Revamp options
- Options are now explicitly initialized with an add_option method - We have one canonical Options class - ditch dump.Options
This commit is contained in:
class Options(optmanager.OptManager):
def __init__(
*, # all args are keyword-only.
onboarding: bool = True,
onboarding_host: str = APP_HOST,
onboarding_port: int = APP_PORT,
anticache: bool = False,
anticomp: bool = False,
client_replay: Sequence[str] = [],
replay_kill_extra: bool = False,
keepserving: bool = True,
no_server: bool = False,
server_replay_nopop: bool = False,
refresh_server_playback: bool = True,
rfile: Optional[str] = None,
scripts: Sequence[str] = [],
showhost: bool = False,
replacements: Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, str, str], str]] = [],
replacement_files: Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, str, str], str]] = [],
server_replay_use_headers: Sequence[str] = [],
setheaders: Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, str, str], str]] = [],
server_replay: Sequence[str] = [],
stickycookie: Optional[str] = None,
stickyauth: Optional[str] = None,
stream_large_bodies: Optional[int] = None,
verbosity: int = 2,
default_contentview: str = "auto",
streamfile: Optional[str] = None,
streamfile_append: bool = False,
server_replay_ignore_content: bool = False,
server_replay_ignore_params: Sequence[str] = [],
server_replay_ignore_payload_params: Sequence[str] = [],
server_replay_ignore_host: bool = False,
# Proxy options
auth_nonanonymous: bool = False,
auth_singleuser: Optional[str] = None,
auth_htpasswd: Optional[str] = None,
add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain: bool = False,
body_size_limit: Optional[int] = None,
cadir: str = CA_DIR,
certs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = [],
ciphers_client: str=DEFAULT_CLIENT_CIPHERS,
ciphers_server: Optional[str]=None,
clientcerts: Optional[str] = None,
ignore_hosts: Sequence[str] = [],
listen_host: str = "",
listen_port: int = LISTEN_PORT,
upstream_bind_address: str = "",
mode: str = "regular",
no_upstream_cert: bool = False,
keep_host_header: bool = False,
http2: bool = True,
http2_priority: bool = False,
websocket: bool = True,
rawtcp: bool = False,
spoof_source_address: bool = False,
upstream_server: Optional[str] = None,
upstream_auth: Optional[str] = None,
ssl_version_client: str = "secure",
ssl_version_server: str = "secure",
ssl_insecure: bool = False,
ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir: Optional[str] = None,
ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca: Optional[str] = None,
tcp_hosts: Sequence[str] = [],
intercept: Optional[str] = None,
# Console options
console_eventlog: bool = False,
console_focus_follow: bool = False,
console_palette: Optional[str] = "dark",
console_palette_transparent: bool = False,
console_no_mouse: bool = False,
console_order: Optional[str] = None,
console_order_reversed: bool = False,
filter: Optional[str] = None,
# Web options
web_open_browser: bool = True,
web_debug: bool = False,
web_port: int = 8081,
web_iface: str = "",
# Dump options
filtstr: Optional[str] = None,
flow_detail: int = 1
) -> None:
