714 lines
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714 lines
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# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial, update_wrapper
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
from deprecate import void
from torch import Tensor
from torch.optim import Optimizer
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.core.optimizer import LightningOptimizer
from pytorch_lightning.loops.base import Loop
from pytorch_lightning.plugins import ParallelPlugin
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.logger_connector.result import ResultCollection
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.supporters import TensorRunningAccum
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import AMPType, AttributeDict, DeviceType, grad_norm
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.finite_checks import detect_nan_parameters
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.imports import _TPU_AVAILABLE
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.signature_utils import is_param_in_hook_signature
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.types import STEP_OUTPUT
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.warnings import WarningCache
class TrainingBatchLoop(Loop):
""" Runs over a single batch of data. """
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.accumulated_loss: Optional[Tensor] = None
self.batch_outputs: Optional[List[List[STEP_OUTPUT]]] = None
self.running_loss: TensorRunningAccum = TensorRunningAccum(window_length=20)
self.batch_idx: int = 0
self.split_idx: Optional[int] = None
self.warning_cache: WarningCache = WarningCache()
self._hiddens: Optional[Tensor] = None
self._optimizer_freq_cumsum: Optional[int] = None
self._remaining_splits: Optional[List[Any]] = None
self._skip_backward: bool = False
def done(self) -> bool:
"""Returns if all batch splits have been processed already"""
return len(self._remaining_splits) == 0
def optimizer_freq_cumsum(self) -> int:
"""Returns the cumulated sum of optimizer frequencies"""
if self._optimizer_freq_cumsum is None:
self._optimizer_freq_cumsum = np.cumsum(self.trainer.optimizer_frequencies)
return self._optimizer_freq_cumsum
def connect(self, trainer: 'pl.Trainer', *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
# TODO(@justusschock): can we make this a weakref/proxy?
void(*args, **kwargs)
self.trainer = trainer
def run(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int) -> AttributeDict:
"""Runs all the data splits and the ``on_batch_start`` and ``on_train_batch_start`` hooks
batch: the current batch to run the train step on
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
dataloader_idx: the index of the dataloader producing the current batch
if batch is None:
self.warning_cache.warn("train_dataloader yielded None. If this was on purpose, ignore this warning...")
return AttributeDict(signal=0, training_step_output=[[]])
# hook
response = self.trainer.call_hook("on_batch_start")
if response == -1:
return AttributeDict(signal=-1)
# hook
response = self.trainer.call_hook("on_train_batch_start", batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
if response == -1:
return AttributeDict(signal=-1)
super().run(batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
return AttributeDict(signal=0, training_step_output=self.batch_outputs)
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Resets the loop state"""
self._hiddens = None
self.batch_idx = 0
self.batch_outputs = [[] for _ in range(len(self.trainer.optimizers))]
def on_run_start(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int):
"""Splits the data into tbptt splits
batch: the current batch to run the trainstep on
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
dataloader_idx: the index of the dataloader producing the current batch
void(batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
self._remaining_splits = list(enumerate(self.tbptt_split_batch(batch)))
def advance(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx):
"""Runs the train step together with optimization (if necessary) on the current batch split
batch: the current batch to run the training on (this is not the split!)
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
dataloader_idx: the index of the dataloader producing the current batch
void(batch, dataloader_idx)
split_idx, split_batch = self._remaining_splits.pop(0)
self.batch_idx = batch_idx
self.split_idx = split_idx
# let logger connector extract current batch size
self.trainer.logger_connector.on_train_split_start(batch_idx, split_idx, split_batch)
if self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
for opt_idx, optimizer in self.get_active_optimizers(batch_idx):
result = self._run_optimization(batch_idx, split_batch, opt_idx, optimizer)
if result:
# in manual optimization, there is no looping over optimizers
result = self._run_optimization(batch_idx, split_batch)
if result:
def num_active_optimizers(self, batch_idx: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
"""Gets the number of active optimizers based on their frequency"""
return len(self.get_active_optimizers(batch_idx))
def _run_optimization(
self, batch_idx: int, split_batch: Any, opt_idx: int = 0, optimizer: Optional[torch.optim.Optimizer] = None
"""Runs closure (train step + backward) together with optimization if necessary.
