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313 lines
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Model Checkpointing
Automatically save model checkpoints during training.
import os
import re
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional
import torch
from pytorch_lightning import _logger as log
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks.base import Callback
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn, rank_zero_only
class ModelCheckpoint(Callback):
Save the model after every epoch if it improves.
After training finishes, use :attr:`best_model_path` to retrieve the path to the
best checkpoint file and :attr:`best_model_score` to retrieve its score.
filepath: path to save the model file.
Can contain named formatting options to be auto-filled.
# custom path
# saves a file like: my/path/epoch_0.ckpt
>>> checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint('my/path/')
# save any arbitrary metrics like `val_loss`, etc. in name
# saves a file like: my/path/epoch=2-val_loss=0.2_other_metric=0.3.ckpt
>>> checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(
... filepath='my/path/{epoch}-{val_loss:.2f}-{other_metric:.2f}'
... )
Can also be set to `None`, then it will be set to default location
during trainer construction.
monitor: quantity to monitor.
verbose: verbosity mode. Default: ``False``.
save_last: always saves the model at the end of the epoch. Default: ``False``.
save_top_k: if `save_top_k == k`,
the best k models according to
the quantity monitored will be saved.
if ``save_top_k == 0``, no models are saved.
if ``save_top_k == -1``, all models are saved.
Please note that the monitors are checked every `period` epochs.
if ``save_top_k >= 2`` and the callback is called multiple
times inside an epoch, the name of the saved file will be
appended with a version count starting with `v0`.
mode: one of {auto, min, max}.
If ``save_top_k != 0``, the decision
to overwrite the current save file is made
based on either the maximization or the
minimization of the monitored quantity. For `val_acc`,
this should be `max`, for `val_loss` this should
be `min`, etc. In `auto` mode, the direction is
automatically inferred from the name of the monitored quantity.
save_weights_only: if ``True``, then only the model's weights will be
saved (``model.save_weights(filepath)``), else the full model
is saved (``model.save(filepath)``).
period: Interval (number of epochs) between checkpoints.
>>> from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
>>> from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
# saves checkpoints to 'my/path/' whenever 'val_loss' has a new min
>>> checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='my/path/')
>>> trainer = Trainer(checkpoint_callback=checkpoint_callback)
# save epoch and val_loss in name
# saves a file like: my/path/sample-mnist_epoch=02_val_loss=0.32.ckpt
>>> checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(
... filepath='my/path/sample-mnist_{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.2f}'
... )
# retrieve the best checkpoint after training
checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='my/path/')
trainer = Trainer(checkpoint_callback=checkpoint_callback)
model = ...
def __init__(self, filepath: Optional[str] = None, monitor: str = 'val_loss', verbose: bool = False,
save_last: bool = False, save_top_k: int = 1, save_weights_only: bool = False,
mode: str = 'auto', period: int = 1, prefix: str = ''):
if save_top_k > 0 and filepath is not None and os.path.isdir(filepath) and len(os.listdir(filepath)) > 0:
f"Checkpoint directory {filepath} exists and is not empty with save_top_k != 0."
"All files in this directory will be deleted when a checkpoint is saved!"
self._rank = 0
self.monitor = monitor
self.verbose = verbose
if filepath is None: # will be determined by trainer at runtime
self.dirpath, self.filename = None, None
if os.path.isdir(filepath):
self.dirpath, self.filename = filepath, '{epoch}'
filepath = os.path.realpath(filepath)
self.dirpath, self.filename = os.path.split(filepath)
os.makedirs(self.dirpath, exist_ok=True)
self.save_last = save_last
self.save_top_k = save_top_k
self.save_weights_only = save_weights_only
self.period = period
self.epoch_last_check = None
self.prefix = prefix
self.best_k_models = {}
# {filename: monitor}
self.kth_best_model_path = ''
self.best_model_score = 0
self.best_model_path = ''
self.save_function = None
torch_inf = torch.tensor(np.Inf)
mode_dict = {
'min': (torch_inf, 'min'),
'max': (-torch_inf, 'max'),
'auto': (-torch_inf, 'max') if 'acc' in self.monitor or self.monitor.startswith('fmeasure')
else (torch_inf, 'min'),
if mode not in mode_dict:
rank_zero_warn(f'ModelCheckpoint mode {mode} is unknown, '
f'fallback to auto mode.', RuntimeWarning)
mode = 'auto'
self.kth_value, self.mode = mode_dict[mode]
def best(self):
rank_zero_warn("Attribute `best` has been renamed to `best_model_score` since v0.8.0"
" and will be removed in v0.10.0", DeprecationWarning)
return self.best_model_score
def kth_best_model(self):
rank_zero_warn("Attribute `kth_best_model` has been renamed to `kth_best_model_path` since v0.8.0"
" and will be removed in v0.10.0", DeprecationWarning)
return self.kth_best_model_path
def _del_model(self, filepath):
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
def _save_model(self, filepath):
# make paths
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True)
# delegate the saving to the model
if self.save_function is not None:
self.save_function(filepath, self.save_weights_only)
raise ValueError(".save_function() not set")
def check_monitor_top_k(self, current):
less_than_k_models = len(self.best_k_models) < self.save_top_k
if less_than_k_models:
return True
if not isinstance(current, torch.Tensor):
f'{current} is supposed to be a `torch.Tensor`. Saving checkpoint may not work correctly.'