# We could replace all assignments with clever metaprogramming,
# but type hints are a much more valueable asset.
self.onboarding = onboarding
self.onboarding_host = onboarding_host
self.onboarding_port = onboarding_port
self.anticache = anticache
self.anticomp = anticomp
self.client_replay = client_replay
self.keepserving = keepserving
self.replay_kill_extra = replay_kill_extra
self.no_server = no_server
self.server_replay_nopop = server_replay_nopop
self.refresh_server_playback = refresh_server_playback
self.rfile = rfile
self.scripts = scripts
self.showhost = showhost
self.replacements = replacements
self.replacement_files = replacement_files
self.server_replay_use_headers = server_replay_use_headers
self.setheaders = setheaders
self.server_replay = server_replay
self.stickycookie = stickycookie
self.stickyauth = stickyauth
self.stream_large_bodies = stream_large_bodies
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.default_contentview = default_contentview
self.streamfile = streamfile
self.streamfile_append = streamfile_append
self.server_replay_ignore_content = server_replay_ignore_content
self.server_replay_ignore_params = server_replay_ignore_params
self.server_replay_ignore_payload_params = server_replay_ignore_payload_params
self.server_replay_ignore_host = server_replay_ignore_host
# Proxy options
self.auth_nonanonymous = auth_nonanonymous
self.auth_singleuser = auth_singleuser
self.auth_htpasswd = auth_htpasswd
self.add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain = add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain
self.body_size_limit = body_size_limit
self.cadir = cadir
self.certs = certs
self.ciphers_client = ciphers_client
self.ciphers_server = ciphers_server
self.clientcerts = clientcerts
self.ignore_hosts = ignore_hosts
self.listen_host = listen_host
self.listen_port = listen_port
self.upstream_bind_address = upstream_bind_address
self.mode = mode
self.no_upstream_cert = no_upstream_cert
self.keep_host_header = keep_host_header
self.http2 = http2
self.http2_priority = http2_priority
self.websocket = websocket
self.rawtcp = rawtcp
self.spoof_source_address = spoof_source_address
self.upstream_server = upstream_server
self.upstream_auth = upstream_auth
self.ssl_version_client = ssl_version_client
self.ssl_version_server = ssl_version_server
self.ssl_insecure = ssl_insecure
self.ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir = ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir
self.ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca = ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca
self.tcp_hosts = tcp_hosts
self.intercept = intercept
# Console options
self.console_eventlog = console_eventlog
self.console_focus_follow = console_focus_follow
self.console_palette = console_palette
self.console_palette_transparent = console_palette_transparent
self.console_no_mouse = console_no_mouse
self.console_order = console_order
self.console_order_reversed = console_order_reversed
self.filter = filter
# Web options
self.web_open_browser = web_open_browser
self.web_debug = web_debug
self.web_port = web_port
self.web_iface = web_iface
# Dump options
self.filtstr = filtstr
self.flow_detail = flow_detail
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
self.add_option("onboarding", True, bool)
self.add_option("onboarding_host", APP_HOST, str)
self.add_option("onboarding_port", APP_PORT, int)
self.add_option("anticache", False, bool)
self.add_option("anticomp", False, bool)
self.add_option("client_replay", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("replay_kill_extra", False, bool)
self.add_option("keepserving", True, bool)
self.add_option("no_server", False, bool)
self.add_option("server_replay_nopop", False, bool)
self.add_option("refresh_server_playback", True, bool)
self.add_option("rfile", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("scripts", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("showhost", False, bool)
self.add_option("replacements", [], Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, str, str], str]])
self.add_option("replacement_files", [], Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, str, str], str]])
self.add_option("server_replay_use_headers", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("setheaders", [], Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, str, str], str]])
self.add_option("server_replay", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("stickycookie", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("stickyauth", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("stream_large_bodies", None, Optional[int])
self.add_option("verbosity", 2, int)
self.add_option("default_contentview", "auto", str)
self.add_option("streamfile", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("streamfile_append", False, bool)