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
split_batch: the current tbptt split of the whole batch
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
optimizer: the current optimizer
# TODO(@awaelchli): In v1.5, when optimizer_idx gets removed from training_step in manual_optimization, change
# opt_idx=0 to opt_idx=None in the signature here
# toggle model params
self.run_optimization_start(opt_idx, optimizer)
result = AttributeDict()
closure = self.make_closure(split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx, optimizer, self._hiddens, result)
if self.should_accumulate():
# For gradient accumulation
# -------------------
# calculate loss (train step + train step end)
# -------------------
# automatic_optimization=True: perform ddp sync only when performing optimizer_step
# automatic_optimization=False: don't block synchronization here
with self.block_ddp_sync_behaviour():
# ------------------------------
# ------------------------------
# gradient update with accumulated gradients
if self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
self.optimizer_step(optimizer, opt_idx, batch_idx, closure)
if len(self.trainer.optimizers) > 1:
# revert back to previous state
result = self.training_step(split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx, self._hiddens)
if not result:
# user decided to skip optimization
return result
# update running loss + reset accumulated loss
return result
def training_step_and_backward_closure(
split_batch: Any,
batch_idx: int,
opt_idx: int,
optimizer: Optimizer,
hiddens: Tensor,
return_result: AttributeDict,
) -> Optional[Tensor]:
"""Closure for training step and backward
split_batch: the current tbptt split of the batch
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
optimizer: the current optimizer
hiddens: the hidden state of the recurrent net
return_result: the storage of the trainstep results
result = self.training_step_and_backward(split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx, optimizer, hiddens)
if result is not None:
return return_result.loss
def make_closure(self, *closure_args: Any, **closure_kwargs: Any) -> Callable:
""" Wraps the training step closure into a partial object which will be called within ``optimizer.step``. """
partial_func = partial(self.training_step_and_backward_closure, *closure_args, **closure_kwargs)
return update_wrapper(partial_func, self.training_step_and_backward_closure)
def _process_closure_result(self, opt_closure_result: Optional[AttributeDict]) -> None:
"""Checks if the closure results is finite and optionally breaks if it is not
opt_closure_result: the result of the train step wrapped in an attribute dict
if not opt_closure_result:
# check if loss or model weights are nan
if self.trainer.terminate_on_nan:
def on_after_backward(self, batch_idx: int, untouched_loss: Tensor) -> None:
"""Calls ``on_after_backward`` hook and tracks loss history
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
untouched_loss: the original loss value
# insert after step hook
# when in dev debugging track the losses
self.trainer.dev_debugger.track_train_loss_history(batch_idx, untouched_loss.detach())
def _check_training_step_output(self, training_step_output: STEP_OUTPUT) -> None:
"""Sanity checks that training produced a valid output and optimizer step has already been called in manual
training_step_output: the output of the training step (before wrapping in an AttributeDict)
if isinstance(training_step_output, Tensor) and not self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
if training_step_output.grad_fn is None:
# TODO: Find why - RuntimeError: Expected to mark a variable ready only once ...
raise MisconfigurationException("In manual optimization, `training_step` should not return a Tensor")
elif self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
if not any((
isinstance(training_step_output, Tensor),
(isinstance(training_step_output, Mapping)
and 'loss' in training_step_output), training_step_output is None
raise MisconfigurationException(
"In automatic optimization, `training_step` must either return a Tensor, "
"a dict with key 'loss' or None (where the step will be skipped)."
def training_step(self, split_batch: Any, batch_idx: int, opt_idx: int, hiddens: Tensor) -> Optional[AttributeDict]:
"""Performs the actual train step with the tied hooks.
split_batch: the current tbptt split of the current batch
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
hiddens: the model's hidden state of the previous iteration
an AttributeDict containing the loss value and the training step output.
