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.. testsetup:: *
import torch
from torch.nn import Module
from pytorch_lightning.core.lightning import LightningModule
from pytorch_lightning.metrics import TensorMetric, NumpyMetric
.. _metrics:
This is a general package for PyTorch Metrics. These can also be used with regular non-lightning PyTorch code.
Metrics are used to monitor model performance.
In this package, we provide two major pieces of functionality.
1. A Metric class you can use to implement metrics with built-in distributed (ddp) support which are device agnostic.
2. A collection of ready to use popular metrics. There are two types of metrics: Class metrics and Functional metrics.
3. An interface to call `sklearns metrics <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/classes.html#module-sklearn.metrics>`_
from pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional import accuracy
pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
target = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
# calculates accuracy across all GPUs and all Nodes used in training
accuracy(pred, target)
.. warning::
The metrics package is still in development! If we're missing a metric or you find a mistake, please send a PR!
to a few metrics. Please feel free to create an issue/PR if you have a proposed metric or have found a bug.
Implement a metric
You can implement metrics as either a PyTorch metric or a Numpy metric (It is recommended to use PyTorch metrics when possible,
since Numpy metrics slow down training).
Use :class:`TensorMetric` to implement native PyTorch metrics. This class
handles automated DDP syncing and converts all inputs and outputs to tensors.
Use :class:`NumpyMetric` to implement numpy metrics. This class
handles automated DDP syncing and converts all inputs and outputs to tensors.
.. warning::
Numpy metrics might slow down your training substantially,
since every metric computation requires a GPU sync to convert tensors to numpy.
Here's an example showing how to implement a TensorMetric
.. testcode::
class RMSE(TensorMetric):
def forward(self, x, y):
return torch.sqrt(torch.mean(torch.pow(x-y, 2.0)))
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.metric.TensorMetric
Here's an example showing how to implement a NumpyMetric
.. testcode::
class RMSE(NumpyMetric):
def forward(self, x, y):
return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(x-y, 2.0)))
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.metric.NumpyMetric
Class Metrics
Class metrics can be instantiated as part of a module definition (even with just
plain PyTorch).
.. testcode::
from pytorch_lightning.metrics import Accuracy
# Plain PyTorch
class MyModule(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.metric = Accuracy()
def forward(self, x, y):
y_hat = ...
acc = self.metric(y_hat, y)
# PyTorch Lightning
class MyModule(LightningModule):
def __init__(self):
self.metric = Accuracy()
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
x, y = batch
y_hat = ...
acc = self.metric(y_hat, y)
These metrics even work when using distributed training:
.. code-block:: python
model = MyModule()
trainer = Trainer(gpus=8, num_nodes=2)
# any metric automatically reduces across GPUs (even the ones you implement using Lightning)
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.Accuracy
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.AveragePrecision
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.AUROC
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.nlp.BLEUScore
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.ConfusionMatrix
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.DiceCoefficient
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.F1
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.FBeta
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.PrecisionRecall
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.Precision
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.Recall
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.ROC
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.regression.MAE
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.regression.MSE
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.MulticlassROC
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.MulticlassPrecisionRecall
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.classification.IoU
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.regression.RMSE
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.regression.RMSLE
.. autoclass:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.regression.SSIM
Functional Metrics
Functional metrics can be called anywhere (even used with just plain PyTorch).
.. code-block:: python
from pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional import accuracy
pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
target = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
# calculates accuracy across all GPUs and all Nodes used in training
accuracy(pred, target)
These metrics even work when using distributed training:
.. code-block:: python
class MyModule(...):
def forward(self, x, y):
return accuracy(x, y)
model = MyModule()
trainer = Trainer(gpus=8, num_nodes=2)
# any metric automatically reduces across GPUs (even the ones you implement using Lightning)
accuracy (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.accuracy
auc (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.auc
auroc (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.auroc
average_precision (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.average_precision
bleu_score (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.bleu_score
confusion_matrix (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.confusion_matrix
dice_score (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.dice_score
f1_score (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.f1_score
fbeta_score (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.fbeta_score
multiclass_precision_recall_curve (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.multiclass_precision_recall_curve
multiclass_roc (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.multiclass_roc
precision (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.precision
precision_recall (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.precision_recall
precision_recall_curve (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.precision_recall_curve
recall (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.recall
roc (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.roc
stat_scores (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.stat_scores
iou (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.iou
mse (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.mse
rmse (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.rmse
mae (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.mae
rmsle (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.rmsle
psnr (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.psnr
ssim (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.ssim
stat_scores_multiple_classes (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.stat_scores_multiple_classes
Metric pre-processing
to_categorical (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.to_categorical
to_onehot (F)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.to_onehot
Sklearn interface
Lightning supports `sklearns metrics module <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/classes.html#module-sklearn.metrics>`_
as a backend for calculating metrics. Sklearns metrics are well tested and robust,
but requires conversion between pytorch and numpy thus may slow down your computations.
To use the sklearn backend of metrics simply import as
.. code-block:: python
import pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns import plm
metric = plm.Accuracy(normalize=True)
val = metric(pred, target)
Each converted sklearn metric comes has the same interface as its
original counterpart (e.g. accuracy takes the additional `normalize` keyword).
Like the native Lightning metrics, these converted sklearn metrics also come
with built-in distributed (ddp) support.
SklearnMetric (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric
Accuracy (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Accuracy
AUC (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.AUC
AveragePrecision (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.AveragePrecision
BalancedAccuracy (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.BalancedAccuracy
CohenKappaScore (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.CohenKappaScore
ConfusionMatrix (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.ConfusionMatrix
DCG (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.DCG
F1 (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.F1
FBeta (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.FBeta
Hamming (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Hamming
Hinge (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Hinge
Jaccard (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Jaccard
Precision (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Precision
Recall (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Recall
PrecisionRecallCurve (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.PrecisionRecallCurve
ROC (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.ROC
AUROC (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.AUROC
ExplainedVariance (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.ExplainedVariance
MeanAbsoluteError (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MeanAbsoluteError
MeanSquaredError (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MeanSquaredError
MeanSquaredLogError (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MeanSquaredLogError
MedianAbsoluteError (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MedianAbsoluteError
R2Score (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.R2Score
MeanPoissonDeviance (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MeanPoissonDeviance
MeanGammaDeviance (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MeanGammaDeviance
MeanTweedieDeviance (sk)
.. autofunction:: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.MeanTweedieDeviance