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.. list-table:: devel 1.7
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:header-rows: 1
* - If
- Then
- Ref
* - Removed the legacy ``Trainer.get_deprecated_arg_names()``
- `PR14415`_
* - used the generic method ``Trainer.run_stage``
- switch to a specific one depending on your purpose ``Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}`` .
- `PR11000`_
* - used ``rank_zero_only`` from ``pl.utilities.distributed``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``rank_zero_debug`` from ``pl.utilities.distributed``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``rank_zero_info`` from ``pl.utilities.distributed``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``rank_zero_warn`` from ``pl.utilities.warnings``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``rank_zero_deprecation`` from ``pl.utilities.warnings``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``LightningDeprecationWarning`` from ``pl.utilities.warnings``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``LightningDeprecationWarning`` from ``pl.utilities.warnings``
- import it from ``pl.utilities.rank_zero``
- `PR11747`_
* - used ``Trainer.data_parallel_device_ids`` attribute
- switch it to ``Trainer.device_ids``
- `PR12072`_
* - derived it from ``TrainerCallbackHookMixin``
- use Trainer base class
- `PR14401`_
* - used base class ``pytorch_lightning.profiler.BaseProfilerto``
- switch to use ``pytorch_lightning.profiler.Profiler`` instead
- `PR12150`_
* - set distributed backend via the environment variable ``PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND``
- use ``process_group_backend`` in the strategy constructor
- `PR11745`_
* - used ``PrecisionPlugin.on_load_checkpoint`` hooks
- switch to ``PrecisionPlugin.load_state_dict``
- `PR11978`_
* - used ``PrecisionPlugin.on_save_checkpoint`` hooks
- switch to ``PrecisionPlugin.load_state_dict``
- `PR11978`_
* - used ``Trainer.root_gpu`` attribute
- use ``Trainer.strategy.root_device.index`` when GPU is used
- `PR12262`_
* - used ``Trainer.use_amp`` attribute
- rely on Torch native AMP
- `PR12312`_
* - used ``LightingModule.use_amp`` attribute
- rely on Torch native AMP
- `PR12315`_
* - used Trainer’s attribute ``Trainer.verbose_evaluate``
- rely on loop constructor ``EvaluationLoop(verbose=...)``
- `PR10931`_
* - used Trainer’s attribute ``Trainer.should_rank_save_checkpoint``
- it was removed
- `PR11068`_
* - derived from ``TrainerOptimizersMixin``
- rely on ``core/optimizer.py``
- `PR11155`_
* - derived from ``TrainerDataLoadingMixin``
- rely on methods from ``Trainer`` and ``DataConnector``
- `PR11282`_
* - used Trainer’s attribute ``Trainer.lightning_optimizers``
- switch to the ``Strategy`` and its attributes.
- `PR11444`_
* - used ``Trainer.call_hook``
- it was set as a protected method ``Trainer._call_callback_hooks``, ``Trainer._call_lightning_module_hook``, ``Trainer._call_ttp_hook``, ``Trainer._call_accelerator_hook`` and shall not be used.
- `PR10979`_
* - used Profiler’s attribute ``SimpleProfiler.profile_iterable``
- it was removed
- `PR12102`_
* - used Profiler’s attribute ``AdvancedProfiler.profile_iterable``
- it was removed
- `PR12102`_
* - used the ``device_stats_monitor.prefix_metric_keys``
- `PR11254`_
* - used ``on_train_batch_end(outputs, ...)`` with 2d list with sizes (n_optimizers, tbptt_steps)
- chang it to (tbptt_steps, n_optimizers). You can update your code by adding the following parameter to your hook signature: ``on_train_batch_end(outputs, ..., new_format=True)``.
- `PR12182`_
* - used ``training_epoch_end(outputs)`` with a 3d list with sizes (n_optimizers, n_batches, tbptt_steps)
- change it to (n_batches, tbptt_steps, n_optimizers). You can update your code by adding the following parameter to your hook signature: ``training_epoch_end(outputs, new_format=True)``.
- `PR12182`_
.. _pr14415: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/14415
.. _pr11000: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11000
.. _pr11747: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11747
.. _pr12072: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12072
.. _pr14401: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/14401
.. _pr12150: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12150
.. _pr11745: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11745
.. _pr11978: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11978
.. _pr12262: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12262
.. _pr12312: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12312
.. _pr12315: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12315
.. _pr10931: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/10931
.. _pr11068: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11068
.. _pr11155: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11155
.. _pr11282: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11282
.. _pr11444: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11444
.. _pr10979: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/10979
.. _pr12102: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12102
.. _pr11254: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/11254
.. _pr12182: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/12182