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# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import dataclasses
import numbers
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import pytest
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.apply_func import apply_to_collection, apply_to_collections, move_data_to_device
def test_recursive_application_to_collection():
ntc = namedtuple("Foo", ["bar"])
class Feature:
input_ids: torch.Tensor
segment_ids: np.ndarray
class ModelExample:
example_ids: List[str]
feature: Feature
label: torch.Tensor
some_constant: int = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self.some_constant = 7
to_reduce = {
"a": torch.tensor([1.0]), # Tensor
"b": [torch.tensor([2.0])], # list
"c": (torch.tensor([100.0]),), # tuple
"d": ntc(bar=5.0), # named tuple
"e": np.array([10.0]), # numpy array
"f": "this_is_a_dummy_str", # string
"g": 12.0, # number
"h": Feature(input_ids=torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), segment_ids=np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])), # dataclass
"i": ModelExample(
example_ids=["i-1", "i-2", "i-3"],
feature=Feature(input_ids=torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), segment_ids=np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0])),
label=torch.tensor([7.0, 8.0, 9.0]),
), # nested dataclass
expected_result = {
"a": torch.tensor([2.0]),
"b": [torch.tensor([4.0])],
"c": (torch.tensor([200.0]),),
"d": ntc(bar=torch.tensor([10.0])),
"e": np.array([20.0]),
"f": "this_is_a_dummy_str",
"g": 24.0,
"h": Feature(input_ids=torch.tensor([2.0, 4.0, 6.0]), segment_ids=np.array([8.0, 10.0, 12.0])),
"i": ModelExample(
example_ids=["i-1", "i-2", "i-3"],
feature=Feature(input_ids=torch.tensor([2.0, 4.0, 6.0]), segment_ids=np.array([8.0, 10.0, 12.0])),
label=torch.tensor([14.0, 16.0, 18.0]),
reduced = apply_to_collection(to_reduce, (torch.Tensor, numbers.Number, np.ndarray), lambda x: x * 2)
assert isinstance(reduced, dict), " Type Consistency of dict not preserved"
assert all(x in reduced for x in to_reduce), "Not all entries of the dict were preserved"
assert all(
isinstance(reduced[k], type(expected_result[k])) for k in to_reduce
), "At least one type was not correctly preserved"
assert isinstance(reduced["a"], torch.Tensor), "Reduction Result of a Tensor should be a Tensor"
assert torch.allclose(expected_result["a"], reduced["a"]), "Reduction of a tensor does not yield the expected value"
assert isinstance(reduced["b"], list), "Reduction Result of a list should be a list"
assert all(
torch.allclose(x, y) for x, y in zip(reduced["b"], expected_result["b"])
), "At least one value of list reduction did not come out as expected"
assert isinstance(reduced["c"], tuple), "Reduction Result of a tuple should be a tuple"
assert all(
torch.allclose(x, y) for x, y in zip(reduced["c"], expected_result["c"])
), "At least one value of tuple reduction did not come out as expected"
assert isinstance(reduced["d"], ntc), "Type Consistency for named tuple not given"
assert isinstance(
reduced["d"].bar, numbers.Number
), "Failure in type promotion while reducing fields of named tuples"
assert reduced["d"].bar == expected_result["d"].bar
assert isinstance(reduced["e"], np.ndarray), "Type Promotion in reduction of numpy arrays failed"
assert reduced["e"] == expected_result["e"], "Reduction of numpy array did not yield the expected result"
assert isinstance(reduced["f"], str), "A string should not be reduced"
assert reduced["f"] == expected_result["f"], "String not preserved during reduction"
assert isinstance(reduced["g"], numbers.Number), "Reduction of a number should result in a number"
assert reduced["g"] == expected_result["g"], "Reduction of a number did not yield the desired result"
assert dataclasses.is_dataclass(reduced["h"]) and not isinstance(
reduced["h"], type
), "Reduction of a dataclass should result in a dataclass"
assert torch.allclose(
reduced["h"].input_ids, expected_result["h"].input_ids
), "Reduction of a dataclass did not yield the desired result"
assert np.allclose(
reduced["h"].segment_ids, expected_result["h"].segment_ids
), "Reduction of a dataclass did not yield the desired result"
assert dataclasses.is_dataclass(reduced["i"]) and not isinstance(
reduced["i"], type
), "Reduction of a dataclass should result in a dataclass"
