# Low-color themes should ONLY use the standard foreground and background # colours listed here: # # http://urwid.org/manual/displayattributes.html # class Palette: _fields = [ 'title', # Status bar & heading 'heading', 'heading_key', 'heading_inactive', # Help 'key', 'head', 'text', # Options 'option_selected', 'option_active', 'option_active_selected', 'option_selected_key', # List and Connections 'method', 'focus', 'code_200', 'code_300', 'code_400', 'code_500', 'code_other', 'error', 'header', 'highlight', 'intercept', 'replay', # Hex view 'offset', # Grid Editor 'focusfield', 'focusfield_error', 'field_error', 'editfield', ] high = None def palette(self): l = [] for i in self._fields: v = [i] v.extend(self.low[i]) if self.high and i in self.high: v.append(None) v.extend(self.high[i]) l.append(tuple(v)) return l class LowDark(Palette): """ Low-color dark background """ low = dict( title = ('white,bold', 'default'), # Status bar & heading heading = ('light gray', 'dark blue'), heading_key = ('light cyan', 'dark blue'), heading_inactive = ('white', 'dark gray'), # Help key = ('light cyan', 'default'), head = ('white,bold', 'default'), text = ('light gray', 'default'), # Options option_selected = ('light gray', 'dark blue'), option_selected_key = ('light cyan', 'dark blue'), option_active = ('light red', 'default'), option_active_selected = ('light red', 'dark blue'), # List and Connections method = ('dark cyan', 'default'), focus = ('yellow', 'default'), code_200 = ('dark green', 'default'), code_300 = ('light blue', 'default'), code_400 = ('light red', 'default'), code_500 = ('light red', 'default'), code_other = ('dark red', 'default'), error = ('light red', 'default'), header = ('dark cyan', 'default'), highlight = ('white,bold', 'default'), intercept = ('brown', 'default'), replay = ('light green', 'default'), # Hex view offset = ('dark cyan', 'default'), # Grid Editor focusfield = ('black', 'light gray'), focusfield_error = ('dark red', 'light gray'), field_error = ('dark red', 'default'), editfield = ('white', 'default'), ) class Dark(LowDark): high = dict( heading_inactive = ('g58', 'g11'), intercept = ('#f60', 'default'), ) class LowLight(Palette): """ Low-color light background """ low = dict( title = ('dark magenta', 'default'), # Status bar & heading heading = ('white', 'black'), heading_key = ('dark blue', 'black'), heading_inactive = ('black', 'light gray'), # Help key = ('dark blue', 'default'), head = ('black', 'default'), text = ('dark gray', 'default'), # Options option_selected = ('black', 'light gray'), option_selected_key = ('dark blue', 'light gray'), option_active = ('light red', 'default'), option_active_selected = ('light red', 'light gray'), # List and Connections method = ('dark cyan', 'default'), focus = ('black', 'default'), code_200 = ('dark green', 'default'), code_300 = ('light blue', 'default'), code_400 = ('dark red', 'default'), code_500 = ('dark red', 'default'), code_other = ('light red', 'default'), error = ('light red', 'default'), header = ('dark blue', 'default'), highlight = ('black,bold', 'default'), intercept = ('brown', 'default'), replay = ('dark green', 'default'), # Hex view offset = ('dark blue', 'default'), # Grid Editor focusfield = ('black', 'light gray'), focusfield_error = ('dark red', 'light gray'), field_error = ('dark red', 'black'), editfield = ('black', 'default'), ) class Light(LowLight): high = dict( heading = ('g99', '#08f'), heading_key = ('#0ff,bold', '#08f'), heading_inactive = ('g35', 'g85'), replay = ('#0a0,bold', 'default'), ) # Solarized palette in Urwid-style terminal high-colour offsets # See: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized sol_base03 = "h234" sol_base02 = "h235" sol_base01 = "h240" sol_base00 = "h241" sol_base0 = "h244" sol_base1 = "h245" sol_base2 = "h254" sol_base3 = "h230" sol_yellow = "h136" sol_orange = "h166" sol_red = "h160" sol_magenta = "h125" sol_violet = "h61" sol_blue = "h33" sol_cyan = "h37" sol_green = "h64" class SolarizedLight(LowLight): high = dict( title = (sol_cyan, 'default'), text = (sol_base00, 'default'), # Status bar & heading heading = (sol_base2, sol_base02), heading_key = (sol_blue, sol_base03), heading_inactive = (sol_base03, sol_base1), # Help key = (sol_blue, 'default',), head = (sol_base00, 'default'), # Options option_selected = (sol_base03, sol_base2), option_selected_key = (sol_blue, sol_base2), option_active = (sol_orange, 'default'), option_active_selected = (sol_orange, sol_base2), # List and Connections method = (sol_cyan, 'default'), focus = (sol_base01, 'default'), code_200 = (sol_green, 'default'), code_300 = (sol_blue, 'default'), code_400 = (sol_orange, 'default',), code_500 = (sol_red, 'default'), code_other = (sol_magenta, 'default'), error = (sol_red, 'default'), header = (sol_base01, 'default'), highlight = (sol_base01, 'default'), intercept = (sol_red, 'default',), replay = (sol_green, 'default',), # Hex view offset = (sol_cyan, 'default'), # Grid Editor focusfield = (sol_base00, sol_base2), focusfield_error = (sol_red, sol_base2), field_error = (sol_red, 'default'), editfield = (sol_base01, 'default'), ) class SolarizedDark(LowDark): high = dict( title = (sol_blue, 'default'), text = (sol_base1, 'default'), # Status bar & heading heading = (sol_base2, sol_base01), heading_key = (sol_blue+",bold", sol_base01), heading_inactive = (sol_base1, sol_base02), # Help key = (sol_blue, 'default',), head = (sol_base2, 'default'), # Options option_selected = (sol_base03, sol_base00), option_selected_key = (sol_blue, sol_base00), option_active = (sol_orange, 'default'), option_active_selected = (sol_orange, sol_base00), # List and Connections method = (sol_cyan, 'default'), focus = (sol_base1, 'default'), code_200 = (sol_green, 'default'), code_300 = (sol_blue, 'default'), code_400 = (sol_orange, 'default',), code_500 = (sol_red, 'default'), code_other = (sol_magenta, 'default'), error = (sol_red, 'default'), header = (sol_base01, 'default'), highlight = (sol_base01, 'default'), intercept = (sol_red, 'default',), replay = (sol_green, 'default',), # Hex view offset = (sol_cyan, 'default'), # Grid Editor focusfield = (sol_base0, sol_base02), focusfield_error = (sol_red, sol_base02), field_error = (sol_red, 'default'), editfield = (sol_base1, 'default'), ) DEFAULT = "dark" palettes = { "lowlight": LowLight(), "lowdark": LowDark(), "light": Light(), "dark": Dark(), "solarized_light": SolarizedLight(), "solarized_dark": SolarizedDark(), }