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Validation loop
The lightning validation loop handles everything except the actual computations of your model.
To decide what will happen in your validation loop, define the `validation_step` function.
Below are all the things lightning automates for you in the validation loop.
.. note:: Lightning will run 5 steps of validation in the beginning of training as a sanity
check so you don't have to wait until a full epoch to catch possible validation issues.
Check validation every n epochs
If you have a small dataset you might want to check validation every n epochs
.. code-block:: python
trainer = Trainer(check_val_every_n_epoch=1)
Set how much of the validation set to check
If you don't want to check 100% of the validation set (for debugging or if it's huge), set this flag.
limit_val_batches will be overwritten by overfit_batches if `overfit_batches > 0`
.. code-block:: python
trainer = Trainer(limit_val_batches=1.0)
# check 10% only
trainer = Trainer(limit_val_batches=0.1)
Set how much of the test set to check
If you don't want to check 100% of the test set (for debugging or if it's huge), set this flag.
limit_test_batches will be overwritten by overfit_batches if `overfit_batches > 0`
.. code-block:: python
trainer = Trainer(limit_test_batches=1.0)
# check 10% only
trainer = Trainer(limit_test_batches=0.1)
Set validation check frequency within 1 training epoch
For large datasets it's often desirable to check validation multiple times within a training loop.
Pass in a float to check that often within 1 training epoch.
Pass in an int k to check every k training batches. Must use an int if using an IterableDataset.
.. code-block:: python
trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=0.95)
# check every .25 of an epoch
trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=0.25)
# check every 100 train batches (ie: for IterableDatasets or fixed frequency)
trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=100)
Set the number of validation sanity steps
Lightning runs a few steps of validation in the beginning of training.
This avoids crashing in the validation loop sometime deep into a lengthy training loop.
.. code-block:: python
trainer = Trainer(num_sanity_val_steps=2)
You can use `Trainer(num_sanity_val_steps=0)` to skip the sanity check or `Trainer(num_sanity_val_steps=-1)`
to check all the validation data.
# Testing loop
To ensure you don't accidentally use test data to guide training decisions Lightning
makes running the test set deliberate.
You have two options to run the test set.
First case is where you test right after a full training routine.
.. code-block:: python
# run full training
# run test set
Second case is where you load a model and run the test set
.. code-block:: python
model = MyLightningModule.load_from_checkpoint(
# init trainer with whatever options
trainer = Trainer(...)
# test (pass in the model)
In this second case, the options you pass to trainer will be used when running
the test set (ie: 16-bit, dp, ddp, etc...)
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pprint import pprint
from typing import Callable, List, Union
import torch
from import DataLoader
from pytorch_lightning.core.lightning import LightningModule
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn, flatten_dict, AMPType
from pytorch_lightning.core.step_result import EvalResult, Result
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.evaluate_loop import EvaluationLoop
import torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader as xla_pl
import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm
except ImportError:
import horovod.torch as hvd
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
class TrainerEvaluationLoopMixin(ABC):
# this is just a summary on variables used in this abstract class,
# the proper values/initialisation should be done in child class
on_gpu: bool
use_ddp: bool
use_dp: bool
use_ddp2: bool
use_horovod: bool
use_single_gpu: bool
data_parallel_device_ids: ...
model: LightningModule
num_test_batches: List[int]
num_val_batches: int
world_size: int
fast_dev_run: ...
process_output: ...
progress_bar_dict: ...
global_rank: int
current_epoch: int
callback_metrics: ...
test_dataloaders: DataLoader
val_dataloaders: DataLoader
use_tpu: bool
reload_dataloaders_every_epoch: ...
tpu_id: int
verbose_test: bool
running_sanity_check: bool
amp_backend: AMPType
# Callback system
on_validation_batch_start: Callable
on_validation_batch_end: Callable
on_test_batch_start: Callable
on_test_batch_end: Callable
on_validation_start: Callable
on_validation_end: Callable
on_test_start: Callable
on_test_end: Callable
accelerator_backend: ...
evaluation_loop: EvaluationLoop
def copy_trainer_model_properties(self, *args):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def get_model(self) -> LightningModule:
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def transfer_batch_to_gpu(self, *args):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def add_progress_bar_metrics(self, *args):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def log_metrics(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def reset_test_dataloader(self, *args):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def reset_val_dataloader(self, *args):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def call_hook(self, hook_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Warning: this is just empty shell for code implemented in other class."""
def run_evaluation(self, test_mode: bool = False, max_batches=None):
# bookkeeping
self.evaluation_loop.testing = test_mode
dataloaders, max_batches = self.evaluation_loop.get_evaluation_dataloaders(max_batches)
if self.evaluation_loop.should_skip_evaluation(dataloaders, max_batches):
return [], []
# enable eval mode + no grads
model = self.get_model()
# hook
# set up the eval loop
self.evaluation_loop.setup(model, max_batches, dataloaders)
# hook
# TODO: should this be insider the dataloader loop?
# run validation/testing
for dataloader_idx, dataloader in enumerate(dataloaders):
# bookkeeping
dl_outputs = []
dataloader = self.accelerator_backend.process_dataloader(dataloader)
dl_max_batches = self.evaluation_loop.max_batches[dataloader_idx]
for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader):
if batch is None:
# stop short when running on limited batches
if batch_idx >= dl_max_batches:
# hook
self.evaluation_loop.on_evaluation_batch_start(batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
# lightning module methods
output = self.evaluation_loop.evaluation_step(test_mode, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
output = self.evaluation_loop.evaluation_step_end(output)
# hook
self.evaluation_loop.on_evaluation_batch_end(batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
# clean up
self.evaluation_loop.evaluation_batch_end_cleanup(output, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
self.evaluation_loop.log_step_metrics(output, batch_idx)
# track epoch level metrics
if output is not None:
# lightning module method
eval_results = self.evaluation_loop.evaluation_epoch_end(num_dataloaders=len(dataloaders))
# bookkeeping
# hook
# log the final eval loop metrics
eval_loop_results = self.__log_evaluation_epoch_metrics(eval_results, test_mode)
# enable train mode again
# hook
return eval_loop_results, eval_results
def __log_evaluation_epoch_metrics(self, eval_results, test_mode):
if self.running_sanity_check:
eval_loop_results = []
if eval_results is not None and len(eval_results) > 0:
# in eval, the user may return something at every validation step without final reduction
if not isinstance(eval_results, list):
eval_results = [eval_results]
for result_idx, result in enumerate(eval_results):
if isinstance(result, EvalResult):
prog_bar_metrics = result.epoch_pbar_metrics
log_metrics = result.epoch_log_metrics
callback_metrics = result.callback_metrics
# in testing we don't need the callback metrics
if test_mode:
callback_metrics = {}
_, prog_bar_metrics, log_metrics, callback_metrics, _ = self.process_output(result)
# eval loop returns all metrics
dataloader_result_metrics = {**prog_bar_metrics, **log_metrics, **callback_metrics}
# add metrics to prog bar
# log metrics
self.log_metrics(log_metrics, {})
# track metrics for callbacks
if len(dataloader_result_metrics) > 0:
# log results of test
if test_mode and self.is_global_zero and self.verbose_test:
print('-' * 80)
for result_idx, results in enumerate(eval_loop_results):
print(f'DATALOADER:{result_idx} TEST RESULTS')
print('-' * 80)
return eval_loop_results