700 lines
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700 lines
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# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import Mock, call
import pytest
import torch
from lightning.fabric.fabric import Fabric
from lightning.fabric.plugins import Precision
from lightning.fabric.utilities.device_dtype_mixin import _DeviceDtypeModuleMixin
from lightning.fabric.wrappers import (
from torch._dynamo import OptimizedModule
from torch.utils.data import BatchSampler, DistributedSampler
from torch.utils.data.dataloader import DataLoader
from tests_fabric.helpers.runif import RunIf
def test_fabric_module_wraps():
"""Test that the wrapped module is accessible via the property."""
module = Mock()
assert _FabricModule(module, Mock()).module is module
wrapped_module = Mock()
original_module = Mock()
assert _FabricModule(wrapped_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module).module is original_module
def test_fabric_module_attribute_lookup():
"""Test that attribute lookup passes through to the original module when possible."""
class OriginalModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.layer = torch.nn.Linear(2, 3)
self.attribute = 1
def method(self):
return 2
original_module = OriginalModule()
class ModuleWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.wrapped = original_module
wrapped_module = ModuleWrapper()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(wrapped_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module)
assert fabric_module.attribute == 1
assert fabric_module.layer is original_module.layer
assert fabric_module.forward.__self__.__class__ == _FabricModule
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
_ = fabric_module.not_exists
def test_fabric_module_method_lookup():
"""Test that access to methods warns about improper use when a wrapper from a strategy is involved."""
class OriginalModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.submodule = torch.nn.Linear(2, 3)
def forward(self, x):
return x
def method_without_module_invocation(self):
return 100
def method_with_submodule_invocation(self):
self.submodule(torch.rand(2, 2))
return 101
def method_with_self_invocation(self):
return 102
class ModuleWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, module):
self.wrapped = module
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
# Regular case: forward_module == original_module -> no warnings
original_module = OriginalModule()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(forward_module=original_module, strategy=Mock(), original_module=original_module)
assert fabric_module.method_without_module_invocation() == 100
# Special case: original module wrapped by forward module: -> error if method requires rerouting
original_module = OriginalModule()
wrapped_module = ModuleWrapper(original_module)
fabric_module = _FabricModule(
forward_module=wrapped_module, strategy=Mock(precision=Precision()), original_module=original_module
assert fabric_module.method_without_module_invocation() == 100
with pytest.raises(
RuntimeError, match=r"You are calling the method `OriginalModule.method_with_submodule_invocation\(\)` from"
assert fabric_module.method_with_submodule_invocation() == 101
with pytest.raises(
RuntimeError, match=r"You are calling the method `OriginalModule.method_with_self_invocation\(\)` from"
assert fabric_module.method_with_self_invocation() == 102
# No error if explicitly marked as forward method
assert fabric_module.method_with_self_invocation() == 102
def test_fabric_module_mark_forward_method():
class OriginalModule(torch.nn.Module):
attribute = 1
def forward(self, x):
return x
def special(self):
original_module = OriginalModule()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(original_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="You cannot mark the forward method itself"):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match="`OriginalModule.not_exist` does not exist or is not a method."):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match="`OriginalModule.attribute` does not exist or is not a method."):
def special(x):
return x
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Expected a method or a string"):
lightning_module_methods = {"training_step", "validation_step", "test_step", "predict_step"}
assert fabric_module._forward_methods == lightning_module_methods
# Mark via name
assert fabric_module._forward_methods == {"special"} | lightning_module_methods
# Mark by passing in the method itself
fabric_module = _FabricModule(original_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module)
assert fabric_module._forward_methods == {"special"} | lightning_module_methods
def test_fabric_module_setattr():
"""Test that setattr sets attributes on the original module."""
class OriginalModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.layer = torch.nn.Linear(2, 3)
self.attribute = 1
self._x = None
def x(self):
return self._x
def x(self, value):
self._x = value
original_module = OriginalModule()
class ModuleWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.wrapped = original_module
wrapped_module = ModuleWrapper()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(wrapped_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module)
# Check new attribute is set on original_module
fabric_module.new_attribute = 100
assert original_module.new_attribute == 100
# Modify existing attribute on original_module
fabric_module.attribute = 101
# "attribute" is only in the original_module, so it shouldn't get set in the fabric_module
assert "attribute" not in fabric_module.__dict__
assert fabric_module.attribute == 101 # returns it from original_module
assert original_module.attribute == 101
# Check setattr of original_module
fabric_module.x = 102
assert original_module.x == 102
# Check set submodule
assert not hasattr(original_module, "linear")
linear = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
fabric_module.linear = linear
assert hasattr(original_module, "linear")
assert isinstance(original_module.linear, torch.nn.Module)
assert linear in fabric_module.modules()
assert linear in original_module.modules()
# Check monkeypatching of methods
fabric_module = _FabricModule(Mock(), Mock())
original = id(fabric_module.forward)
fabric_module.forward = lambda *_: None
assert id(fabric_module.forward) != original
# Check special methods
assert "__repr__" in dir(fabric_module)
assert "__repr__" not in fabric_module.__dict__
assert "__repr__" not in _FabricModule.__dict__
fabric_module.__repr__ = lambda *_: "test"
assert fabric_module.__repr__() == "test"
# needs to be monkeypatched on the class for `repr()` to change
assert repr(fabric_module) == "_FabricModule()"
with mock.patch.object(_FabricModule, "__repr__", return_value="test"):
assert fabric_module.__repr__() == "test"
assert repr(fabric_module) == "test"
def test_fabric_module_state_dict_access():
"""Test that state_dict access passes through to the original module."""
class OriginalModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.layer = torch.nn.Linear(2, 3)
original_module = OriginalModule()
class ModuleWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.wrapped = original_module
wrapped_module = ModuleWrapper()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(wrapped_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module)
state_dict = fabric_module.state_dict()
assert set(state_dict.keys()) == {"layer.weight", "layer.bias"}
weight, bias = torch.rand(3, 2), torch.rand(3)
fabric_module.load_state_dict({"layer.weight": weight, "layer.bias": bias})
assert torch.equal(fabric_module.layer.weight, weight)
assert torch.equal(fabric_module.layer.bias, bias)
# Can use additional `assign` argument
with torch.device("meta"):
original_module = OriginalModule()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(wrapped_module, Mock(), original_module=original_module)
assert fabric_module.layer.weight.is_meta
fabric_module.load_state_dict({"layer.weight": weight, "layer.bias": bias}, assign=True)
assert not fabric_module.layer.weight.is_meta
("precision", "input_type", "expected_type", "accelerator", "device_str"),
pytest.param(32, torch.float16, torch.float16, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param(32, torch.float32, torch.float32, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param(32, torch.float64, torch.float64, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param(32, torch.int, torch.int, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param(16, torch.float32, torch.float16, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param(16, torch.float64, torch.float16, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param(16, torch.long, torch.long, "gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1, bf16_cuda=True),
marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1, bf16_cuda=True),
marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1, bf16_cuda=True),
pytest.param(32, torch.float32, torch.float32, "mps", "mps:0", marks=RunIf(mps=True)),
def test_fabric_module_forward_conversion(precision, input_type, expected_type, accelerator, device_str):
"""Test that the FabricModule performs autocasting on the input tensors and during forward()."""
fabric = Fabric(precision=precision, accelerator=accelerator, devices=1)
device = torch.device(device_str)
def check_autocast(forward_input):
assert precision != 16 or torch.is_autocast_enabled()
return forward_input
module = Mock(wraps=torch.nn.Identity(), side_effect=check_autocast)
fabric_module = _FabricModule(module, fabric._strategy).to(device)
out = fabric_module(torch.tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=input_type, device=device))
assert module.call_args[0][0].dtype == expected_type
assert out.dtype == input_type or out.dtype == torch.get_default_dtype()
pytest.param("cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param("mps", marks=RunIf(mps=True)),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float32, torch.float16])
def test_fabric_module_device_dtype_propagation(device_str, dtype):
"""Test that the FabricModule propagates device and dtype properties to its submodules (e.g. torchmetrics)."""
