import logging import os import pathlib import sys import time import traceback from copy import deepcopy from queue import Empty from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock import pytest from deepdiff import DeepDiff, Delta from lightning_app import LightningApp, LightningFlow, LightningWork from lightning_app.runners import MultiProcessRuntime from import Drive, Path from import _artifacts_path from import _GetRequest from lightning_app.testing.helpers import _MockQueue, EmptyFlow from lightning_app.utilities.component import _convert_paths_after_init from lightning_app.utilities.enum import AppStage, CacheCallsKeys, WorkFailureReasons, WorkStageStatus from lightning_app.utilities.exceptions import CacheMissException, ExitAppException from lightning_app.utilities.proxies import ( ComponentDelta, LightningWorkSetAttrProxy, persist_artifacts, ProxyWorkRun, WorkRunner, WorkStateObserver, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Work(LightningWork): def __init__(self, cache_calls=True, parallel=True): super().__init__(cache_calls=cache_calls, parallel=parallel) self.counter = 0 def run(self): self.counter = 1 return 1 def test_lightning_work_setattr(): """This test valides that the `LightningWorkSetAttrProxy` would push a delta to the `caller_queue` everytime an attribute from the work state is being changed.""" w = Work() # prepare w._name = "root.b" # create queue caller_queue = _MockQueue("caller_queue") def proxy_setattr(): w._setattr_replacement = LightningWorkSetAttrProxy(w._name, w, caller_queue, MagicMock()) proxy_setattr() assert len(caller_queue) == 1 work_proxy_output = caller_queue._queue[0] assert isinstance(work_proxy_output, ComponentDelta) assert == w._name assert == {"values_changed": {"root['vars']['counter']": {"new_value": 1}}} @pytest.mark.parametrize("parallel", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cache_calls", [False, True]) @mock.patch("lightning_app.utilities.proxies._Copier", MagicMock()) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="TODO (@ethanwharris): Fix this on Windows") def test_work_runner(parallel, cache_calls, *_): """This test validates the `WorkRunner` runs the method and properly populates the `delta_queue`, `error_queue` and `readiness_queue`.""" class Work(LightningWork): def __init__(self, cache_calls=True, parallel=True): super().__init__(cache_calls=cache_calls, parallel=parallel) self.counter = 0 self.dummy_path = "lit://test" def run(self): self.counter = 1 class Flow(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w = Work(cache_calls=cache_calls, parallel=parallel) def run(self): pass class BlockingQueue(_MockQueue): """A Mock for the file copier queues that keeps blocking until we want to end the thread.""" keep_blocking = True def get(self, timeout: int = 0): while BlockingQueue.keep_blocking: pass # A dummy request so the Copier gets something to process without an error return _GetRequest(source="src", name="dummy_path", path="test", hash="123", destination="dst") app = LightningApp(Flow()) work = app.root.w caller_queue = _MockQueue("caller_queue") delta_queue = _MockQueue("delta_queue") readiness_queue = _MockQueue("readiness_queue") error_queue = _MockQueue("error_queue") request_queue = _MockQueue("request_queue") response_queue = _MockQueue("response_queue") copy_request_queue = BlockingQueue("copy_request_queue") copy_response_queue = BlockingQueue("copy_response_queue") call_hash = "run:fe3fa0f34fc1317e152e5afb023332995392071046f1ea51c34c7c9766e3676c" work._calls[call_hash] = { "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "call_hash": call_hash, "run_started_counter": 1, "statuses": [], } caller_queue.put( { "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "call_hash": call_hash, "state": work.state, } ) work_runner = WorkRunner( work,, caller_queue, delta_queue, readiness_queue, error_queue, request_queue, response_queue, copy_request_queue, copy_response_queue, ) try: work_runner() except (Empty, Exception): pass assert readiness_queue._queue[0] if parallel: assert isinstance(error_queue._queue[0], Exception) else: assert isinstance(error_queue._queue[0], Empty) assert len(delta_queue._queue) in [3, 4] res = delta_queue._queue[0].delta.to_dict()["iterable_item_added"] assert res[f"root['calls']['{call_hash}']['statuses'][0]"]["stage"] == "running" assert delta_queue._queue[1].delta.to_dict() == { "values_changed": {"root['vars']['counter']": {"new_value": 1}} } index = 3 if len(delta_queue._queue) == 4 else 2 res = delta_queue._queue[index].delta.to_dict()["dictionary_item_added"] assert res[f"root['calls']['{call_hash}']['ret']"] is None # Stop blocking and let the thread join BlockingQueue.keep_blocking = False work_runner.copier.join() def test_pathlike_as_argument_to_run_method_warns(tmpdir): """Test that Lightning Produces a special warning for strings that look like paths.""" # all these paths are not proper paths or don't have a file or folder that exists