369 lines
15 KiB
369 lines
15 KiB
import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from click.testing import CliRunner
from lightning_app.cli import cmd_install, lightning_cli
from lightning_app.testing.helpers import _RunIf
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.subprocess", mock.MagicMock())
def test_valid_org_app_name():
"""Valid organization name."""
runner = CliRunner()
# assert a bad app name should fail
fake_app = "fakeuser/impossible/name"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [fake_app])
assert "app name format must have organization/app-name" in result.output
# assert a good name (but unavailable name) should work
fake_app = "fakeuser/ALKKLJAUHREKJ21234KLAKJDLF"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [fake_app])
assert f"app: '{fake_app}' is not available on ⚡ Lightning AI ⚡" in result.output
assert result.exit_code
# assert a good (and availablea name) works
# This should be an app that's always in the gallery
real_app = "lightning/invideo"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [real_app])
assert "Press enter to continue:" in result.output
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="need to figure out how to authorize git clone from the private repo")
def test_valid_unpublished_app_name():
runner = CliRunner()
# assert warning of non official app given
real_app = "https://github.com/Lightning-AI/install-app"
subprocess.check_output(f"lightning install app {real_app}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# this condition should never be hit
assert False
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
assert "WARNING" in str(e.output)
# assert aborted install
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [real_app], input="q")
assert "Installation aborted!" in result.output
# assert a bad app name should fail
fake_app = "https://github.com/Lightning-AI/install-appdd"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [fake_app, "--yes"])
assert "Looks like the github url was not found" in result.output
# assert a good (and availablea name) works
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [real_app])
assert "Press enter to continue:" in result.output
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="need to figure out how to authorize git clone from the private repo")
def test_app_install(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
"""Tests unpublished app install."""
real_app = "https://github.com/Lightning-AI/install-app"
test_app_pip_name = "install-app"
# install app and verify it's in the env
subprocess.check_output(f"lightning install app {real_app} --yes", shell=True)
new_env_output = subprocess.check_output("pip freeze", shell=True)
assert test_app_pip_name in str(new_env_output), f"{test_app_pip_name} should be in the env"
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.subprocess", mock.MagicMock())
def test_valid_org_component_name():
runner = CliRunner()
# assert a bad name should fail
fake_component = "fakeuser/impossible/name"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [fake_component])
assert "component name format must have organization/component-name" in result.output
# assert a good name (but unavailable name) should work
fake_component = "fakeuser/ALKKLJAUHREKJ21234KLAKJDLF"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [fake_component])
assert f"component: '{fake_component}' is not available on ⚡ Lightning AI ⚡" in result.output
# assert a good (and availablea name) works
fake_component = "lightning/lit-slack-messenger"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [fake_component])
assert "Press enter to continue:" in result.output
def test_unpublished_component_url_parsing():
runner = CliRunner()
# assert a bad name should fail (no git@)
fake_component = "https://github.com/Lightning-AI/LAI-slack-messenger"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [fake_component])
assert "Error, your github url must be in the following format" in result.output
# assert a good (and availablea name) works
sha = "14f333456ffb6758bd19458e6fa0bf12cf5575e1"
real_component = f"git+https://github.com/Lightning-AI/LAI-slack-messenger.git@{sha}"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [real_component])
assert "Press enter to continue:" in result.output
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="need to figure out how to authorize pip install from the private repo")
"real_component, test_component_pip_name",
("lightning/lit-slack-messenger", "lit-slack"),
def test_component_install(real_component, test_component_pip_name):
"""Tests both published and unpublished component installs."""
# uninstall component just in case and verify it's not in the pip output
env_output = subprocess.check_output(f"pip uninstall {test_component_pip_name} --yes && pip freeze", shell=True)
assert test_component_pip_name not in str(env_output), f"{test_component_pip_name} should not be in the env"
# install component and verify it's in the env
new_env_output = subprocess.check_output(
f"lightning install component {real_component} --yes && pip freeze", shell=True
assert test_component_pip_name in str(new_env_output), f"{test_component_pip_name} should be in the env"
# clean up for test
subprocess.run(f"pip uninstall {test_component_pip_name} --yes", shell=True)
env_output = subprocess.check_output("pip freeze", shell=True)
assert test_component_pip_name not in str(
), f"{test_component_pip_name} should not be in the env after cleanup"
def test_prompt_actions():
# TODO: each of these installs must check that a package is installed in the environment correctly
app_to_use = "lightning/invideo"
runner = CliRunner()
# assert that the user can cancel the command with any letter other than y
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_to_use], input="b")
