import pytest import requests from examples.complex import xss_scanner as xss from mitmproxy.test import tflow, tutils class TestXSSScanner(): def test_get_XSS_info(self): # First type of exploit: # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD, "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('', "End of URL", '" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", '" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b'"', b"%22").replace(b"/", b"%2F"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Second type of exploit: # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"\"", b"%22"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", "';alert(0);g='", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b"\"", b"%22").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b"\"", b"%22").replace(b"'", b"%22"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Third type of exploit: # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"'", b"%27"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", '";alert(0);g="', xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b"'", b"%27").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b"\"", b"%22"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Fourth type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD, "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", "'>", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Fifth type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", "\">", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"'", b"%27").replace(b"\"", b"%22"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Sixth type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD, "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", ">", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b"=", b"%3D"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Seventh type of exploit: PAYLOAD # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"%s" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD, "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", "", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"%s" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").replace(b"/", b"%2F"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Eighth type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", "Javascript:alert(0)", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b"=", b"%3D"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Ninth type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", '" onmouseover="alert(0)" t="', xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b'"', b"%22"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Tenth type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", "' onmouseover='alert(0)' t='", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b"'", b"%22"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None # Eleventh type of exploit: Test # Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E"), "", "End of URL") expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData("", "End of URL", " onmouseover=alert(0) t=", xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E").decode('utf-8')) assert xss_info == expected_xss_info # Non-Exploitable: xss_info = xss.get_XSS_data(b"Test" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD.replace(b"<", b"%3C").replace(b">", b"%3E") .replace(b"=", b"%3D"), "", "End of URL") assert xss_info is None def test_get_SQLi_data(self): sqli_data = xss.get_SQLi_data("SQL syntax MySQL", "", "", "End of URL") expected_sqli_data = xss.SQLiData("", "End of URL", "SQL syntax.*MySQL", "MySQL") assert sqli_data == expected_sqli_data sqli_data = xss.get_SQLi_data("SQL syntax MySQL", "SQL syntax MySQL", "", "End of URL") assert sqli_data is None def test_inside_quote(self): assert not xss.inside_quote("'", b"no", 0, b"no") assert xss.inside_quote("'", b"yes", 0, b"'yes'") assert xss.inside_quote("'", b"yes", 1, b"'yes'otherJunk'yes'more") assert not xss.inside_quote("'", b"longStringNotInIt", 1, b"short") def test_paths_to_text(self): text = xss.paths_to_text("""


""", "STRING") expected_text = ["/html/head/h1", "/html/script"] assert text == expected_text assert xss.paths_to_text("""""", "STRING") == [] def mocked_requests_vuln(*args, headers=None, cookies=None): class MockResponse: def __init__(self, html, headers=None, cookies=None): self.text = html return MockResponse("%s" % xss.FULL_PAYLOAD) def mocked_requests_invuln(*args, headers=None, cookies=None): class MockResponse: def __init__(self, html, headers=None, cookies=None): self.text = html return MockResponse("") def test_test_end_of_url_injection(self, get_request_vuln): xss_info = xss.test_end_of_URL_injection("", "", {})[0] expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('\'d"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=3847asd', 'End of URL', '', '1029zxcs\\\'d"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\\\eq=3847asd') sqli_info = xss.test_end_of_URL_injection("", "", {})[1] assert xss_info == expected_xss_info assert sqli_info is None def test_test_referer_injection(self, get_request_vuln): xss_info = xss.test_referer_injection("", "", {})[0] expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('', 'Referer', '', '1029zxcs\\\'d"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\\\eq=3847asd') sqli_info = xss.test_referer_injection("", "", {})[1] assert xss_info == expected_xss_info assert sqli_info is None def test_test_user_agent_injection(self, get_request_vuln): xss_info = xss.test_user_agent_injection("", "", {})[0] expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('', 'User Agent', '', '1029zxcs\\\'d"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\\\eq=3847asd') sqli_info = xss.test_user_agent_injection("", "", {})[1] assert xss_info == expected_xss_info assert sqli_info is None def test_test_query_injection(self, get_request_vuln): xss_info = xss.test_query_injection("", "", {})[0] expected_xss_info = xss.XSSData('\'d"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\eq=3847asd', 'Query', '', '1029zxcs\\\'d"aoso[sb]po(pc)se;sl/bsl\\\\eq=3847asd') sqli_info = xss.test_query_injection("", "", {})[1] assert xss_info == expected_xss_info assert sqli_info is None @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def get_request_vuln(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_vuln) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def get_request_invuln(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', self.mocked_requests_invuln) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def mock_gethostbyname(self, monkeypatch): def gethostbyname(domain): claimed_domains = [""] if domain not in claimed_domains: from socket import gaierror raise gaierror("[Errno -2] Name or service not known") else: return '' monkeypatch.setattr("socket.gethostbyname", gethostbyname) def test_find_unclaimed_URLs(self, logger, mock_gethostbyname): xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("", "") assert logger.args == [] xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("", "") assert logger.args[0] == 'XSS found in due to unclaimed URL "".' xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("", "") assert logger.args[1] == 'XSS found in due to unclaimed URL "".' xss.find_unclaimed_URLs("", "") assert logger.args[2] == 'XSS found in due to unclaimed URL "".' def test_log_XSS_data(self, logger): xss.log_XSS_data(None) assert logger.args == [] # self, url: str, injection_point: str, exploit: str, line: str xss.log_XSS_data(xss.XSSData('', 'Location', 'String', 'Line of HTML')) assert logger.args[0] == '===== XSS Found ====' assert logger.args[1] == 'XSS URL:' assert logger.args[2] == 'Injection Point: Location' assert logger.args[3] == 'Suggested Exploit: String' assert logger.args[4] == 'Line: Line of HTML' def test_log_SQLi_data(self, logger): xss.log_SQLi_data(None) assert logger.args == [] xss.log_SQLi_data(xss.SQLiData('', 'Location', 'Oracle.*Driver', 'Oracle')) assert logger.args[0] == '===== SQLi Found =====' assert logger.args[1] == 'SQLi URL:' assert logger.args[2] == 'Injection Point: Location' assert logger.args[3] == 'Regex used: Oracle.*Driver' def test_get_cookies(self): mocked_req = tutils.treq() mocked_req.cookies = [("cookieName2", "cookieValue2")] mocked_flow = tflow.tflow(req=mocked_req) # It only uses the request cookies assert xss.get_cookies(mocked_flow) == {"cookieName2": "cookieValue2"} def test_response(self, get_request_invuln, logger): mocked_flow = tflow.tflow( req=tutils.treq(path=b"index.html?q=1"), resp=tutils.tresp(content=b'') ) xss.response(mocked_flow) assert logger.args == [] def test_data_equals(self): xssData = xss.XSSData("a", "b", "c", "d") sqliData = xss.SQLiData("a", "b", "c", "d") assert xssData == xssData assert sqliData == sqliData