93 lines
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93 lines
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This script is meant to be executed from `../../test_horovod.py`.
Because Horovod uses a parallel programming model similar to MPI, unit tests for collective
ops like allreduce need to be run in parallel. The most common approach for running parallel
Horovod workers is to launch multiple replicas of the training script via the `horovodrun`
command-line tool:
.. code-block:: bash
horovodrun -np 2 python train_default_model.py ...
Individual test parameters are configured by the serialized `--trainer-options` JSON object.
An non-zero exit code from this script on any rank will indicate failure, while a zero exit code
across all ranks indicates success.
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
# this is need as e.g. Conda do not uses `PYTHONPATH` env var as pip or/and virtualenv
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.states import TrainerState
sys.path = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH').split(':') + sys.path
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer # noqa: E402
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint # noqa: E402
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _HOROVOD_AVAILABLE # noqa: E402
import horovod.torch as hvd # noqa: E402
print('You requested to import Horovod which is missing or not supported for your OS.')
from tests.base import EvalModelTemplate # noqa: E402
from tests.base.develop_pipelines import run_prediction # noqa: E402
from tests.base.develop_utils import reset_seed, set_random_master_port # noqa: E402
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--trainer-options', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--on-gpu', action='store_true', default=False)
def run_test_from_config(trainer_options):
"""Trains the default model with the given config."""
ckpt_path = trainer_options['weights_save_path']
model = EvalModelTemplate()
trainer = Trainer(**trainer_options)
assert trainer.state == TrainerState.FINISHED, f"Training failed with {trainer.state}"
# Horovod should be initialized following training. If not, this will raise an exception.
assert hvd.size() == 2
if trainer.global_rank > 0:
# test model loading
pretrained_model = EvalModelTemplate.load_from_checkpoint(trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path)
# test new model accuracy
test_loaders = model.test_dataloader()
if not isinstance(test_loaders, list):
test_loaders = [test_loaders]
for dataloader in test_loaders:
run_prediction(pretrained_model, dataloader)
# test HPC saving
trainer.checkpoint_connector.hpc_save(ckpt_path, trainer.logger)
# test HPC loading
checkpoint_path = trainer.checkpoint_connector.get_max_ckpt_path_from_folder(ckpt_path)
trainer.checkpoint_connector.hpc_load(checkpoint_path, on_gpu=args.on_gpu)
if args.on_gpu:
trainer = Trainer(gpus=1, accelerator='horovod', max_epochs=1)
# Test the root_gpu property
assert trainer.root_gpu == hvd.local_rank()
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()