device = torch.device(device_str)
class DeviceModule(_DeviceDtypeModuleMixin):
device_module = DeviceModule()
fabric_module = _FabricModule(device_module, Mock())
assert device_module.device == device
assert fabric_module.device == device
assert device_module.dtype == dtype
assert fabric_module.dtype == dtype
def test_fabric_dataloader_iterator():
"""Test that the iteration over a FabricDataLoader wraps the iterator of the underlying dataloader (no automatic
device placement)."""
dataloader = DataLoader(range(5), batch_size=2)
fabric_dataloader = _FabricDataLoader(dataloader)
assert len(fabric_dataloader) == len(dataloader) == 3
iterator = iter(dataloader)
fabric_iterator = iter(fabric_dataloader)
assert torch.equal(next(iterator), next(fabric_iterator))
assert torch.equal(next(iterator), next(fabric_iterator))
assert torch.equal(next(iterator), next(fabric_iterator))
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
("src_device_str", "dest_device_str"),
("cpu", "cpu"),
pytest.param("cpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param("cuda:0", "cpu", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param("cpu", "mps", marks=RunIf(mps=True)),
pytest.param("mps", "cpu", marks=RunIf(mps=True)),
def test_fabric_dataloader_device_placement(src_device_str, dest_device_str):
"""Test that the FabricDataLoader moves data to the device in its iterator."""
src_device = torch.device(src_device_str)
dest_device = torch.device(dest_device_str)
sample0 = torch.tensor(0, device=src_device)
sample1 = torch.tensor(1, device=src_device)
sample2 = {"data": torch.tensor(2, device=src_device)}
sample3 = {"data": torch.tensor(3, device=src_device)}
dataloader = DataLoader([sample0, sample1, sample2, sample3], batch_size=2)
fabric_dataloader = _FabricDataLoader(dataloader=dataloader, device=dest_device)
iterator = iter(fabric_dataloader)
batch0 = next(iterator)
assert torch.equal(batch0, torch.tensor([0, 1], device=dest_device))
batch1 = next(iterator)
assert torch.equal(batch1["data"], torch.tensor([2, 3], device=dest_device))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_batch_sampler", [False, True])
def test_fabric_dataloader_distributed_sampler_set_epoch(use_batch_sampler):
"""Test that the FabricDataLoader calls `set_epoch()` on the wrapped sampler if applicable."""
dataset = range(3)
sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset, num_replicas=2, rank=0)
sampler.set_epoch = Mock()
if not use_batch_sampler:
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, sampler=sampler)
batch_sampler = BatchSampler(sampler, batch_size=1, drop_last=False)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler)
fabric_dataloader = _FabricDataLoader(dataloader)
iterator_epoch_0 = iter(fabric_dataloader)
# .set_epoch() gets called before the first sample gets fetched from the wrapped dataloader
assert sampler.set_epoch.mock_calls == [call(0)]
assert sampler.set_epoch.mock_calls == [call(0)]
iterator_epoch_1 = iter(fabric_dataloader)
assert sampler.set_epoch.mock_calls == [call(0)]
# with every new iterator call, the epoch increases
assert sampler.set_epoch.mock_calls == [call(0), call(1)]
def test_fabric_optimizer_wraps():
"""Test that the FabricOptimizer fully wraps the optimizer."""
optimizer_cls = torch.optim.SGD
optimizer = Mock(spec=optimizer_cls)
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer, Mock())
assert fabric_optimizer.optimizer is optimizer
assert isinstance(fabric_optimizer, optimizer_cls)
assert isinstance(fabric_optimizer, _FabricOptimizer)
assert type(fabric_optimizer).__name__ == "FabricSGD"
def test_fabric_optimizer_state_dict():
"""Test that the FabricOptimizer calls into the strategy to collect the state."""
