236 lines
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236 lines
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# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import Mock, PropertyMock
import pytest
import torch
from torch import nn
from lightning.fabric.plugins import DoublePrecision, HalfPrecision, Precision
from lightning.fabric.strategies import SingleDeviceStrategy
from lightning.fabric.utilities.imports import _TORCH_GREATER_EQUAL_2_0
from tests_fabric.helpers.runif import RunIf
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_rank_zero", [True, False])
def test_save_checkpoint_rank_zero_only(is_rank_zero, tmp_path):
"""Test that the checkpoint only gets saved on global rank 0 in the base implementation in Strategy."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
save_checkpoint_mock = Mock()
strategy.checkpoint_io.save_checkpoint = save_checkpoint_mock
with mock.patch(
strategy.save_checkpoint(tmp_path, {"anything": 1})
assert save_checkpoint_mock.call_count == int(is_rank_zero)
def test_save_checkpoint_empty_state(tmp_path):
"""Test that one can save an empty state with the base implementation in Strategy."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
save_checkpoint_mock = Mock()
strategy.checkpoint_io.save_checkpoint = save_checkpoint_mock
state = {}
strategy.save_checkpoint(tmp_path, state)
save_checkpoint_mock.assert_called_with(checkpoint=state, path=tmp_path, storage_options=None)
def test_save_checkpoint_convert_stateful_objects(tmp_path):
"""Test that when modules and optimizers are at the top-level in the state, their `state_dict()` gets used."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
save_checkpoint_mock = Mock()
strategy.checkpoint_io.save_checkpoint = save_checkpoint_mock
model = nn.Linear(3, 3)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
anything = {"cocofruit": 1}
state = {"model": model, "optimizer": optimizer, "anything": anything}
expected = {"model": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), "anything": anything}
strategy.save_checkpoint(tmp_path, state)
assert save_checkpoint_mock.call_args[1]["checkpoint"].keys() == expected.keys()
saved_model_state = save_checkpoint_mock.call_args[1]["checkpoint"]["model"]
assert all(torch.equal(p0, p1) for p0, p1 in zip(saved_model_state.values(), expected["model"].values()))
assert save_checkpoint_mock.call_args[1]["checkpoint"]["optimizer"] == expected["optimizer"]
assert save_checkpoint_mock.call_args[1]["checkpoint"]["anything"] == expected["anything"]
def test_load_module_state_dict():
"""Test that `Strategy.load_module_state_dict()` calls `.load_state_dict()` on the module."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
module = Mock()
state_dict = Mock()
strategy.load_module_state_dict(module, state_dict)
module.load_state_dict.assert_called_with(state_dict, strict=True)
strategy.load_module_state_dict(module, state_dict, strict=False)
module.load_state_dict.assert_called_with(state_dict, strict=False)
def test_load_checkpoint_out_of_place(tmp_path):
"""Test that one can load the full checkpoint into memory just like `torch.load()`."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
load_checkpoint_mock = Mock()
strategy.checkpoint_io.load_checkpoint = load_checkpoint_mock
checkpoint = strategy.load_checkpoint(tmp_path, state=None)
assert checkpoint == load_checkpoint_mock()
checkpoint = strategy.load_checkpoint(tmp_path, state={})
assert checkpoint == load_checkpoint_mock()
def test_load_checkpoint_in_place(tmp_path):
"""Test that the object's state gets reloaded in-place."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
# objects with initial state
saved_model = nn.Linear(2, 2)
saved_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(saved_model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
saved_state = {"model": saved_model, "optimizer": saved_optimizer, "int": 1, "dict": {"cocofruit": 2}}
strategy.save_checkpoint(tmp_path / "checkpoint", state=saved_state)
# same objects with different state
model = nn.Linear(2, 2)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.3)
state = {"model": model, "optimizer": optimizer, "int": 10, "dict": {"cocofruit": 20}}
assert not torch.equal(model.weight, saved_model.weight)
assert optimizer.state_dict() != saved_optimizer.state_dict()
remainder = strategy.load_checkpoint(tmp_path / "checkpoint", state)
assert torch.equal(model.weight, saved_model.weight)
assert optimizer.state_dict() == saved_optimizer.state_dict()
assert state["int"] == saved_state["int"]
assert state["dict"] == saved_state["dict"]
assert not remainder
# partial load - only model, no optimizer
model = nn.Linear(2, 2)
state = {"model": model}
remainder = strategy.load_checkpoint(tmp_path / "checkpoint", state)
assert torch.equal(model.weight, saved_model.weight)
assert list(remainder.keys()) == ["optimizer", "int", "dict"]
def test_load_checkpoint_strict_loading(tmp_path):
"""Test that an error is raised if a key is requested to be restored but does not exist in the checkpoint."""