# give the PL module a result for logging
model_ref = self.trainer.lightning_module
with self.trainer.profiler.profile("model_forward"):
step_kwargs = self._build_kwargs(split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx, hiddens)
# manually capture logged metrics
model_ref._current_fx_name = 'training_step'
with self.trainer.profiler.profile("training_step"):
training_step_output = self.trainer.accelerator.training_step(step_kwargs)
training_step_output = self.trainer.call_hook("training_step_end", training_step_output)
training_step_output = self._process_training_step_output(training_step_output)
if training_step_output is None:
closure_loss = None
loss = None
if self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
# accumulate loss. if accumulate_grad_batches==1, no effect
closure_loss = training_step_output.minimize / self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches
# the loss will get scaled for amp. avoid any modifications to it
loss = closure_loss.detach().clone()
return AttributeDict(closure_loss=closure_loss, loss=loss, training_step_output=training_step_output)
def _process_training_step_output(self, training_step_output: STEP_OUTPUT) -> Optional[ResultCollection]:
"""Adds the :param:`training_step_output` to the trainer's results
training_step_output: the output of the training step (before wrapping into an AttributeDict)
the updated results if the training_step's output was not None else None
if training_step_output is None:
return None
results = self.trainer._results
loss = None
hiddens = None
results.extra = {}
# handle dict return
if isinstance(training_step_output, dict):
loss = training_step_output.pop("loss", None)
hiddens = training_step_output.pop("hiddens", None)
if hiddens is not None:
hiddens = hiddens.detach()
results.extra = training_step_output
# handle scalar return
elif isinstance(training_step_output, Tensor):
loss = training_step_output
# map to results under the hood
results.minimize = loss
self._hiddens = hiddens
if self.trainer.move_metrics_to_cpu:
return results
def optimizer_step(
self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, opt_idx: int, batch_idx: int, train_step_and_backward_closure: Callable
) -> None:
"""Performs the optimizer step and some sanity checking.
optimizer: the optimizer to perform the step with
opt_idx: the index of the current :param:`optimizer`
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
train_step_and_backward_closure: the closure function performing the train step and computing the
gradients. By default called by the optimizer (if possible)
model_ref = self.trainer.lightning_module
is_lbfgs = isinstance(optimizer, torch.optim.LBFGS)
using_native_amp = self.trainer.amp_backend == AMPType.NATIVE
# native amp + lbfgs is a no go right now
if using_native_amp and is_lbfgs:
raise MisconfigurationException(
'native PyTorch amp and lbfgs are not compatible.'
' To request, please file a Github issue in PyTorch and tag @mcarilli'
# wraps into LightningOptimizer only for running step
optimizer = LightningOptimizer._to_lightning_optimizer(optimizer, self.trainer, opt_idx)
# model hook
on_tpu=(self.trainer._device_type == DeviceType.TPU and _TPU_AVAILABLE),
def on_before_zero_grad(self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer) -> None:
"""Calls the ``on_before_zero_grad`` hook.
optimizer: the current optimizer
self.trainer.call_hook('on_before_zero_grad', optimizer)
def optimizer_zero_grad(self, batch_idx: int, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, opt_idx: int) -> None:
"""Zeroes out all gradients of parameters optimized by the current optimizer.
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
optimizer: the current optimizer
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
self.trainer.accelerator.optimizer_zero_grad(self.trainer.current_epoch, batch_idx, optimizer, opt_idx)
def track_and_norm_grad(self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
"""Tracks gradient norms and clips the gradients of all parameters optimized by the current optimizer.
optimizer: the current optimizer
# track gradient norms
grad_norm_dict = {}
can_log = (self.trainer.global_step + 1) % self.trainer.log_every_n_steps == 0
should_track = float(self.trainer.track_grad_norm) > 0
if should_track and can_log:
grad_norm_dict = grad_norm(self.trainer.lightning_module, self.trainer.track_grad_norm)
# clip gradients
optimizer, self.trainer.gradient_clip_val, gradient_clip_algorithm=self.trainer.gradient_clip_algorithm
return grad_norm_dict
def _accumulated_batches_reached(self) -> bool:
"""Determine if accumulation will be finished by the end of the current batch."""