optimizer = Mock(spec=torch.optim.Adam)
strategy = Mock()
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer=optimizer, strategy=strategy)
def test_fabric_optimizer_load_state_dict():
"""Test that the FabricOptimizer can load the state dict on the wrapped optimizer and update its internal
model = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
assert not optimizer.state # a fresh optimizer has no state
assert optimizer.state
state_dict = optimizer.state_dict()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters()) # fresh optimizer
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer=optimizer, strategy=Mock())
assert not fabric_optimizer.state # a fresh optimizer has no state
assert fabric_optimizer.state
assert fabric_optimizer.optimizer.state_dict()["state"] == state_dict["state"]
def test_fabric_optimizer_steps():
"""Test that the FabricOptimizer forwards the step() and zero_grad() calls to the wrapped optimizer."""
optimizer = Mock(spec=torch.optim.Adam)
strategy = Mock(spec=["optimizer_step"])
strategy.optimizer_step.return_value = 123
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer=optimizer, strategy=strategy)
step_output = fabric_optimizer.step()
assert step_output == 123
# with closure as input
closure = Mock()
strategy.optimizer_step.assert_called_once_with(optimizer, closure=closure)
# with model as optimizer
strategy = Mock(spec=["optimizer_step", "model"])
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer=optimizer, strategy=strategy)
def test_fabric_optimizer_zero_grad_kwargs():
"""Test that Fabric can adapt the `.zero_grad()` arguments to the underlying optimizer."""
# Test PyTorch's standard `.zero_grad()` signature
with mock.patch("torch.optim.SGD.zero_grad") as zero_grad_mock:
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(torch.nn.Linear(1, 1).parameters(), 0.1)
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer=optimizer, strategy=Mock())
# Test weird `.zero_grad()` signatures from other libraries
custom_zero_grad = Mock()
class CustomSGD(torch.optim.SGD):
def zero_grad(self, set_grads_to_None=False):
optimizer = CustomSGD(torch.nn.Linear(1, 1).parameters(), 0.1)
fabric_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer=optimizer, strategy=Mock())
@pytest.mark.parametrize("compile", [False, pytest.param(True, marks=RunIf(dynamo=True))])
def test_is_wrapped(compile):
"""Test that the `is_wrapped` utility recognizes when an object was wrapped by Fabric."""
assert not is_wrapped(None)
# _FabricModule
module = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
assert not is_wrapped(module)
wrapped = _FabricModule(module, Mock())
assert is_wrapped(wrapped)
# _FabricModule inside an OptimizedModule
if compile:
module = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
wrapped = torch.compile(_FabricModule(module, Mock()))
assert isinstance(wrapped, OptimizedModule)
assert is_wrapped(wrapped)
# _FabricOptimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(module.parameters())
assert not is_wrapped(optimizer)
wrapped = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer, Mock())
assert is_wrapped(wrapped)
# _FabricDataLoader
dataloader = DataLoader([1, 2, 3])
assert not is_wrapped(dataloader)
wrapped = _FabricDataLoader(dataloader)
assert is_wrapped(wrapped)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("compile", [False, pytest.param(True, marks=RunIf(dynamo=True))])
def test_unwrap_objects(compile):
# empty container
assert _unwrap_objects({}) == {}
# container with pure objects and wrapped objects
module = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
wrapped_module = _FabricModule(module, Mock())
if compile:
wrapped_module = torch.compile(wrapped_module)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(module.parameters())
wrapped_optimizer = _FabricOptimizer(optimizer, Mock())
dataloader = DataLoader([1, 2, 3])
wrapped_dataloader = _FabricDataLoader(dataloader)
container = {
"int": 1,
"module": module,
"wrapped_module": wrapped_module,
"optimizer": optimizer,
"wrapped_optimizer": wrapped_optimizer,
"dataloader": dataloader,
"wrapped_dataloader": wrapped_dataloader,
"nested": [module, wrapped_module, optimizer, wrapped_optimizer, dataloader, wrapped_dataloader],
expected = {
"int": 1,
"module": module,
"wrapped_module": wrapped_module._forward_module,
"optimizer": optimizer,
"wrapped_optimizer": optimizer,
"dataloader": dataloader,
"wrapped_dataloader": dataloader,
"nested": [module, wrapped_module._forward_module, optimizer, optimizer, dataloader, dataloader],
assert _unwrap_objects(container) == expected
def test_step_method_redirection():
"""Test that the FabricModule redirects methods marked as 'forward methods' through forward to avoid bypassing the
DDP/FSDP wrappers."""
