
233 lines
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# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
import sys
from unittest.mock import Mock
import lightning.fabric
import pytest
import torch
import torch.distributed
from lightning.fabric import Fabric
from lightning.fabric.connector import _Connector
from lightning.fabric.plugins.precision.bitsandbytes import _BITSANDBYTES_AVAILABLE, BitsandbytesPrecision
from lightning.fabric.utilities.init import _materialize_meta_tensors
from tests_fabric.helpers.runif import RunIf
@pytest.mark.skipif(_BITSANDBYTES_AVAILABLE, reason="bitsandbytes needs to be unavailable")
def test_bitsandbytes_plugin(monkeypatch):
module = lightning.fabric.plugins.precision.bitsandbytes
monkeypatch.setattr(module, "_BITSANDBYTES_AVAILABLE", lambda: True)
bitsandbytes_mock = Mock()
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "bitsandbytes", bitsandbytes_mock)
class ModuleMock(torch.nn.Linear):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True, *_, **__):
super().__init__(in_features, out_features, bias)
bitsandbytes_mock.nn.Linear8bitLt = ModuleMock
bitsandbytes_mock.nn.Linear4bit = ModuleMock
bitsandbytes_mock.nn.Params4bit = object
precision = BitsandbytesPrecision("nf4", dtype=torch.float16)
connector = _Connector(plugins=precision)
assert connector.precision is precision
assert precision.dtype == torch.float16
# same logic as in `test_default_dtype_is_restored`
assert torch.get_default_dtype() is torch.float32
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="foo"), precision.module_init_context():
assert torch.get_default_dtype() is not torch.float32
raise RuntimeError("foo")
assert torch.get_default_dtype() is torch.float32
class SubModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l = torch.nn.Linear(1, 3)
class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l1 = torch.nn.Linear(16, 48)
self.l2 = SubModule()
_NF4Linear = vars(module)["_NF4Linear"]
quantize_mock = lambda self, p, w, d: p
_NF4Linear.quantize = quantize_mock
with precision.module_init_context():
assert torch.get_default_dtype() == torch.float16
model = MyModule()
assert isinstance(model.l1, _NF4Linear)
assert isinstance(model.l2.l, _NF4Linear)
model = precision.convert_module(model)
assert model.l1.compute_dtype is precision.dtype
assert model.l2.l.compute_dtype is precision.dtype
model = MyModule()
assert isinstance(model.l1, _NF4Linear)
assert isinstance(model.l2.l, _NF4Linear)
precision.ignore_modules = {"l2"}
model = MyModule()
assert isinstance(model.l1, _NF4Linear)
assert isinstance(model.l2.l, torch.nn.Linear)
model = torch.nn.Conv1d(1, 1, 1)
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="your model has no Linear"):
@pytest.mark.skipif(not _BITSANDBYTES_AVAILABLE, reason="bitsandbytes unavailable")
("args", "expected"),
(("int8", torch.float16), torch.int8),
(("nf4", torch.bfloat16), torch.uint8),
def test_bitsandbytes_layers(args, expected):
class MyModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
self.ln = torch.nn.LayerNorm(2)
state_dict = MyModel().state_dict()
fabric = Fabric(devices=1, plugins=BitsandbytesPrecision(*args))
with fabric.init_module():
model = MyModel()
# the model was instantiated on-device and quantized straight away
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
# this has no impact
model = fabric.setup(model)
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
# unquantized state dict loading still works even thought the weights are quantized
weight_before =
keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True)
assert not keys.missing_keys
assert not torch.equal(weight_before,
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
# quantized state dict can be loaded into a quantized model
quantized_state_dict = model.state_dict()
keys = model.load_state_dict(quantized_state_dict, strict=True)
assert not keys.missing_keys
# TODO: support unquantizing the state_dict so that it can be loaded into the original model
fabric = Fabric(devices=1, plugins=BitsandbytesPrecision(*args, ignore_modules={"foo"}))
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="not supported"), fabric.init_module():
model = MyModel()
# When ignore_modules is set, we only quantize on `setup`
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cpu"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == torch.float32
# this quantizes now
model = fabric.setup(model)
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
@RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1, min_torch="2.1")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not _BITSANDBYTES_AVAILABLE, reason="bitsandbytes unavailable")
("args", "expected"),
pytest.param(("int8", torch.float16), torch.int8, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=NotImplementedError)),
pytest.param(("nf4", torch.bfloat16), torch.uint8, marks=RunIf(bf16_cuda=True)),
def test_bitsandbytes_layers_meta_device(args, expected, tmp_path):
class MyModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.l = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
self.ln = torch.nn.LayerNorm(2, bias=False)
state_dict = MyModel().state_dict()
plugin = BitsandbytesPrecision(*args)
fabric = Fabric(plugins=plugin, devices=1)
# case 1
# empty_init=True with devices=1 doesn't use meta device at the moment so set it explicitly
with fabric.init_module(empty_init=False), torch.device("meta"):
model = MyModel()
# the model was instantiated on meta and is not quantized
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "meta"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == args[1]
# materializing performs quantization
_materialize_meta_tensors(model, "cuda")
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
# state dict loading still works even thought the weights are quantized
weight_before =
keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True)
assert not keys.missing_keys
assert not torch.equal(weight_before,
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
# case 2
with fabric.init_module(empty_init=False), torch.device("meta"):
model = MyModel()
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "meta"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == args[1]
# the model layers are already replaced, this won't do anything relevant
model = fabric.setup(model, move_to_device=False)
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "meta"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == args[1]
keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) # quantizes
assert not keys.missing_keys
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
# case 2 with an incomplete state_dict
with fabric.init_module(empty_init=False), torch.device("meta"):
model = MyModel()
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "meta"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == args[1]
partial_state_dict = {k: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if "ln" not in k}
keys = model.load_state_dict(partial_state_dict, strict=False) # quantizes
assert keys.missing_keys == ["ln.weight"]
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
assert model.ln.weight.device.type == "meta"
assert model.ln.weight.dtype == args[1]
# now we need to materialize just for LayerNorm
_materialize_meta_tensors(model, fabric.device)
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected
assert model.ln.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.ln.weight.dtype == args[1]
# test mmap and assign on a meta bnb layer
with fabric.init_module(empty_init=False), torch.device("meta"):
model = MyModel()
ckpt_path = tmp_path / "foo.ckpt", ckpt_path)
torch.load(str(ckpt_path), mmap=True)
keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True, assign=True) # quantizes
assert not keys.missing_keys
assert model.l.weight.device.type == "cuda"
assert model.l.weight.dtype == expected