [_always_bytes(x) for x in values] return super(Headers, self).set_all(name, values) def insert(self, index, key, value): key = _always_bytes(key) value = _always_bytes(value) super(Headers, self).insert(index, key, value) def items(self, multi=False): if multi: return ( (_native(k), _native(v)) for k, v in self.fields ) else: return super(Headers, self).items() def replace(self, pattern, repl, flags=0): """ Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in each "name: value" header line. Returns: The number of replacements made. """ if isinstance(pattern, six.text_type): pattern = strutils.escaped_str_to_bytes(pattern) if isinstance(repl, six.text_type): repl = strutils.escaped_str_to_bytes(repl) pattern = re.compile(pattern, flags) replacements = 0 fields = [] for name, value in self.fields: line, n = pattern.subn(repl, name + b": " + value) try: name, value = line.split(b": ", 1) except ValueError: # We get a ValueError if the replacement removed the ": " # There's not much we can do about this, so we just keep the header as-is. pass else: replacements += n fields.append([name, value]) self.fields = fields return replacements def parse_content_type(c): """ A simple parser for content-type values. Returns a (type, subtype, parameters) tuple, where type and subtype are strings, and parameters is a dict. If the string could not be parsed, return None. E.g. the following string: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Returns: ("text", "html", {"charset": "UTF-8"}) """ parts = c.split(";", 1) ts = parts[0].split("/", 1) if len(ts) != 2: return None d = {} if len(parts) == 2: for i in parts[1].split(";"): clause = i.split("=", 1) if len(clause) == 2: d[clause[0].strip()] = clause[1].strip() return ts[0].lower(), ts[1].lower(), d def assemble_content_type(type, subtype, parameters): if not parameters: return "{}/{}".format(type, subtype) params = "; ".join( "{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in parameters.items() ) return "{}/{}; {}".format( type, subtype, params )