self.add_option("server_replay_ignore_content", False, bool)
self.add_option("server_replay_ignore_params", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("server_replay_ignore_payload_params", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("server_replay_ignore_host", False, bool)
# Proxy options
self.add_option("auth_nonanonymous", False, bool)
self.add_option("auth_singleuser", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("auth_htpasswd", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain", False, bool)
self.add_option("body_size_limit", None, Optional[int])
self.add_option("cadir", CA_DIR, str)
self.add_option("certs", [], Sequence[Tuple[str, str]])
self.add_option("ciphers_client", DEFAULT_CLIENT_CIPHERS, str)
self.add_option("ciphers_server", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("clientcerts", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("ignore_hosts", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("listen_host", "", str)
self.add_option("listen_port", LISTEN_PORT, int)
self.add_option("upstream_bind_address", "", str)
self.add_option("mode", "regular", str)
self.add_option("no_upstream_cert", False, bool)
self.add_option("keep_host_header", False, bool)
self.add_option("http2", True, bool)
self.add_option("http2_priority", False, bool)
self.add_option("websocket", True, bool)
self.add_option("rawtcp", False, bool)
self.add_option("spoof_source_address", False, bool)
self.add_option("upstream_server", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("upstream_auth", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("ssl_version_client", "secure", str)
self.add_option("ssl_version_server", "secure", str)
self.add_option("ssl_insecure", False, bool)
self.add_option("ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("tcp_hosts", [], Sequence[str])
self.add_option("intercept", None, Optional[str])
# Console options
self.add_option("console_eventlog", False, bool)
self.add_option("console_focus_follow", False, bool)
self.add_option("console_palette", "dark", Optional[str])
self.add_option("console_palette_transparent", False, bool)
self.add_option("console_no_mouse", False, bool)
self.add_option("console_order", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("console_order_reversed", False, bool)
self.add_option("filter", None, Optional[str])
# Web options
self.add_option("web_open_browser", True, bool)
self.add_option("web_debug", False, bool)
self.add_option("web_port", 8081, int)
self.add_option("web_iface", "", str)
# Dump options
self.add_option("filtstr", None, Optional[str])
self.add_option("flow_detail", 1, int)
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import contextlib
import blinker
import pprint
import inspect
import copy
import functools
import weakref
import os
import typing
import ruamel.yaml
@ -17,21 +17,62 @@ from mitmproxy.utils import typecheck
The base implementation for Options.
class _DefaultsMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwds):
ret = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(namespace))
defaults = {}
for klass in reversed(inspect.getmro(ret)):
for p in inspect.signature(klass.__init__).parameters.values():
if not p.default == p.empty:
defaults[] = p.default
ret._defaults = defaults
return ret
unset = object()
class OptManager(metaclass=_DefaultsMeta):
class _Option:
__slots__ = ("name", "typespec", "value", "_default")
def __init__(
name: str,
default: typing.Any,
typespec: typing.Type
) -> None:
typecheck.check_type(name, default, typespec)
|||| = name
self._default = default
self.typespec = typespec
self.value = unset
def __repr__(self):
return "{value} [{type}]".format(value=self.current(), type=self.typespec)
def default(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self._default)
def current(self) -> typing.Any:
if self.value is unset:
v = self.default
v = self.value
return copy.deepcopy(v)
def set(self, value: typing.Any) -> None:
typecheck.check_type(, value, self.typespec)
self.value = value
def reset(self) -> None:
self.value = unset
def has_changed(self) -> bool:
return self.value is not unset
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
for i in self.__slots__:
if getattr(self, i) != getattr(other, i):
return False
return True
def __deepcopy__(self, _):
o = _Option(, self.default, self.typespec)
if self.has_changed():
o.value = self.current()
return o
class OptManager:
OptManager is the base class from which Options objects are derived.
Note that the __init__ method of all child classes must force all
@ -45,32 +86,26 @@ class OptManager(metaclass=_DefaultsMeta):
Optmanager always returns a deep copy of options to ensure that
mutation doesn't change the option state inadvertently.
_initialized = False
attributes = []
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Initialize instance._opts before __init__ is called.
