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# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This file provides functions and decorators for automated input and output
conversion to/from :class:`numpy.ndarray` and :class:`torch.Tensor` as well as utilities to
sync tensors between different processes in a DDP scenario, when needed.
from functools import reduce
import numbers
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data._utils.collate import np_str_obj_array_pattern
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.apply_func import apply_to_collection
if torch.distributed.is_available():
from torch.distributed import ReduceOp
class ReduceOp:
SUM = None
def _apply_to_inputs(func_to_apply: Callable, *dec_args, **dec_kwargs) -> Callable:
Decorator function to apply a function to all inputs of a function.
func_to_apply: the function to apply to the inputs
*dec_args: positional arguments for the function to be applied
**dec_kwargs: keyword arguments for the function to be applied
the decorated function
def decorator_fn(func_to_decorate):
# actual function applying the give function to inputs
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
args = func_to_apply(args, *dec_args, **dec_kwargs)
kwargs = func_to_apply(kwargs, *dec_args, **dec_kwargs)
return func_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs)
return new_func
return decorator_fn
def _apply_to_outputs(func_to_apply: Callable, *dec_args, **dec_kwargs) -> Callable:
Decorator function to apply a function to all outputs of a function.
func_to_apply: the function to apply to the outputs
*dec_args: positional arguments for the function to be applied
**dec_kwargs: keyword arguments for the function to be applied
the decorated function
def decorator_fn(function_to_decorate):
# actual function applying the give function to outputs
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
result = function_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs)
return func_to_apply(result, *dec_args, **dec_kwargs)
return new_func
return decorator_fn
def convert_to_tensor(data: Any, dtype=None, device=None) -> Any:
Maps all kind of collections and numbers to tensors.
data: the data to convert to tensor
dtype: data type to convert to
device: device to cast to
the converted data
if isinstance(data, numbers.Number):
return torch.tensor([data], dtype=dtype, device=device)
# is not array of object
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and np_str_obj_array_pattern.search(data.dtype.str) is None:
return torch.from_numpy(data).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
elif isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
return data.to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
raise TypeError(f"The given type ('{type(data).__name__}') cannot be converted to a tensor!")
def convert_to_numpy(data: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, numbers.Number]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert all tensors and numpy arrays to numpy arrays.
data: the tensor or array to convert to numpy
the resulting numpy array
if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
return data.cpu().detach().numpy()
elif isinstance(data, numbers.Number):
return np.array([data])
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
return data
raise TypeError("The given type ('%s') cannot be converted to a numpy array!" % type(data).__name__)
def _numpy_metric_input_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator converting all inputs of a function to numpy
func_to_decorate: the function whose inputs shall be converted
Callable: the decorated function
return _apply_to_inputs(apply_to_collection, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, numbers.Number), convert_to_numpy)(
def _tensor_metric_output_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator converting all outputs of a function to tensors
func_to_decorate: the function whose outputs shall be converted
Callable: the decorated function
return _apply_to_outputs(convert_to_tensor)(func_to_decorate)
def _numpy_metric_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator handling the argument conversion for metrics working on numpy.
All inputs of the decorated function will be converted to numpy and all
outputs will be converted to tensors.
func_to_decorate: the function whose inputs and outputs shall be converted
the decorated function
# applies collection conversion from tensor to numpy to all inputs
# we need to include numpy arrays here, since otherwise they will also be treated as sequences
func_convert_inputs = _numpy_metric_input_conversion(func_to_decorate)
# converts all inputs back to tensors (device doesn't matter here, since this is handled by BaseMetric)
func_convert_in_out = _tensor_metric_output_conversion(func_convert_inputs)
return func_convert_in_out
def _tensor_metric_input_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator converting all inputs of a function to tensors
func_to_decorate: the function whose inputs shall be converted
Callable: the decorated function
return _apply_to_inputs(apply_to_collection, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, numbers.Number), convert_to_tensor)(
def _tensor_collection_metric_output_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator converting all numpy arrays and numbers occuring in the outputs of a function to tensors
func_to_decorate: the function whose outputs shall be converted
Callable: the decorated function
return _apply_to_outputs(apply_to_collection, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, numbers.Number), convert_to_tensor)(
def _tensor_metric_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator Handling the argument conversion for metrics working on tensors.
All inputs and outputs of the decorated function will be converted to tensors
func_to_decorate: the function whose inputs and outputs shall be converted
the decorated function
# converts all inputs to tensor if possible
# we need to include tensors here, since otherwise they will also be treated as sequences
func_convert_inputs = _tensor_metric_input_conversion(func_to_decorate)
# convert all outputs to tensor if possible
return _tensor_metric_output_conversion(func_convert_inputs)
def _tensor_collection_metric_conversion(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorator Handling the argument conversion for metrics working on tensors.
