
369 lines
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2015-04-10 02:35:40 +00:00
from __future__ import absolute_import
from base64 import b64encode
from hashlib import sha1
from mimetools import Message
from netlib import tcp
from netlib import utils
from StringIO import StringIO
import os
import SocketServer
import struct
import io
# Colleciton of utility functions that implement small portions of the RFC6455 WebSockets Protocol
# Useful for building WebSocket clients and servers.
# Emphassis is on readabilty, simplicity and modularity, not performance or completeness
# This is a work in progress and does not yet contain all the utilites need to create fully complient client/servers
# Spec:
# The magic sha that websocket servers must know to prove they understand RFC6455
websockets_magic = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'
class WebSocketFrameValidationException(Exception):
class WebSocketsFrame(object):
Represents one websockets frame.
Constructor takes human readable forms of the frame components
from_bytes() is also avaliable.
WebSockets Frame as defined in RFC6455
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length |
|I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) |
|N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) |
| |1|2|3| |K| | |
+-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
| |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 |
| Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data |
+-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
: Payload Data continued ... :
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Payload Data continued ... |
def __init__(
fin, # decmial integer 1 or 0
opcode, # decmial integer 1 - 4
mask_bit, # decimal integer 1 or 0
payload_length_code, # decimal integer 1 - 127
decoded_payload, # bytestring
rsv1 = 0, # decimal integer 1 or 0
rsv2 = 0, # decimal integer 1 or 0
rsv3 = 0, # decimal integer 1 or 0
payload = None, # bytestring
masking_key = None, # 32 bit byte string
actual_payload_length = None, # any decimal integer
use_validation = True # indicates whether or not you care if this frame adheres to the spec
self.fin = fin
self.rsv1 = rsv1
self.rsv2 = rsv2
self.rsv3 = rsv3
self.opcode = opcode
self.mask_bit = mask_bit
self.payload_length_code = payload_length_code
self.masking_key = masking_key
self.payload = payload
self.decoded_payload = decoded_payload
self.actual_payload_length = actual_payload_length
self.use_validation = use_validation
if self.use_validation:
def from_bytes(cls, bytestring):
Construct a websocket frame from an in-memory bytestring
to construct a frame from a stream of bytes, use read_frame() directly
def default_frame_from_message(cls, message, from_client = False):
Construct a basic websocket frame from some default values.
Creates a non-fragmented text frame.
length_code, actual_length = get_payload_length_pair(message)
if from_client:
mask_bit = 1
masking_key = random_masking_key()
payload = apply_mask(message, masking_key)
mask_bit = 0
masking_key = None
payload = message
return cls(
fin = 1, # final frame
opcode = 1, # text
mask_bit = mask_bit,
payload_length_code = length_code,
payload = payload,
masking_key = masking_key,
decoded_payload = message,
actual_payload_length = actual_length
def validate_frame(self):
Validate websocket frame invariants, call at anytime to ensure the WebSocketsFrame
has not been corrupted.
assert 0 <= self.fin <= 1
assert 0 <= self.rsv1 <= 1
assert 0 <= self.rsv2 <= 1
assert 0 <= self.rsv3 <= 1
assert 1 <= self.opcode <= 4
assert 0 <= self.mask_bit <= 1
assert 1 <= self.payload_length_code <= 127
if self.mask_bit == 1:
assert 1 <= len(self.masking_key) <= 4
assert self.masking_key == None
assert self.actual_payload_length == len(self.payload)
if self.payload is not None and self.masking_key is not None:
apply_mask(self.payload, self.masking_key) == self.decoded_payload
except AssertionError:
raise WebSocketFrameValidationException()
def human_readable(self):
return "\n".join([
("fin - " + str(self.fin)),
("rsv1 - " + str(self.rsv1)),
("rsv2 - " + str(self.rsv2)),
("rsv3 - " + str(self.rsv3)),
("opcode - " + str(self.opcode)),
("mask_bit - " + str(self.mask_bit)),
("payload_length_code - " + str(self.payload_length_code)),
("masking_key - " + str(self.masking_key)),
("payload - " + str(self.payload)),
("decoded_payload - " + str(self.decoded_payload)),
("actual_payload_length - " + str(self.actual_payload_length)),
("use_validation - " + str(self.use_validation))])
def to_bytes(self):
Serialize the frame back into the wire format, returns a bytestring
# validate enforces all the assumptions made by this serializer
# in the spritit of mitmproxy, it's possible to create and serialize invalid frames
# by skipping validation.
if self.use_validation:
max_16_bit_int = (1 << 16)
max_64_bit_int = (1 << 63)
