ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 ARG PYTORCH_VERSION=1.6 FROM pytorchlightning/pytorch_lightning:base-xla-py${PYTHON_VERSION}-torch${PYTORCH_VERSION} #SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] COPY ./ ./pytorch-lightning/ # If using this image for tests, intall more dependencies and don"t delete the source code where the tests live. RUN \ # Install pytorch-lightning at the current PR, plus dependencies. #pip install -r pytorch-lightning/requirements/base.txt --no-cache-dir && \ # drop Horovod #python -c "fname = 'pytorch-lightning/requirements/extra.txt' ; lines = [line for line in open(fname).readlines() if not line.startswith('horovod')] ; open(fname, 'w').writelines(lines)" && \ pip install -r pytorch-lightning/requirements/devel.txt --no-cache-dir --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed #RUN python -c "import pytorch_lightning as pl; print(pl.__version__)" COPY ./dockers/tpu-tests/ /usr/local/bin/ RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"] CMD ["bash"]