All inputs of the decorated function and all numpy arrays and numbers in
it's outputs will be converted to tensors
func_to_decorate: the function whose inputs and outputs shall be converted
the decorated function
# converts all inputs to tensor if possible
# we need to include tensors here, since otherwise they will also be treated as sequences
func_convert_inputs = _tensor_metric_input_conversion(func_to_decorate)
# convert all outputs to tensor if possible
return _tensor_collection_metric_output_conversion(func_convert_inputs)
def sync_ddp_if_available(
result: Union[torch.Tensor], group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[Union[ReduceOp, str]] = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
Function to reduce the tensors from several ddp processes to one master process
result: the value to sync and reduce (typically tensor or number)
group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world)
reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum.
Can also be a string of 'avg', 'mean' to calculate the mean during reduction.
reduced value
if torch.distributed.is_available() and torch.distributed.is_initialized():
divide_by_world_size = False
if group is None:
group = torch.distributed.group.WORLD
if reduce_op is None:
reduce_op = torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM
elif isinstance(reduce_op, str) and reduce_op in ("avg", "mean"):
reduce_op = torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM
divide_by_world_size = True
# sync all processes before reduction
torch.distributed.all_reduce(result, op=reduce_op, group=group, async_op=False)
if divide_by_world_size:
result = result / torch.distributed.get_world_size(group)
return result
def at_least_1d(tensor: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]) -> Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]:
"""Makes sure the tensor is at least of 1d shape
tensor: the tensor or array to check the shape for
the optionally reshaped tensor
if tensor.shape == ():
tensor = tensor.reshape(1, )
return tensor
def gather_all_tensors_if_available(result: Union[torch.Tensor], group: Optional[Any] = None):
Function to gather all tensors from several ddp processes onto a list that
is broadcasted to all processes
result: the value to sync
group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world)
gathered_result: list with size equal to the process group where
gathered_result[i] corresponds to result tensor from process i
if torch.distributed.is_available() and torch.distributed.is_initialized():
if group is None:
group = torch.distributed.group.WORLD
world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size(group)
gathered_result = [torch.zeros_like(result) for _ in range(world_size)]
# sync and broadcast all
torch.distributed.all_gather(gathered_result, result, group)
result = gathered_result
return result
def sync_ddp(group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[ReduceOp] = None) -> Callable:
This decorator syncs a functions outputs across different processes for DDP.
group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world)
reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum
the decorated function
def decorator_fn(func_to_decorate):
return _apply_to_outputs(
apply_to_collection, torch.Tensor, sync_ddp_if_available, group=group, reduce_op=reduce_op
return decorator_fn
def numpy_metric(group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[ReduceOp] = None) -> Callable:
This decorator shall be used on all function metrics working on numpy arrays.
It handles the argument conversion and DDP reduction for metrics working on numpy.
All inputs of the decorated function will be converted to numpy and all
outputs will be converted to tensors.
In DDP Training all output tensors will be reduced according to the given rules.
group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world)
reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum
the decorated function
def decorator_fn(func_to_decorate):
return sync_ddp(group=group, reduce_op=reduce_op)(_numpy_metric_conversion(func_to_decorate))
return decorator_fn
def tensor_metric(group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[ReduceOp] = None) -> Callable:
This decorator shall be used on all function metrics working on tensors.
It handles the argument conversion and DDP reduction for metrics working on tensors.
All inputs and outputs of the decorated function will be converted to tensors.
In DDP Training all output tensors will be reduced according to the given rules.
group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world)
reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum
the decorated function
def decorator_fn(func_to_decorate):
return sync_ddp(group=group, reduce_op=reduce_op)(_tensor_metric_conversion(func_to_decorate))
return decorator_fn
def tensor_collection_metric(group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[ReduceOp] = None) -> Callable:
This decorator shall be used on all function metrics working on tensors and returning collections
that cannot be converted to tensors.
It handles the argument conversion and DDP reduction for metrics working on tensors.
All inputs and outputs of the decorated function will be converted to tensors.
In DDP Training all output tensors will be reduced according to the given rules.
group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world)
reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum
the decorated function
def decorator_fn(func_to_decorate):
return sync_ddp(group=group, reduce_op=reduce_op)(_tensor_collection_metric_conversion(func_to_decorate))
return decorator_fn