#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import click from mitmproxy.addons import dumper from mitmproxy.test import taddons from mitmproxy.test import tflow def run_async(coro): """ Run the given async function in a new event loop. This allows async functions to be called synchronously. """ loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() try: return loop.run_until_complete(coro) finally: loop.close() def show(flow_detail, flows): d = dumper.Dumper() with taddons.context() as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=flow_detail) for f in flows: run_async(ctx.cycle(d, f)) @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.option("--level", default=1, help="Detail level") def tcp(level): f1 = tflow.ttcpflow() show(level, [f1]) @cli.command() @click.option("--level", default=1, help="Detail level") def udp(level): f1 = tflow.tudpflow() show(level, [f1]) @cli.command() @click.option("--level", default=1, help="Detail level") def large(level): f1 = tflow.tflow(resp=True) f1.response.headers["content-type"] = "text/html" f1.response.content = b"foo bar voing\n" * 100 show(level, [f1]) @cli.command() @click.option("--level", default=1, help="Detail level") def small(level): f1 = tflow.tflow(resp=True) f1.response.headers["content-type"] = "text/html" f1.response.content = b"Hello!" f2 = tflow.tflow(err=True) show( level, [ f1, f2, ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()