# This allows us to call super().__init__() last, which then sets
# ._initialized = True as the final operation.
instance = super().__new__(cls)
instance.__dict__["_opts"] = {}
return instance
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__["_options"] = {}
self.__dict__["changed"] = blinker.Signal()
self.__dict__["errored"] = blinker.Signal()
self.__dict__["_initialized"] = True
def add_option(self, name: str, default: typing.Any, typespec: typing.Type) -> None:
if name in self._options:
raise ValueError("Option %s already exists" % name)
self._options[name] = _Option(name, default, typespec)
def rollback(self, updated):
old = self._opts.copy()
old = copy.deepcopy(self._options)
except exceptions.OptionsError as e:
# Notify error handlers
self.errored.send(self, exc=e)
# Rollback
self.__dict__["_opts"] = old
self.__dict__["_options"] = old
self.changed.send(self, updated=updated)
def subscribe(self, func, opts):
@ -95,61 +130,48 @@ class OptManager(metaclass=_DefaultsMeta):
self.changed.connect(_call, weak=False)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._opts == other._opts
return self._options == other._options
def __copy__(self):
return self.__class__(**self._opts)
o = OptManager()
o.__dict__["_options"] = copy.deepcopy(self._options)
return o
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self._opts:
return copy.deepcopy(self._opts[attr])
if attr in self._options:
return self._options[attr].current()
raise AttributeError("No such option: %s" % attr)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if not self._initialized:
self._typecheck(attr, value)
self._opts[attr] = value
self.update(**{attr: value})
def _typecheck(self, attr, value):
expected_type = typecheck.get_arg_type_from_constructor_annotation(
type(self), attr
if expected_type is None:
return # no type info :(
typecheck.check_type(attr, value, expected_type)
def keys(self):
return set(self._opts.keys())
return set(self._options.keys())
def reset(self):
Restore defaults for all options.
def default(klass, opt):
return copy.deepcopy(klass._defaults[opt])
for o in self._options.values():
def update(self, **kwargs):
updated = set(kwargs.keys())
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k not in self._opts:
raise KeyError("No such option: %s" % k)
self._typecheck(k, v)
with self.rollback(updated):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k not in self._options:
raise KeyError("No such option: %s" % k)
self.changed.send(self, updated=updated)
return self
def setter(self, attr):
Generate a setter for a given attribute. This returns a callable
taking a single argument.
if attr not in self._opts:
if attr not in self._options:
raise KeyError("No such option: %s" % attr)
def setter(x):
@ -161,19 +183,24 @@ class OptManager(metaclass=_DefaultsMeta):
Generate a toggler for a boolean attribute. This returns a callable
that takes no arguments.
if attr not in self._opts:
if attr not in self._options:
raise KeyError("No such option: %s" % attr)
o = self._options[attr]
if o.typespec != bool:
raise ValueError("Toggler can only be used with boolean options")
def toggle():
setattr(self, attr, not getattr(self, attr))
return toggle
def default(self, option: str) -> typing.Any:
return self._options[option].default
def has_changed(self, option):
Has the option changed from the default?
if getattr(self, option) != self._defaults[option]:
return True
return self._options[option].has_changed()
def save(self, path, defaults=False):
@ -204,7 +231,7 @@ class OptManager(metaclass=_DefaultsMeta):
if defaults or self.has_changed(k):
data[k] = getattr(self, k)
for k in list(data.keys()):
if k not in self._opts:
if k not in self._options:
del data[k]
return ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(data)
@ -268,7 +295,7 @@ class OptManager(metaclass=_DefaultsMeta):
def __repr__(self):
options = pprint.pformat(self._opts, indent=4).strip(" {}")
options = pprint.pformat(self._options, indent=4).strip(" {}")
if "\n" in options:
options = "\n " + options + "\n"
return "{mod}.{cls}({{{options}}})".format(
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import mitmproxy.master
import mitmproxy.options
from mitmproxy import proxy
from mitmproxy import eventsequence
from mitmproxy import exceptions
class RecordingMaster(mitmproxy.master.Master):
@ -43,14 +42,6 @@ class context:
return False
def _rollback(self, opts, updates):
old = opts._opts.copy()
except exceptions.OptionsError as e:
opts.__dict__["_opts"] = old
def cycle(self, addon, f):
Cycles the flow through the events for the flow. Stops if a reply
@ -70,6 +61,5 @@ class context:
Options object with the given keyword arguments, then calls the
configure method on the addon with the updated value.
with self._rollback(self.options, kwargs):
addon.configure(self.options, kwargs.keys())
addon.configure(self.options, kwargs.keys())
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
from typing import Optional
from mitmproxy import controller
from mitmproxy import exceptions
from mitmproxy import addons
@ -12,26 +10,11 @@ class DumpError(Exception):
class Options(options.Options):
def __init__(
*, # all args are keyword-only.
