""" Process individual messages from a TCP connection. This script replaces full occurences of "foo" with "bar" and prints various details for each message. Please note that TCP is stream-based and *not* message-based. mitmproxy splits stream contents into "messages" as they are received by socket.recv(). This is pretty arbitrary and should not be relied on. However, it is sometimes good enough as a quick hack. Example Invocation: mitmdump --rawtcp --tcp-hosts ".*" -s examples/tcp-simple.py """ import logging from mitmproxy.utils import strutils from mitmproxy import tcp def tcp_message(flow: tcp.TCPFlow): message = flow.messages[-1] message.content = message.content.replace(b"foo", b"bar") logging.info( f"tcp_message[from_client={message.from_client}), content={strutils.bytes_to_escaped_str(message.content)}]" )