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
saved_state = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
requested_state = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} # key `c` does not exist in the saved state
load_checkpoint_mock = Mock(return_value=saved_state)
strategy.checkpoint_io.load_checkpoint = load_checkpoint_mock
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="contains a key 'c' that does not exist"):
strategy.load_checkpoint(tmp_path, requested_state, strict=True)
def test_load_checkpoint_non_strict_loading(tmp_path):
"""Test that no error is raised if `strict=False` and state is requested that does not exist in the
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy() # surrogate class to test implementation in base class
# objects with initial state
saved_model = nn.Linear(2, 2)
saved_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(saved_model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
saved_state = {"model": saved_model, "optimizer": saved_optimizer, "int": 1, "str": "test"}
strategy.save_checkpoint(tmp_path / "checkpoint.ckpt", state=saved_state)
# same objects with different state
model = nn.Linear(2, 2)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.3)
state = {"model": model, "optimizer": optimizer, "int": 2, "new": "not_present_in_saved_state"}
assert not torch.equal(model.weight, saved_model.weight)
assert optimizer.state_dict() != saved_optimizer.state_dict()
remainder = strategy.load_checkpoint(tmp_path / "checkpoint.ckpt", state, strict=False)
assert torch.equal(model.weight, saved_model.weight)
assert optimizer.state_dict() == saved_optimizer.state_dict()
assert state["int"] == saved_state["int"]
assert "str" not in state
assert "str" in remainder
assert state["new"] == "not_present_in_saved_state"
assert "new" not in remainder
pytest.param("cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param("mps:0", marks=RunIf(mps=True)),
("precision", "dtype"),
(Precision(), torch.float32),
(HalfPrecision("16-true"), torch.float16),
pytest.param(HalfPrecision("bf16-true"), torch.bfloat16, marks=RunIf(mps=False)),
pytest.param(DoublePrecision(), torch.float64, marks=RunIf(mps=False)),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("empty_init", [None, True, False])
def test_module_init_context(device, precision, dtype, empty_init, monkeypatch):
"""Test that the module under the init-module-context gets moved to the right device and dtype."""
init_mock = Mock()
monkeypatch.setattr(torch.Tensor, "uniform_", init_mock)
device = torch.device(device)
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy(device=device, precision=precision) # surrogate class to test base class
with strategy.module_init_context(empty_init=empty_init):
module = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
expected_device = device if _TORCH_GREATER_EQUAL_2_0 else torch.device("cpu")
assert module.weight.device == module.bias.device == expected_device
assert module.weight.dtype == module.bias.dtype == dtype
if not empty_init:
pytest.param("cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)),
pytest.param("mps:0", marks=RunIf(mps=True)),
("precision", "dtype"),
(Precision(), torch.float32),
(HalfPrecision("16-true"), torch.float16),
pytest.param(HalfPrecision("bf16-true"), torch.bfloat16, marks=RunIf(mps=False)),
pytest.param(DoublePrecision(), torch.float64, marks=RunIf(mps=False)),
def test_tensor_init_context(device, precision, dtype):
"""Test that tensors under the init-tensor-context get moved to the right device and dtype."""
device = torch.device(device)
strategy = SingleDeviceStrategy(device=device, precision=precision) # surrogate class to test base class
with strategy.tensor_init_context():
tensor0 = torch.tensor(42.0)
tensor1 = torch.tensor(42)
tensor2 = torch.tensor(42.0, dtype=torch.half)
expected_device = device if _TORCH_GREATER_EQUAL_2_0 else torch.device("cpu")
assert tensor0.device == tensor1.device == tensor2.device == expected_device
assert tensor0.dtype == dtype
assert tensor1.dtype == torch.long # `.init_tensor()` only affects floating point dtypes
assert tensor2.dtype == torch.half # this tensor was created with an explicit dtype assignment