keepserving: bool = False,
filtstr: Optional[str] = None,
flow_detail: int = 1,
) -> None:
self.filtstr = filtstr
self.flow_detail = flow_detail
self.keepserving = keepserving
class DumpMaster(master.Master):
def __init__(
options: Options,
options: options.Options,
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import typing
def check_type(attr_name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
def check_type(name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
This function checks if the provided value is an instance of typeinfo
and raises a TypeError otherwise.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def check_type(attr_name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
e = TypeError("Expected {} for {}, but got {}.".format(
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def check_type(attr_name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
for T in types:
check_type(attr_name, value, T)
check_type(name, value, T)
except TypeError:
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def check_type(attr_name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
if len(types) != len(value):
raise e
for i, (x, T) in enumerate(zip(value, types)):
check_type("{}[{}]".format(attr_name, i), x, T)
check_type("{}[{}]".format(name, i), x, T)
elif typename.startswith("typing.Sequence"):
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def check_type(attr_name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
raise e
for v in value:
check_type(attr_name, v, T)
check_type(name, v, T)
elif typename.startswith("typing.IO"):
if hasattr(value, "read"):
@ -70,12 +70,3 @@ def check_type(attr_name: str, value: typing.Any, typeinfo: type) -> None:
raise e
elif not isinstance(value, typeinfo):
raise e
def get_arg_type_from_constructor_annotation(cls: type, attr: str) -> typing.Optional[type]:
Returns the first type annotation for attr in the class hierarchy.
for c in cls.mro():
if attr in getattr(c.__init__, "__annotations__", ()):
return c.__init__.__annotations__[attr]
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import click
from mitmproxy.addons import dumper
from mitmproxy.test import tflow
from mitmproxy.test import taddons
from import dump
from import options
def show(flow_detail, flows):
d = dumper.Dumper()
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=flow_detail)
for f in flows:
ctx.cycle(d, f)
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ from mitmproxy.test import tutils
from mitmproxy.addons import dumper
from mitmproxy import exceptions
from import dump
from mitmproxy import http
from mitmproxy import options
def test_configure():
d = dumper.Dumper()
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, filtstr="~b foo")
assert d.filter
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def test_configure():
def test_simple():
sio = io.StringIO()
d = dumper.Dumper(sio)
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=0)
assert not sio.getvalue()
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def test_echo_body():
sio = io.StringIO()
d = dumper.Dumper(sio)
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3)
t = sio.getvalue()
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def test_echo_body():
def test_echo_request_line():
sio = io.StringIO()
d = dumper.Dumper(sio)
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3, showhost=True)
f = tflow.tflow(client_conn=None, server_conn=True, resp=True)
f.request.is_replay = True
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class TestContentView:
view_auto.side_effect = exceptions.ContentViewException("")
sio = io.StringIO()
d = dumper.Dumper(sio)
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4, verbosity=3)
assert "Content viewer failed" in ctx.master.event_log[0][1]
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class TestContentView:
def test_tcp():
sio = io.StringIO()
d = dumper.Dumper(sio)
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3, showhost=True)
f = tflow.ttcpflow()
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def test_tcp():
def test_websocket():
sio = io.StringIO()
d = dumper.Dumper(sio)
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as ctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as ctx:
ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3, showhost=True)