no_warning_expected = ( "looks/like/path", pathlib.Path("looks/like/path"), "i am not a path", 1, Path("lightning/path"), ) for path in no_warning_expected: _pass_path_argument_to_work_and_test_warning(path=path, warning_expected=False) # warn if it looks like a folder and the folder exists _pass_path_argument_to_work_and_test_warning(path=tmpdir, warning_expected=True) # warn if it looks like a string or pathlib Path and the file exists file = pathlib.Path(tmpdir, "file_exists.txt") file.write_text("test") assert os.path.exists(file) _pass_path_argument_to_work_and_test_warning(path=file, warning_expected=True) _pass_path_argument_to_work_and_test_warning(path=str(file), warning_expected=True) # do not warn if the path is wrapped in Lightning Path (and the file exists) file = Path(tmpdir, "file_exists.txt") file.write_text("test") assert os.path.exists(file) _pass_path_argument_to_work_and_test_warning(path=file, warning_expected=False) def _pass_path_argument_to_work_and_test_warning(path, warning_expected): class WarnRunPathWork(LightningWork): def run(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class Flow(EmptyFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = WarnRunPathWork() flow = Flow() work = proxy_run = ProxyWorkRun(, "some", work, Mock()) warn_ctx = pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="You passed a the value") if warning_expected else pytest.warns(None) with warn_ctx as record: with pytest.raises(CacheMissException): proxy_run(path) assert warning_expected or all("You passed a the value" not in str(msg.message) for msg in record) class WorkTimeout(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parallel=True, start_with_flow=False) self.counter = 0 def run(self): self.counter += 1 class FlowTimeout(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.counter = 0 = WorkTimeout() def run(self): if not if self.stop() class WorkRunnerPatch(WorkRunner): counter = 0 def __call__(self): call_hash = "fe3fa0f" while True: try: called = self.caller_queue.get()["state"]) state = deepcopy([call_hash]["statuses"].append( { "name":, "stage": WorkStageStatus.FAILED, "reason": WorkFailureReasons.TIMEOUT, "timestamp": time.time(), "message": None, } ) self.delta_queue.put( ComponentDelta(id=self.work_name, delta=Delta(DeepDiff(state,, verbose_level=2))) ) self.counter += 1 except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.error_queue.put(e) raise ExitAppException @mock.patch("lightning_app.runners.backends.mp_process.WorkRunner", WorkRunnerPatch) def test_proxy_timeout(): app = LightningApp(FlowTimeout(), log_level="debug") MultiProcessRuntime(app, start_server=False).dispatch() call_hash =[CacheCallsKeys.LATEST_CALL_HASH] assert len([call_hash]["statuses"]) == 3 assert[call_hash]["statuses"][0]["stage"] == "pending" assert[call_hash]["statuses"][1]["stage"] == "failed" assert[call_hash]["statuses"][2]["stage"] == "stopped" @mock.patch("lightning_app.utilities.proxies._Copier") def test_path_argument_to_transfer(*_): """Test that any Lightning Path objects passed to the run method get transferred automatically (if they exist).""" class TransferPathWork(LightningWork): def run(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ExitAppException work = TransferPathWork() path1 = Path("exists-locally.txt") path2 = Path("exists-remotely.txt") path3 = Path("exists-nowhere.txt") path1.get = Mock() path2.get = Mock() path3.get = Mock() path1.exists_remote = Mock(return_value=False) path2.exists_remote = Mock(return_value=True) path3.exists_remote = Mock(return_value=False) path1._origin = "origin" path2._origin = "origin" path3._origin = "origin" call = { "args": (path1, path2), "kwargs": {"path3": path3}, "call_hash": "any", "state": { "vars": {"_paths": {}, "_urls": {}}, "calls": { CacheCallsKeys.LATEST_CALL_HASH: "any", "any": { "name": "run", "call_hash": "any", "use_args": False, "statuses": [{"stage": "requesting", "message": None, "reason": None, "timestamp": 1}], }, }, "changes": {}, }, } caller_queue = _MockQueue() caller_queue.put(call) runner = WorkRunner( work=work, work_name="name", caller_queue=caller_queue, delta_queue=_MockQueue(), readiness_queue=_MockQueue(), error_queue=_MockQueue(), request_queue=_MockQueue(), response_queue=_MockQueue(), copy_request_queue=_MockQueue(), copy_response_queue=_MockQueue(), ) try: runner() except ExitAppException: pass path1.exists_remote.assert_called_once() path1.get.assert_not_called() path2.exists_remote.assert_called_once() path2.get.assert_called_once() path3.exists_remote.assert_called() path3.get.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "origin,exists_remote,expected_get", [ (None, False, False), ("", True, False), ("", False, False), ("origin", True, True), ], ) @mock.patch("lightning_app.utilities.proxies._Copier") def test_path_attributes_to_transfer(_, origin, exists_remote, expected_get): """Test that any Lightning Path objects passed to the run method get transferred automatically (if they exist).""" path_mock = Mock() path_mock.origin_name = origin path_mock.exists_remote = Mock(return_value=exists_remote) class TransferPathWork(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.path = Path("test-path.txt") def run(self): raise ExitAppException def __getattr__(self, item): if item == "path": return path_mock return super().__getattr__(item) class Flow(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = TransferPathWork() def run(self): flow = Flow() _convert_paths_after_init(flow) call = { "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "call_hash": "any", "state": { "vars": {"_paths":, "_urls": {}}, "calls": { CacheCallsKeys.LATEST_CALL_HASH: "any", "any": { "name": "run", "call_hash": "any", "use_args": False, "statuses": [{"stage": "requesting", "message": None, "reason": None, "timestamp": 1}], }, }, "changes": {}, }, } caller_queue = _MockQueue() caller_queue.put(call) runner = WorkRunner(,, caller_queue=caller_queue, delta_queue=_MockQueue(), readiness_queue=_MockQueue(), error_queue=_MockQueue(), request_queue=_MockQueue(), response_queue=_MockQueue(), copy_request_queue=_MockQueue(), copy_response_queue=_MockQueue(), ) try: runner() except ExitAppException: pass assert path_mock.get.call_count == expected_get def test_proxy_work_run_paths_replace_origin_lightning_work_by_their_name(): class Work(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parallel=True) self.path = None def run(self, path): assert isinstance(path._origin, str) class Flow(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w1 = Work() self.w = Work() def run(self): pass app = LightningApp(Flow()) work = app.root.w caller_queue = _MockQueue("caller_queue") app.root.w1.path = Path(__file__) assert app.root.w1.path._origin == app.root.w1 ProxyWorkRun(,, work, caller_queue)(path=app.root.w1.path) assert caller_queue._queue[0]["kwargs"]["path"]._origin == def test_persist_artifacts(tmp_path): """Test that the `persist_artifacts` utility copies the artifacts that exist to the persistent storage.""" class ArtifactWork(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.file = None self.folder = None self.not_my_path = None self.not_exists = None def run(self): # single file self.file = Path(tmp_path, "file.txt") self.file.write_text("single file") # folder with files self.folder = Path(tmp_path, "folder") self.folder.mkdir() Path(tmp_path, "folder", "file1.txt").write_text("file 1") Path(tmp_path, "folder", "file2.txt").write_text("file 2") # simulate a Path that was synced to this Work from another Work self.not_my_path = Path(tmp_path, "external.txt") self.not_my_path.touch() self.not_my_path._origin = Mock() self.not_exists = Path(tmp_path, "not-exists") work = ArtifactWork() work._name = "" rel_tmpdir_path = Path(*[1:]) assert not os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "file.txt") assert not os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "folder") assert not os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "not-exists") with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="1 artifacts could not be saved because they don't exist"): persist_artifacts(work) assert os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "file.txt") assert os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "folder") assert not os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "not-exists") assert not os.path.exists(_artifacts_path(work) / rel_tmpdir_path / "external.txt") def test_work_state_observer(): """Tests that the WorkStateObserver sends deltas to the queue when state residuals remain that haven't been handled by the setattr.""" class WorkWithoutSetattr(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.var = 1 self.list = [] self.dict = {"counter": 0} def run(self, use_setattr=False, use_containers=False): if use_setattr: self.var += 1 if use_containers: self.list.append(1) self.dict["counter"] += 1 work = WorkWithoutSetattr() delta_queue = _MockQueue() observer = WorkStateObserver(work, delta_queue) setattr_proxy = LightningWorkSetAttrProxy( work=work, work_name="work_name", delta_queue=delta_queue, state_observer=observer, ) work._setattr_replacement = setattr_proxy ############################## # 1. Simulate no state changes ##############################, use_containers=False) assert len(delta_queue) == 0 ############################ # 2. Simulate a setattr call ############################, use_containers=False) # this is necessary only in this test where we simulate the calls work._calls.clear() work._calls.update({CacheCallsKeys.LATEST_CALL_HASH: None}) delta = delta_queue.get().delta.to_dict() assert delta["values_changed"] == {"root['vars']['var']": {"new_value": 2}} assert len(observer._delta_memory) == 1 # The observer should not trigger any deltas being sent and only consume the delta memory assert len(delta_queue) == 0 observer.run_once() assert len(delta_queue) == 0 assert not observer._delta_memory ################################ # 3. Simulate a container update ################################, use_containers=True) assert len(delta_queue) == 0 assert not observer._delta_memory observer.run_once() observer.run_once() # multiple runs should not affect how many deltas are sent unless there are changes delta = delta_queue.get().delta.to_dict() assert delta["values_changed"] == {"root['vars']['dict']['counter']": {"new_value": 1}} assert delta["iterable_item_added"] == {"root['vars']['list'][0]": 1} ########################## # 4. Simulate both updates ##########################, use_containers=True) # this is necessary only in this test where we siumulate the calls work._calls.clear() work._calls.update({CacheCallsKeys.LATEST_CALL_HASH: None}) delta = delta_queue.get().delta.to_dict() assert delta == {"values_changed": {"root['vars']['var']": {"new_value": 3}}} assert len(delta_queue) == 0 assert len(observer._delta_memory) == 1 observer.run_once() delta = delta_queue.get().delta.to_dict() assert delta["values_changed"] == {"root['vars']['dict']['counter']": {"new_value": 2}} assert delta["iterable_item_added"] == {"root['vars']['list'][1]": 1} assert len(delta_queue) == 0 assert not observer._delta_memory class WorkState(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parallel=True) self.vars = [] self.counter = 0 def run(self, *args): for counter in range(1, 11): self.vars.append(counter) self.counter = counter class FlowState(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w = WorkState() self.counter = 1 def run(self): if self.counter == 1: if len(self.w.vars) == 10 and self.w.counter == 10: self.w.vars = [] self.w.counter = 0"") self.counter = 2 elif self.counter == 2: if len(self.w.vars) == 10 and self.w.counter == 10: self.stop() def test_state_observer(): app = LightningApp(FlowState()) MultiProcessRuntime(app, start_server=False).dispatch() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "environment, expected_ip_addr", [({}, ""), ({"LIGHTNING_NODE_IP": ""}, "")] ) def test_work_runner_sets_internal_ip(environment, expected_ip_addr): """Test that the WorkRunner updates the internal ip address as soon as the Work starts running.""" class Work(LightningWork): def run(self): pass work = Work() work_runner = WorkRunner( work,, caller_queue=_MockQueue("caller_queue"), delta_queue=Mock(), readiness_queue=Mock(), error_queue=Mock(), request_queue=Mock(), response_queue=Mock(), copy_request_queue=Mock(), copy_response_queue=Mock(), ) # Make a fake call call_hash = "run:fe3fa0f34fc1317e152e5afb023332995392071046f1ea51c34c7c9766e3676c" work._calls[call_hash] = { "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "call_hash": call_hash, "run_started_counter": 1, "statuses": [], } work_runner.caller_queue.put( { "args": (), "kwargs": {}, "call_hash": call_hash, "state": work.state, } ) with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, environment, clear=True): work_runner.setup() # The internal ip address only becomes available once the hardware is up / the work is running. assert work.internal_ip == "" try: work_runner.run_once() except Empty: pass assert work.internal_ip == expected_ip_addr class WorkBi(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parallel=True) self.finished = False self.counter = 0 self.counter_2 = 0 def run(self): while not self.finished: self.counter_2 += 1 time.sleep(0.1) self.counter = -1 time.sleep(1) class FlowBi(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w = WorkBi() def run(self): if not self.w.finished: self.w.counter += 1 if self.w.counter > 3: self.w.finished = True if self.w.counter == -1 and self.w.has_succeeded: self.stop() def test_bi_directional_proxy(): app = LightningApp(FlowBi()) MultiProcessRuntime(app, start_server=False).dispatch() class WorkBi2(LightningWork): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parallel=True) self.finished = False self.counter = 0 self.d = {} def run(self): self.counter -= 1 while not self.finished: self.counter -= 1 time.sleep(1) class FlowBi2(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w = WorkBi2() def run(self): if self.w.counter == 1: self.w.d["self.w.counter"] = 0 if not self.w.finished: self.w.counter += 1 def test_bi_directional_proxy_forbidden(monkeypatch): mock = MagicMock() monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "exit", mock) app = LightningApp(FlowBi2()) MultiProcessRuntime(app, start_server=False).dispatch() assert app.stage == AppStage.FAILED assert "A forbidden operation to update the work" in str(app.exception) class WorkDrive(LightningFlow): def __init__(self, drive): super().__init__() = drive self.path = Path("data") def run(self): pass class FlowDrive(LightningFlow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() = Drive("lit://data") self.counter = 0 def run(self): if not hasattr(self, "w"): self.w = WorkDrive( self.counter += 1 def test_bi_directional_proxy_filtering(): app = LightningApp(FlowDrive()) assert app._extract_vars_from_component_name(, app.state) == {}