143 lines
5.4 KiB
143 lines
5.4 KiB
import os
import pathlib
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import Mock
import pytest
import lightning.app
from lightning.app.storage.copier import _Copier, _copy_files
from lightning.app.storage.path import Path
from lightning.app.storage.requests import _ExistsRequest, _GetRequest
from lightning.app.testing.helpers import _MockQueue
class MockPatch:
def _handle_get_request(work, request):
return Path._handle_get_request(work, request)
def _handle_exists_request(work, request):
return Path._handle_exists_request(work, request)
def test_copier_copies_all_files(fs_mock, stat_mock, dir_mock, tmpdir):
"""Test that the Copier calls the copy with the information provided in the request."""
stat_mock().st_size = 0
dir_mock.return_value = False
copy_request_queue = _MockQueue()
copy_response_queue = _MockQueue()
work = mock.Mock()
work.name = MockPatch()
work._paths = {"file": dict(source="src", path="file", hash="123", destination="dest", name="name")}
with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"SHARED_MOUNT_DIRECTORY": str(tmpdir / ".shared")}):
copier = _Copier(work, copy_request_queue=copy_request_queue, copy_response_queue=copy_response_queue)
request = _GetRequest(source="src", path="file", hash="123", destination="dest", name="name")
fs_mock().put.assert_called_once_with("file", tmpdir / ".shared" / "123")
def test_copier_handles_exception(stat_mock, dir_mock, monkeypatch):
"""Test that the Copier captures exceptions from the file copy and forwards them through the queue without
raising it."""
stat_mock().st_size = 0
dir_mock.return_value = False
copy_request_queue = _MockQueue()
copy_response_queue = _MockQueue()
fs = mock.Mock()
fs.exists.return_value = False
fs.put = mock.Mock(side_effect=OSError("Something went wrong"))
monkeypatch.setattr(lightning.app.storage.copier, "_filesystem", mock.Mock(return_value=fs))
work = mock.Mock()
work.name = MockPatch()
work._paths = {"file": dict(source="src", path="file", hash="123", destination="dest", name="name")}
copier = _Copier(work, copy_request_queue=copy_request_queue, copy_response_queue=copy_response_queue)
request = _GetRequest(source="src", path="file", hash="123", destination="dest", name="name")
response = copy_response_queue.get()
assert type(response.exception) == OSError
assert response.exception.args[0] == "Something went wrong"
def test_copier_existence_check(tmpdir):
"""Test that the Copier responds to an existence check request."""
copy_request_queue = _MockQueue()
copy_response_queue = _MockQueue()
work = mock.Mock()
work.name = MockPatch()
work._paths = {
"file": dict(source="src", path=str(tmpdir / "notexists"), hash="123", destination="dest", name="name")
copier = _Copier(work, copy_request_queue=copy_request_queue, copy_response_queue=copy_response_queue)
# A Path that does NOT exist
request = _ExistsRequest(source="src", path=str(tmpdir / "notexists"), destination="dest", name="name", hash="123")
response = copy_response_queue.get()
assert response.exists is False
# A Path that DOES exist
request = _ExistsRequest(source="src", path=str(tmpdir), destination="dest", name="name", hash="123")
response = copy_response_queue.get()
assert response.exists is True
def test_copy_files(tmpdir):
"""Test that the `test_copy_files` utility can handle both files and folders when the destination does not
# copy from a src that does not exist
src = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "dir1")
dst = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "dir2")
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
_copy_files(src, dst)
# copy to a dst dir that does not exist
(src / "empty.txt").touch()
assert not dst.exists()
_copy_files(src, dst)
assert dst.is_dir()
# copy to a destination dir that already exists (no error should be raised)
_copy_files(src, dst)
assert dst.is_dir()
# copy file to a dst that does not exist
src = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "dir3", "src-file.txt")
dst = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "dir4", "dst-file.txt")
assert not dst.exists()
_copy_files(src, dst)
assert dst.is_file()
def test_copy_files_with_exception(tmpdir):
"""Test that the `test_copy_files` utility properly raises exceptions from within the ThreadPoolExecutor."""
fs_mock = Mock()
fs_mock().put = Mock(side_effect=ValueError("error from thread"))
src = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "src")
assert src.is_dir()
pathlib.Path(src, "file.txt").touch()
dst = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "dest")
with mock.patch("lightning.app.storage.copier._filesystem", fs_mock):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="error from thread"):
_copy_files(src, dst)