f = tflow.twebsocketflow()
@ -7,15 +7,9 @@ from mitmproxy.test import taddons
from mitmproxy.test import tflow
class Options(options.Options):
def __init__(self, *, intercept=None, **kwargs):
self.intercept = intercept
def test_simple():
r = intercept.Intercept()
with taddons.context(options=Options()) as tctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as tctx:
assert not r.filt
tctx.configure(r, intercept="~q")
assert r.filt
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ from mitmproxy.test import taddons
from mitmproxy import io
from mitmproxy import exceptions
from import dump
from mitmproxy import options
from mitmproxy.addons import streamfile
def test_configure():
sa = streamfile.StreamFile()
with taddons.context(options=dump.Options()) as tctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as tctx:
with tutils.tmpdir() as tdir:
p = os.path.join(tdir, "foo")
with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError):
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import pytest
from mitmproxy.addons import termlog
from mitmproxy import log
from import Options
from mitmproxy.options import Options
from mitmproxy.test import taddons
@ -15,23 +15,6 @@ def tft(*, method="get", start=0):
return f
class Options(options.Options):
def __init__(
self.filter = filter
self.console_order = console_order
self.console_order_reversed = console_order_reversed
self.console_focus_follow = console_focus_follow
def test_order_refresh():
v = view.View()
sargs = []
@ -42,7 +25,7 @@ def test_order_refresh():
tf = tflow.tflow(resp=True)
with taddons.context(options=Options()) as tctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as tctx:
tctx.configure(v, console_order="time")
tf.request.timestamp_start = 1
@ -149,7 +132,7 @@ def test_filter():
def test_order():
v = view.View()
with taddons.context(options=Options()) as tctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as tctx:
v.request(tft(method="get", start=1))
v.request(tft(method="put", start=2))
v.request(tft(method="get", start=3))
@ -280,7 +263,7 @@ def test_signals():
def test_focus_follow():
v = view.View()
with taddons.context(options=Options()) as tctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as tctx:
tctx.configure(v, console_focus_follow=True, filter="~m get")
@ -394,7 +377,7 @@ def test_settings():
def test_configure():
v = view.View()
with taddons.context(options=Options()) as tctx:
with taddons.context(options=options.Options()) as tctx:
tctx.configure(v, filter="~q")
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Invalid interception filter"):
tctx.configure(v, filter="~~")
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import copy
import os
import pytest
import typing
from mitmproxy import options
from mitmproxy import optmanager
@ -9,48 +10,45 @@ from mitmproxy.test import tutils
class TO(optmanager.OptManager):
def __init__(self, one=None, two=None):
|||| = one
self.two = two
def __init__(self):
self.add_option("one", None, typing.Optional[int])
self.add_option("two", 2, typing.Optional[int])
self.add_option("bool", False, bool)
class TD(optmanager.OptManager):
def __init__(self, *, one="done", two="dtwo", three="error"):
|||| = one
self.two = two
self.three = three
def __init__(self):
self.add_option("one", "done", str)
self.add_option("two", "dtwo", str)
class TD2(TD):
def __init__(self, *, three="dthree", four="dfour", **kwargs):
self.three = three
self.four = four
super().__init__(three=three, **kwargs)
def __init__(self):
self.add_option("three", "dthree", str)
self.add_option("four", "dfour", str)
class TM(optmanager.OptManager):
def __init__(self, one="one", two=["foo"], three=None):
|||| = one
self.two = two
self.three = three
def __init__(self):
self.add_option("two", ["foo"], typing.Sequence[str])
self.add_option("one", None, typing.Optional[str])
def test_defaults():
assert TD2.default("one") == "done"
assert TD2.default("two") == "dtwo"
assert TD2.default("three") == "dthree"
assert TD2.default("four") == "dfour"
o = TD2()
assert o._defaults == {
defaults = {
"one": "done",
"two": "dtwo",
"three": "dthree",
"four": "dfour",
for k, v in defaults.items():
assert o.default(k) == v
assert not o.has_changed("one")
newvals = dict(
@ -64,18 +62,19 @@ def test_defaults():
assert v == getattr(o, k)
assert not o.has_changed("one")