# FIXME(@awaelchli): use progress tracking of batches instead of manual batch_idx
return (self.batch_idx + 1) % self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches == 0
def _num_training_batches_reached(self, is_last_batch: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Checks whether sufficient training batches have been processed.
is_last_batch: Whether the current batch is the last one
# FIXME(@awaelchli): use progress tracking of batches instead of manual batch_idx
return (self.batch_idx + 1) == self.trainer.num_training_batches or is_last_batch
def should_accumulate(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if the optimizer step should be performed or gradients should be accumulated for the current step."""
# checks if backward or backward + optimizer step (via closure)
accumulation_done = self._accumulated_batches_reached()
is_final_batch = self._num_training_batches_reached()
return not (accumulation_done or is_final_batch)
def tbptt_split_batch(self, batch: Any) -> List[Any]:
"""Splits a single batch into a list of sequence steps for tbptt.
batch: the current batch to split
splits = [batch]
if self.trainer.truncated_bptt_steps is not None:
model_ref = self.trainer.lightning_module
with self.trainer.profiler.profile("tbptt_split_batch"):
splits = model_ref.tbptt_split_batch(batch, self.trainer.truncated_bptt_steps)
return splits
def build_train_args(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int, opt_idx: int, hiddens: Tensor) -> List[Any]:
"""Builds arguments for train step
batch: the current batch to train on
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
hiddens: the hidden state of the previous RNN iteration
the positional arguments for training
# enable not needing to add opt_idx to training_step
args = [batch, batch_idx]
if len(self.trainer.optimizers) > 1:
if self.trainer.has_arg("training_step", "optimizer_idx"):
if not self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
"`training_step` hook signature has changed in v1.3."
" `optimizer_idx` argument has been removed in case of manual optimization. Support for"
" the old signature will be removed in v1.5"
elif not self.trainer.has_arg(
"training_step", "optimizer_idx"
) and self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
raise ValueError(
f"Your LightningModule defines {len(self.trainer.optimizers)} optimizers but"
' `training_step` is missing the `optimizer_idx` argument.'
# pass hiddens if using tbptt
if self.trainer.truncated_bptt_steps is not None:
return args
def run_optimization_start(self, opt_idx: int, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer) -> None:
"""Toggles the optimizer to ensure the correct one is used and prevend dangling grads.
opt_idx: the index of the optimizer to use
optimizer: the optimizer to use
# make sure only the gradients of the current optimizer's parameters are calculated
# in the training step to prevent dangling gradients in multiple-optimizer setup.
if self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization and len(self.trainer.optimizers) > 1:
model = self.trainer.lightning_module
model.toggle_optimizer(optimizer, opt_idx)
def block_ddp_sync_behaviour(self, should_block_sync: bool = False) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
automatic_optimization = True
Blocks ddp sync gradients behaviour on backwards pass.
This is useful for skipping sync when accumulating gradients, reducing communication overhead
automatic_optimization = False
do not block ddp gradient sync when using manual optimization
as gradients are needed within the training step
context manager with sync behaviour off
if (
isinstance(self.trainer.training_type_plugin, ParallelPlugin)
and (self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization or should_block_sync)
with self.trainer.training_type_plugin.block_backward_sync():
yield None
yield None
def training_step_and_backward(
split_batch: Any,
batch_idx: int,
opt_idx: int,
optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer,
hiddens: Optional[Tensor],
"""Wrap forward, zero_grad and backward in a closure so second order methods work"""
with self.trainer.profiler.profile("training_step_and_backward"):
# lightning module hook
result = self.training_step(split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx, hiddens)
if not self._skip_backward and self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
is_first_batch_to_accumulate = batch_idx % self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches == 0
if is_first_batch_to_accumulate:
self.optimizer_zero_grad(batch_idx, optimizer, opt_idx)
# backward pass
if result is not None:
with self.trainer.profiler.profile("backward"):
self.backward(result, optimizer, opt_idx)
# hook - call this hook only
# when gradients have finished to accumulate
if not self.should_accumulate():
self.on_after_backward(batch_idx, result.loss)
# check if loss or model weights are nan
if self.trainer.terminate_on_nan:
"training_step returned None. If this was on purpose, ignore this warning..."
return result
def _check_finite(self, loss: Tensor) -> None:
"""Checks fotr finite parameters and loss values.
loss: the loss value to check to be finite
if not torch.isfinite(loss).all():
raise ValueError(f'The loss returned in `training_step` is {loss}.')
model = self.trainer.lightning_module
def backward(
self, result: STEP_OUTPUT, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, opt_idx: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Performs the backward step.
result: The output of the trainstep (including the loss value)
optimizer: The optimizer optimizing the gradients to call backward for
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
should_accumulate = self.should_accumulate()
# backward can be called manually in the training loop
if isinstance(result, Tensor):
self.trainer.accelerator.backward(result, optimizer, opt_idx, should_accumulate, *args, **kwargs)
result.closure_loss = self.trainer.accelerator.backward(
result.closure_loss, optimizer, opt_idx, should_accumulate, *args, **kwargs
if not self.should_accumulate():
# track gradients
grad_norm_dict = self.track_and_norm_grad(optimizer=optimizer)
if grad_norm_dict:
self.trainer.lightning_module._current_fx_name = "on_after_backward"
def update_running_loss(self, current_loss: Tensor) -> None:
"""Updates the running loss value with the current value"""
if self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
# track total loss for logging (avoid mem leaks)
accumulated_loss = self.accumulated_loss.mean()
if accumulated_loss is not None:
# calculate running loss for display
self.running_loss.append(self.accumulated_loss.mean() * self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches)
# reset for next set of accumulated grads
def get_active_optimizers(self, batch_idx: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Tuple[int, Optimizer]]:
Returns the currently active optimizers. When multiple optimizers are used with different frequencies,
only one of the optimizers is active at a time.
A list of tuples (opt_idx, optimizer) of currently active optimizers.
if not self.trainer.optimizer_frequencies:
# call training_step once per optimizer
return list(enumerate(self.trainer.optimizers))
optimizers_loop_length = self.optimizer_freq_cumsum[-1]
current_place_in_loop = batch_idx % optimizers_loop_length
# find optimzier index by looking for the first {item > current_place} in the cumsum list
opt_idx = int(np.argmax(self.optimizer_freq_cumsum > current_place_in_loop))
return [(opt_idx, self.trainer.optimizers[opt_idx])]
def _build_kwargs(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int, opt_idx: int, hiddens: Optional[Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Builds the keyword arguments for training_step
batch: the batch to train on
batch_idx: the index of the current batch
opt_idx: the index of the current optimizer
hiddens: the hidden state of the previous RNN iteration
the keyword arguments for the training step
# enable not needing to add opt_idx to training_step
step_kwargs = OrderedDict([('batch', batch), ('batch_idx', batch_idx)])
lightning_module = self.trainer.lightning_module
if len(self.trainer.optimizers) > 1:
training_step_fx = getattr(lightning_module, "training_step")
has_opt_idx_in_train_step = is_param_in_hook_signature(training_step_fx, "optimizer_idx")
if has_opt_idx_in_train_step:
if not lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
"`training_step` hook signature has changed in v1.3."
" `optimizer_idx` argument has been removed in case of manual optimization. Support for"
" the old signature will be removed in v1.5"
step_kwargs['optimizer_idx'] = opt_idx
elif not has_opt_idx_in_train_step and lightning_module.automatic_optimization:
raise ValueError(
f"Your LightningModule defines {len(self.trainer.optimizers)} optimizers but"
' `training_step` is missing the `optimizer_idx` argument.'
# pass hiddens if using tbptt
if self._truncated_bptt_enabled():
step_kwargs['hiddens'] = hiddens
return step_kwargs
def _truncated_bptt_enabled(self) -> bool:
""" Temporary tbptt utilities until this flag is fully migrated to the lightning module. """
return self._truncated_bptt_steps() > 0
def _truncated_bptt_steps(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of tbptt steps"""
lightning_module = self.trainer.lightning_module
# Give precedence to the LightningModule as the Trainer flag will be removed in v1.5
if lightning_module.truncated_bptt_steps > 0:
return lightning_module.truncated_bptt_steps
return self.trainer.truncated_bptt_steps or 0