class DDP(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.module(*args, **kwargs)
class LightningModule(torch.nn.Module):
def forward(self):
return "forward_return"
def training_step(self, arg, kwarg=None):
assert self() == "forward_return"
assert arg == "train_arg"
assert kwarg == "train_kwarg"
return "training_step_return"
def marked_method(self, arg, kwarg=None):
assert self() == "forward_return"
assert arg == "marked_arg"
assert kwarg == "marked_kwarg"
return "marked_method_return"
def normal_method(self):
strategy = Mock()
strategy.precision = Mock(wraps=Precision())
original_module = LightningModule()
forward_module = DDP(original_module)
fabric_module = _FabricModule(forward_module=forward_module, strategy=strategy, original_module=original_module)
# Regular methods on the original_module are visible and identical on the fabric_module ...
assert fabric_module.normal_method.__wrapped__ == original_module.normal_method
# ... but special methods like training_step get redirected to the forward_module
assert fabric_module.training_step.__name__ == "call_forward_module"
assert fabric_module.validation_step.__name__ == "call_forward_module"
assert fabric_module.test_step.__name__ == "call_forward_module"
assert fabric_module.predict_step.__name__ == "call_forward_module"
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match="has no attribute 'predict_step'"):
# A special method that does not exist will raise its AttributeError when being called
# The forward method on the original module remains untouched
assert original_module.forward.__name__ == "forward"
# The special methods get redirected correctly to produce the expected output
assert fabric_module.training_step("train_arg", kwarg="train_kwarg") == "training_step_return"
assert fabric_module.training_step("train_arg", kwarg="train_kwarg") == "training_step_return" # call 2nd time
assert strategy.precision.forward_context.call_count == 2
# Other methods must be marked explicitly to be redirected
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="You are calling the method .* from outside the model"):
fabric_module.marked_method("marked_arg", kwarg="marked_kwarg")
assert fabric_module.marked_method("marked_arg", kwarg="marked_kwarg") == "marked_method_return"
# The forward method remains untouched/unpatched after the special methods have been called
assert original_module.forward.__name__ == "forward"
# Special case: forward_module == original_module -> no special treatment applied
fabric_module = _FabricModule(forward_module=original_module, strategy=Mock(), original_module=original_module)
assert fabric_module.training_step == original_module.training_step
assert fabric_module.marked_method == original_module.marked_method
def test_unwrap_compiled():
model = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
# We wrap `torch.compile` on import of lightning in `wrappers.py`
assert torch.compile.__wrapped__
compiled = torch.compile(model, fullgraph=True, dynamic=True, disable=False)
assert compiled._compile_kwargs == {"fullgraph": True, "dynamic": True, "disable": False}
unwrapped, compile_kwargs = _unwrap_compiled(compiled)
assert unwrapped is compiled._orig_mod
assert compile_kwargs == {"fullgraph": True, "dynamic": True, "disable": False}
compiled._compile_kwargs = None
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Failed to determine the arguments that were used to compile the module"):
# can still be applied as decorator
def cos(x):
return torch.cos(x)
def sin(x):
return torch.sin(x)