f' HINT: check the value of {self.monitor} in your validation loop', RuntimeWarning
current = torch.tensor(current)
monitor_op = {
"min": torch.lt,
"max": torch.gt,
return monitor_op(current, self.best_k_models[self.kth_best_model_path])
def format_checkpoint_name(self, epoch, metrics, ver=None):
"""Generate a filename according to the defined template.
>>> tmpdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> ckpt = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(tmpdir, '{epoch}'))
>>> os.path.basename(ckpt.format_checkpoint_name(0, {}))
>>> ckpt = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(tmpdir, '{epoch:03d}'))
>>> os.path.basename(ckpt.format_checkpoint_name(5, {}))
>>> ckpt = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(tmpdir, '{epoch}-{val_loss:.2f}'))
>>> os.path.basename(ckpt.format_checkpoint_name(2, dict(val_loss=0.123456)))
>>> ckpt = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(tmpdir, '{missing:d}'))
>>> os.path.basename(ckpt.format_checkpoint_name(0, {}))
# check if user passed in keys to the string
groups = re.findall(r'(\{.*?)[:\}]', self.filename)
if len(groups) == 0:
# default name
filename = f'{self.prefix}_ckpt_epoch_{epoch}'
metrics['epoch'] = epoch
filename = self.filename
for tmp in groups:
name = tmp[1:]
filename = filename.replace(tmp, name + '={' + name)
if name not in metrics:
metrics[name] = 0
filename = filename.format(**metrics)
str_ver = f'_v{ver}' if ver is not None else ''
filepath = os.path.join(self.dirpath, self.prefix + filename + str_ver + '.ckpt')
return filepath
def on_validation_end(self, trainer, pl_module):
# only run on main process
if trainer.global_rank != 0:
metrics = trainer.callback_metrics
epoch = trainer.current_epoch
if self.save_top_k == 0:
# no models are saved
if self.epoch_last_check is not None and (epoch - self.epoch_last_check) < self.period:
# skipping in this term
self.epoch_last_check = epoch
if self.save_last:
filepath = os.path.join(self.dirpath, self.prefix + 'last.ckpt')
filepath = self.format_checkpoint_name(epoch, metrics)
version_cnt = 0
while os.path.isfile(filepath):
filepath = self.format_checkpoint_name(epoch, metrics, ver=version_cnt)
# this epoch called before
version_cnt += 1
if self.save_top_k != -1:
current = metrics.get(self.monitor)
if not isinstance(current, torch.Tensor):
f'The metric you returned {current} must be a `torch.Tensor` instance, checkpoint not saved'
f' HINT: what is the value of {self.monitor} in validation_epoch_end()?', RuntimeWarning
if current is not None:
current = torch.tensor(current)
if current is None:
f'Can save best model only with {self.monitor} available, skipping.', RuntimeWarning
elif self.check_monitor_top_k(current):
self._do_check_save(filepath, current, epoch)
elif self.verbose > 0:
log.info(f'\nEpoch {epoch:05d}: {self.monitor} was not in top {self.save_top_k}')
if self.verbose > 0:
log.info(f'\nEpoch {epoch:05d}: saving model to {filepath}')
def _do_check_save(self, filepath, current, epoch):
# remove kth
del_list = []
if len(self.best_k_models) == self.save_top_k and self.save_top_k > 0:
delpath = self.kth_best_model_path
self.best_k_models[filepath] = current
if len(self.best_k_models) == self.save_top_k:
# monitor dict has reached k elements
_op = max if self.mode == 'min' else min
self.kth_best_model_path = _op(self.best_k_models,
self.kth_value = self.best_k_models[self.kth_best_model_path]
_op = min if self.mode == 'min' else max
self.best_model_path = _op(self.best_k_models, key=self.best_k_models.get)
self.best_model_score = self.best_k_models[self.best_model_path]
if self.verbose > 0:
f'\nEpoch {epoch:05d}: {self.monitor} reached'
f' {current:0.5f} (best {self.best_model_score:0.5f}), saving model to'
f' {filepath} as top {self.save_top_k}')
for cur_path in del_list:
if cur_path != filepath: