import os import lightning as L from import TracerPythonScript from import Path from import Dict FILE_CONTENT = """ Hello there! This tab is currently an IFrame of the FastAPI Server running in `DestinationFileAndServeWork`. Also, the content of this file was created in `SourceFileWork` and then transferred to `DestinationFileAndServeWork`. Are you already 🤯 ? Stick with us, this is only the beginning. Lightning is 🚀. """ class SourceFileWork(L.LightningWork): def __init__(self, cloud_compute: L.CloudCompute = L.CloudCompute(), **kwargs): super().__init__(parallel=True, **kwargs, cloud_compute=cloud_compute) self.boring_path = None def run(self): # This should be used as a REFERENCE to the file. self.boring_path = "lit://boring_file.txt" with open(self.boring_path, "w") as f: f.write(FILE_CONTENT) class DestinationFileAndServeWork(TracerPythonScript): def run(self, path: Path): assert path.exists() self.script_args += [f"--filepath={path}", f"--host={}", f"--port={self.port}"] super().run() class BoringApp(L.LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.dict = Dict() def run(self): # create dynamically the source_work at runtime if "src_w" not in self.dict: self.dict["src_w"] = SourceFileWork() self.dict["src_w"].run() if self.dict["src_w"].has_succeeded: # create dynamically the dst_w at runtime if "dst_w" not in self.dict: self.dict["dst_w"] = DestinationFileAndServeWork( script_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "scripts/"), port=1111, parallel=False, # runs until killed. cloud_compute=L.CloudCompute(), raise_exception=True, ) # the flow passes the file from one work to another. self.dict["dst_w"].run(self.dict["src_w"].boring_path) self._exit("Boring App End") def configure_layout(self): return {"name": "Boring Tab", "content": self.dict["dst_w"].url + "/file" if "dst_w" in self.dict else ""} app = L.LightningApp(BoringApp(), debug=True)