for k, v in o._defaults.items():
assert v == getattr(o, k)
for k in o.keys():
assert not o.has_changed(k)
def test_options():
o = TO(two="three")
assert o.keys() == set(["one", "two"])
o = TO()
assert o.keys() == set(["bool", "one", "two"])
assert is None
assert o.two == "three"
|||| = "one"
assert == "one"
assert o.two == 2
|||| = 1
assert == 1
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
TO(nonexistent = "value")
@ -91,34 +90,38 @@ def test_options():
|||| = "ninety"
|||| = 90
assert len(rec) == 1
assert rec[-1].one == "ninety"
assert rec[-1].one == 90
assert len(rec) == 2
assert rec[-1].one == "oink"
assert rec[-1].one == 3
def test_setter():
o = TO(two="three")
o = TO()
f = o.setter("two")
assert o.two == "xxx"
assert o.two == 99
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="No such option"):
def test_toggler():
o = TO(two=True)
f = o.toggler("two")
o = TO()
f = o.toggler("bool")
assert o.bool is False
assert o.two is False
assert o.bool is True
assert o.two is True
assert o.bool is False
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="No such option"):
with pytest.raises(Exception, match="boolean options"):
class Rec():
def __init__(self):
@ -132,19 +135,19 @@ def test_subscribe():
o = TO()
r = Rec()
o.subscribe(r, ["two"])
|||| = "foo"
|||| = 2
assert not r.called
o.two = "foo"
o.two = 3
assert r.called
assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 1
del r
o.two = "bar"
o.two = 4
assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 0
def test_rollback():
o = TO(one="two")
o = TO()
rec = []
@ -157,27 +160,24 @@ def test_rollback():
def err(opts, updated):
if == "ten":
if == 10:
raise exceptions.OptionsError()
|||| = "ten"
assert is None
|||| = 10
assert isinstance(recerr[0]["exc"], exceptions.OptionsError)
assert == "two"
assert is None
assert len(rec) == 2
assert rec[0].one == "ten"
assert rec[1].one == "two"
assert rec[0].one == 10
assert rec[1].one is None
def test_repr():
assert repr(TO()) == "test.mitmproxy.test_optmanager.TO({'one': None, 'two': None})"
assert repr(TO(one='x' * 60)) == """test.mitmproxy.test_optmanager.TO({
'one': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'two': None
assert repr(TO())
def test_serialize():
@ -249,3 +249,17 @@ def test_merge():
assert == "two"
assert m.two == ["foo", "bar"]
def test_option():
o = optmanager._Option("test", 1, int)
assert o.current() == 1
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
optmanager._Option("test", 1, str)
o2 = optmanager._Option("test", 1, int)
assert o2 == o
assert o2 != o
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from unittest import mock
from mitmproxy import proxy
from mitmproxy import log
from mitmproxy import controller
from mitmproxy import options
from import dump
from mitmproxy.test import tutils
@ -12,8 +13,8 @@ from .. import tservers
class TestDumpMaster(tservers.MasterTest):
def mkmaster(self, flt, **options):
o = dump.Options(filtstr=flt, verbosity=-1, flow_detail=0, **options)
def mkmaster(self, flt, **opts):
o = options.Options(filtstr=flt, verbosity=-1, flow_detail=0, **opts)
m = dump.DumpMaster(o, proxy.DummyServer(), with_termlog=False, with_dumper=False)
return m
@ -40,13 +41,13 @@ class TestDumpMaster(tservers.MasterTest):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("termlog", [False, True])
def test_addons_termlog(self, termlog):
with mock.patch('sys.stdout'):
o = dump.Options()
o = options.Options()
m = dump.DumpMaster(o, proxy.DummyServer(), with_termlog=termlog)
assert (m.addons.get('termlog') is not None) == termlog
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dumper", [False, True])
def test_addons_dumper(self, dumper):
with mock.patch('sys.stdout'):
o = dump.Options()
o = options.Options()
m = dump.DumpMaster(o, proxy.DummyServer(), with_dumper=dumper)
assert (m.addons.get('dumper') is not None) == dumper
@ -16,12 +16,6 @@ class T(TBase):
super(T, self).__init__(42)
def test_get_arg_type_from_constructor_annotation():
assert typecheck.get_arg_type_from_constructor_annotation(T, "foo") == str
assert typecheck.get_arg_type_from_constructor_annotation(T, "bar") == int
assert not typecheck.get_arg_type_from_constructor_annotation(T, "baz")
def test_check_type():
typecheck.check_type("foo", 42, int)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Reference in New Issue