assert dataclasses.is_dataclass(reduced["i"].feature) and not isinstance(
reduced["i"].feature, type
), "Reduction of a nested dataclass should result in a nested dataclass"
assert (
reduced["i"].example_ids == expected_result["i"].example_ids
), "Reduction of a nested dataclass did not yield the desired result"
assert torch.allclose(
reduced["i"].label, expected_result["i"].label
), "Reduction of a nested dataclass did not yield the desired result"
assert torch.allclose(
reduced["i"].feature.input_ids, expected_result["i"].feature.input_ids
), "Reduction of a nested dataclass did not yield the desired result"
assert np.allclose(
reduced["i"].feature.segment_ids, expected_result["i"].feature.segment_ids
), "Reduction of a nested dataclass did not yield the desired result"
# mapping support
reduced = apply_to_collection({"a": 1, "b": 2}, int, lambda x: str(x))
assert reduced == {"a": "1", "b": "2"}
reduced = apply_to_collection(OrderedDict([("b", 2), ("a", 1)]), int, lambda x: str(x))
assert reduced == OrderedDict([("b", "2"), ("a", "1")])
# custom mappings
class _CustomCollection(dict):
def __init__(self, initial_dict):
to_reduce = _CustomCollection({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
reduced = apply_to_collection(to_reduce, int, lambda x: str(x))
assert reduced == _CustomCollection({"a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3"})
def test_apply_to_collection_include_none():
to_reduce = [1, 2, 3.4, 5.6, 7, (8, 9.1, {10: 10})]
def fn(x):
if isinstance(x, float):
return x
reduced = apply_to_collection(to_reduce, (int, float), fn)
assert reduced == [None, None, 3.4, 5.6, None, (None, 9.1, {10: None})]
reduced = apply_to_collection(to_reduce, (int, float), fn, include_none=False)
assert reduced == [3.4, 5.6, (9.1, {})]
def test_apply_to_collections():
to_reduce_1 = {"a": {"b": [1, 2]}, "c": 5}
to_reduce_2 = {"a": {"b": [3, 4]}, "c": 6}
def fn(a, b):
return a + b
# basic test
reduced = apply_to_collections(to_reduce_1, to_reduce_2, int, fn)
assert reduced == {"a": {"b": [4, 6]}, "c": 11}
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
# strict mode - if a key does not exist in both we fail
apply_to_collections({**to_reduce_2, "d": "foo"}, to_reduce_1, float, fn)
# multiple dtypes
reduced = apply_to_collections(to_reduce_1, to_reduce_2, (list, int), fn)
assert reduced == {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, "c": 11}
# wrong dtype
reduced = apply_to_collections(to_reduce_1, to_reduce_2, (list, int), fn, wrong_dtype=int)
assert reduced == {"a": {"b": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, "c": 5}
# list takes precedence because it is the type of data1
reduced = apply_to_collections([1, 2, 3], [4], (int, list), fn)
assert reduced == [1, 2, 3, 4]
# different sizes
with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Sequence collections have different sizes"):
apply_to_collections([[1, 2], [3]], [4], int, fn)
def fn(a, b):
return a.keys() | b.keys()
# base case
reduced = apply_to_collections(to_reduce_1, to_reduce_2, dict, fn)
assert reduced == {"a", "c"}
# type conversion
to_reduce = [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
reduced = apply_to_collections(to_reduce, to_reduce, int, lambda *x: sum(x))
assert reduced == [(2, 4), (6, 8)]
# named tuple
foo = namedtuple("Foo", ["bar"])
to_reduce = [foo(1), foo(2), foo(3)]
reduced = apply_to_collections(to_reduce, to_reduce, int, lambda *x: sum(x))
assert reduced == [foo(2), foo(4), foo(6)]
# passing none
reduced1 = apply_to_collections([1, 2, 3], None, int, lambda x: x * x)
reduced2 = apply_to_collections(None, [1, 2, 3], int, lambda x: x * x)
assert reduced1 == reduced2 == [1, 4, 9]
reduced = apply_to_collections(None, None, int, lambda x: x * x)
assert reduced is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("should_return", [False, True])
def test_wrongly_implemented_transferable_data_type(should_return):
class TensorObject:
def __init__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, should_return: bool = True):
self.tensor = tensor
self.should_return = should_return
def to(self, device):
# simulate a user forgets to return self
if self.should_return:
return self
tensor = torch.tensor(0.1)
obj = TensorObject(tensor, should_return)
assert obj == move_data_to_device(obj, torch.device("cpu"))