assert "Installation aborted!" in result.output
# assert that the install happens with --yes
# result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_to_use, "--yes"])
# assert result.exit_code == 0
# assert that the install happens with y
# result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_to_use], input='y')
# assert result.exit_code == 0
# # assert that the install happens with yes
# result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_to_use], input='yes')
# assert result.exit_code == 0
# assert that the install happens with pressing enter
# result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_to_use])
# TODO: how to check the output when the user types ctrl+c?
# result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_to_use], input='')
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.subprocess", mock.MagicMock())
def test_version_arg_component(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
runner = CliRunner()
# Version does not exist
component_name = "lightning/lit-slack-messenger"
version_arg = "NOT-EXIST"
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [component_name, f"--version={version_arg}"])
assert f"component: 'Version {version_arg} for {component_name}' is not" in str(result.exception)
assert result.exit_code == 1
# Version exists
# This somwehow fail in test but not when you actually run it
version_arg = "0.0.1"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_component, [component_name, f"--version={version_arg}", "--yes"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.subprocess", mock.MagicMock())
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.os.chdir", mock.MagicMock())
def test_version_arg_app(tmpdir):
# Version does not exist
app_name = "lightning/invideo"
version_arg = "NOT-EXIST"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_name, f"--version={version_arg}"])
assert f"app: 'Version {version_arg} for {app_name}' is not" in str(result.exception)
assert result.exit_code == 1
# Version exists
version_arg = "0.0.2"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_name, f"--version={version_arg}", "--yes"])
assert result.exit_code == 0
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.subprocess", mock.MagicMock())
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.os.chdir", mock.MagicMock())
def test_install_resolve_latest_version(mock_show_install_app_prompt, tmpdir):
app_name = "lightning/invideo"
runner = CliRunner()
with mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.requests.get") as get_api_mock:
get_api_mock.return_value.json.return_value = {
"apps": [
"canDownloadSourceCode": True,
"version": "0.0.2",
"name": "lightning/invideo",
"canDownloadSourceCode": True,
"version": "0.0.4",
"name": "lightning/invideo",
"canDownloadSourceCode": True,
"version": "0.0.5",
"name": "another_app",
runner.invoke(lightning_cli.install_app, [app_name, "--yes"]) # no version specified so latest is installed
assert mock_show_install_app_prompt.called
assert mock_show_install_app_prompt.call_args[0][0]["version"] == "0.0.4"
def test_proper_url_parsing():
name = "lightning/invideo"
# make sure org/app-name name is correct
org, app = cmd_install._validate_name(name, resource_type="app", example="lightning/lit-slack-component")
assert org == "lightning"
assert app == "invideo"
# resolve registry (orgs can have a private registry through their environment variables)
registry_url = cmd_install._resolve_app_registry()
assert registry_url == "https://lightning.ai/v1/apps"
# load the component resource
component_entry = cmd_install._resolve_resource(registry_url, name=name, version_arg="latest", resource_type="app")
source_url, git_url, folder_name, git_sha = cmd_install._show_install_app_prompt(
component_entry, app, org, True, resource_type="app"
assert folder_name == "LAI-InVideo-search-App"
# FixMe: this need to be updated after release with updated org rename
assert source_url == "https://github.com/Lightning-AI/LAI-InVideo-search-App"
assert "#ref" not in git_url
assert git_sha
def test_install_app_shows_error(tmpdir):
app_folder_dir = Path(tmpdir / "some_random_directory").absolute()
with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=f"Folder {str(app_folder_dir)} exists, please delete it and try again."):
source_url=mock.ANY, git_url=mock.ANY, folder_name=str(app_folder_dir), overwrite=False
# def test_env_creation(tmpdir):
# cwd = os.getcwd()
# os.chdir(tmpdir)
# # install app
# cmd_install.app("lightning/install-app", True, cwd=tmpdir)
# # assert app folder is installed with venv
# assert "python" in set(os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "install-app/bin")))
# # assert the deps are in the env
# env_output = subprocess.check_output("source bin/activate && pip freeze", shell=True)
# non_env_output = subprocess.check_output("pip freeze", shell=True)
# # assert envs are not the same
# assert env_output != non_env_output
# # assert the reqs are in the env created and NOT in the non env
# reqs = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "install-app/requirements.txt")).read()
# assert reqs in str(env_output) and reqs not in str(non_env_output)
# # setup.py installs numpy
# assert "numpy" in str(env_output)
# # run the python script to make sure the file works (in a folder)
# app_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "install-app/src/app.py")
# app_output = subprocess.check_output(f"source bin/activate && python {app_file}", shell=True)
# assert "b'printed a\\ndeps loaded\\n'" == str(app_output)
# # run the python script to make sure the file works (in root)
# app_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "install-app/app_b.py")
# app_output = subprocess.check_output(f"source bin/activate && python {app_file}", shell=True)
# assert "b'printed a\\n'" == str(app_output)
# # reset dir
# os.chdir(cwd)
@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"LIGHTNING_APP_REGISTRY": "https://TODO/other_non_PL_registry"})
def test_private_app_registry():
registry = cmd_install._resolve_app_registry()
assert registry == "https://TODO/other_non_PL_registry"
def test_public_app_registry():
registry = cmd_install._resolve_app_registry()
assert registry == "https://lightning.ai/v1/apps"
def test_public_component_registry():
registry = cmd_install._resolve_component_registry()
assert registry == "https://lightning.ai/v1/components"
@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"LIGHTNING_COMPONENT_REGISTRY": "https://TODO/other_non_PL_registry"})
def test_private_component_registry():
registry = cmd_install._resolve_component_registry()
assert registry == "https://TODO/other_non_PL_registry"
@mock.patch("lightning_app.cli.cmd_install.os.chdir", mock.MagicMock())
"source_url, git_url, git_sha",
def test_install_app_process(subprocess_mock, source_url, git_url, git_sha, tmpdir):
app_folder_dir = Path(tmpdir / "some_random_directory").absolute()
cmd_install._install_app(source_url, git_url, folder_name=str(app_folder_dir), overwrite=True, git_sha=git_sha)
assert subprocess_mock.check_output.call_args_list[0].args == (["git", "clone", git_url],)
if git_sha:
assert subprocess_mock.check_output.call_args_list[1].args == (["git", "checkout", git_sha],)
assert subprocess_mock.call.call_args_list[0].args == ("pip install -r requirements.txt",)
assert subprocess_mock.call.call_args_list[1].args == ("pip install -e .",)