import cProfile import io import os import pstats import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np from pytorch_lightning import _logger as log class BaseProfiler(ABC): """ If you wish to write a custom profiler, you should inhereit from this class. """ def __init__(self, output_streams: list = None): """ Params: stream_out: callable """ if output_streams: if not isinstance(output_streams, (list, tuple)): output_streams = [output_streams] else: output_streams = [] self.write_streams = output_streams @abstractmethod def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: """Defines how to start recording an action.""" @abstractmethod def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: """Defines how to record the duration once an action is complete.""" @contextmanager def profile(self, action_name: str) -> None: """ Yields a context manager to encapsulate the scope of a profiled action. Example:: with self.profile('load training data'): # load training data code The profiler will start once you've entered the context and will automatically stop once you exit the code block. """ try: self.start(action_name) yield action_name finally: self.stop(action_name) def profile_iterable(self, iterable, action_name: str) -> None: iterator = iter(iterable) while True: try: self.start(action_name) value = next(iterator) self.stop(action_name) yield value except StopIteration: self.stop(action_name) break def describe(self) -> None: """Logs a profile report after the conclusion of the training run.""" for write in self.write_streams: write(self.summary()) @abstractmethod def summary(self) -> str: """Create profiler summary in text format.""" class PassThroughProfiler(BaseProfiler): """ This class should be used when you don't want the (small) overhead of profiling. The Trainer uses this class by default. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(output_streams=None) def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: pass def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: pass def summary(self) -> str: return "" class SimpleProfiler(BaseProfiler): """ This profiler simply records the duration of actions (in seconds) and reports the mean duration of each action and the total time spent over the entire training run. """ def __init__(self, output_filename: str = None): """ Params: output_filename (str): optionally save profile results to file instead of printing to std out when training is finished. """ self.current_actions = {} self.recorded_durations = defaultdict(list) self.output_fname = output_filename self.output_file = open(self.output_fname, 'w') if self.output_fname else None streaming_out = [self.output_file.write] if self.output_file else [] super().__init__(output_streams=streaming_out) def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: if action_name in self.current_actions: raise ValueError( f"Attempted to start {action_name} which has already started." ) self.current_actions[action_name] = time.monotonic() def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: end_time = time.monotonic() if action_name not in self.current_actions: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to stop recording an action ({action_name}) which was never started." ) start_time = self.current_actions.pop(action_name) duration = end_time - start_time self.recorded_durations[action_name].append(duration) def summary(self) -> str: output_string = "\n\nProfiler Report\n" def log_row(action, mean, total): return f"{os.linesep}{action:<20s}\t| {mean:<15}\t| {total:<15}" output_string += log_row("Action", "Mean duration (s)", "Total time (s)") output_string += f"{os.linesep}{'-' * 65}" for action, durations in self.recorded_durations.items(): output_string += log_row( action, f"{np.mean(durations):.5}", f"{np.sum(durations):.5}", ) output_string += os.linesep return output_string def describe(self): """Logs a profile report after the conclusion of the training run.""" super().describe() if self.output_file: self.output_file.flush() def __del__(self): """Close profiler's stream.""" if self.output_file: self.output_file.close() class AdvancedProfiler(BaseProfiler): """ This profiler uses Python's cProfiler to record more detailed information about time spent in each function call recorded during a given action. The output is quite verbose and you should only use this if you want very detailed reports. """ def __init__(self, output_filename: str = None, line_count_restriction: float = 1.0): """ Args: output_filename: optionally save profile results to file instead of printing to std out when training is finished. line_count_restriction: this can be used to limit the number of functions reported for each action. either an integer (to select a count of lines), or a decimal fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive (to select a percentage of lines) """ self.profiled_actions = {} self.line_count_restriction = line_count_restriction self.output_fname = output_filename self.output_file = open(self.output_fname, 'w') if self.output_fname else None streaming_out = [self.output_file.write] if self.output_file else [] super().__init__(output_streams=streaming_out) def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: if action_name not in self.profiled_actions: self.profiled_actions[action_name] = cProfile.Profile() self.profiled_actions[action_name].enable() def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: pr = self.profiled_actions.get(action_name) if pr is None: raise ValueError( # pragma: no-cover f"Attempting to stop recording an action ({action_name}) which was never started." ) pr.disable() def summary(self) -> str: recorded_stats = {} for action_name, pr in self.profiled_actions.items(): s = io.StringIO() ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).strip_dirs().sort_stats('cumulative') ps.print_stats(self.line_count_restriction) recorded_stats[action_name] = s.getvalue() # log to standard out output_string = f"{os.linesep}Profiler Report{os.linesep}" for action, stats in recorded_stats.items(): output_string += f"{os.linesep}Profile stats for: {action}{os.linesep}{stats}" return output_string def describe(self): """Logs a profile report after the conclusion of the training run.""" super().describe() if self.output_file: self.output_file.flush() def __del__(self): """Close profiler's stream.""" if self.output_file: self.output_file.close()