# break down of the bit-math used to construct the first byte from the frame's integer values
# first shift the significant bit into the correct position
# 00000001 << 7 = 10000000
# ...
# then combine:
# 10000000 fin
# 01000000 res1
# 00100000 res2
# 00010000 res3
# 00000001 opcode
# -------- OR
# 11110001 = first_byte
first_byte = (self.fin << 7) | (self.rsv1 << 6) | (self.rsv2 << 4) | (self.rsv3 << 4) | self.opcode
second_byte = (self.mask_bit << 7) | self.payload_length_code
bytes = chr(first_byte) + chr(second_byte)
if self.actual_payload_length < 126:
elif self.actual_payload_length < max_16_bit_int:
# '!H' pack as 16 bit unsigned short
bytes += struct.pack('!H', self.actual_payload_length) # add 2 byte extended payload length
elif self.actual_payload_length < max_64_bit_int:
# '!Q' = pack as 64 bit unsigned long long
bytes += struct.pack('!Q', self.actual_payload_length) # add 8 bytes extended payload length
if self.masking_key is not None:
bytes += self.masking_key
bytes += self.payload # already will be encoded if neccessary
return bytes
def from_byte_stream(cls, read_bytes):
read a websockets frame sent by a server or client
read_bytes is a function that can be backed
by sockets or by any byte reader. So this
function may be used to read frames from disk/wire/memory
first_byte = utils.bytes_to_int(read_bytes(1))
second_byte = utils.bytes_to_int(read_bytes(1))
fin = first_byte >> 7 # grab the left most bit
opcode = first_byte & 15 # grab right most 4 bits by and-ing with 00001111
mask_bit = second_byte >> 7 # grab left most bit
payload_length = second_byte & 127 # grab the next 7 bits
# payload_lengthy > 125 indicates you need to read more bytes
# to get the actual payload length
if payload_length <= 125:
actual_payload_length = payload_length
elif payload_length == 126:
actual_payload_length = utils.bytes_to_int(read_bytes(2))
elif payload_length == 127:
actual_payload_length = utils.bytes_to_int(read_bytes(8))
# masking key only present if mask bit set
if mask_bit == 1:
masking_key = read_bytes(4)
masking_key = None
payload = read_bytes(actual_payload_length)
if mask_bit == 1:
decoded_payload = apply_mask(payload, masking_key)
decoded_payload = payload
return cls(
fin = fin,
opcode = opcode,
mask_bit = mask_bit,
payload_length_code = payload_length,
payload = payload,
masking_key = masking_key,
decoded_payload = decoded_payload,
actual_payload_length = actual_payload_length
def apply_mask(message, masking_key):
Data sent from the server must be masked to prevent malicious clients
from sending data over the wire in predictable patterns
This method both encodes and decodes strings with the provided mask
Servers do not have to mask data they send to the client.
masks = [utils.bytes_to_int(byte) for byte in masking_key]
result = ""
for char in message:
result += chr(ord(char) ^ masks[len(result) % 4])
return result
def random_masking_key():
return os.urandom(4)
def masking_key_list(masking_key):
return [utils.bytes_to_int(byte) for byte in masking_key]
def create_client_handshake(host, port, key, version, resource):
WebSockets connections are intiated by the client with a valid HTTP upgrade request
headers = [
('Host', '%s:%s' % (host, port)),
('Connection', 'Upgrade'),
('Upgrade', 'websocket'),
('Sec-WebSocket-Key', key),
('Sec-WebSocket-Version', version)
request = "GET %s HTTP/1.1" % resource
return build_handshake(headers, request)
def create_server_handshake(key, magic = websockets_magic):
The server response is a valid HTTP 101 response.
digest = b64encode(sha1(key + magic).hexdigest().decode('hex'))
headers = [
('Connection', 'Upgrade'),
('Upgrade', 'websocket'),
('Sec-WebSocket-Accept', digest)
request = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols"
return build_handshake(headers, request)
def build_handshake(headers, request):
handshake = [request.encode('utf-8')]
for header, value in headers:
handshake.append(("%s: %s" % (header, value)).encode('utf-8'))
return b'\r\n'.join(handshake)
def read_handshake(read_bytes, num_bytes_per_read):
From provided function that reads bytes, read in a
complete HTTP request, which terminates with a CLRF
response = b''
doubleCLRF = b'\r\n\r\n'
while True:
bytes = read_bytes(num_bytes_per_read)
if not bytes:
response += bytes
if doubleCLRF in response:
return response
def get_payload_length_pair(payload_bytestring):
A websockets frame contains an initial length_code, and an optional
extended length code to represent the actual length if length code is larger
than 125
actual_length = len(payload_bytestring)
if actual_length <= 125:
length_code = actual_length
elif actual_length >= 126 and actual_length <= 65535:
length_code = 126
length_code = 127
return (length_code, actual_length)
def server_process_handshake(handshake):
headers = Message(StringIO(handshake.split('\r\n', 1)[1]))
if headers.get("Upgrade", None) != "websocket":
key = headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key']
return key
def generate_client_nounce():
return b64encode(os.urandom(16)).decode('utf-8')